How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the new year

Tips and ideas

The main holiday of our country, beloved by people of all ages, is rapidly approaching. I want to go back to childhood and live waiting for a miracle. How to plunge into this magical state? Surround yourself with a holiday! How beautiful it is to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for decorating an apartment are 100 interior photos in our article.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)

How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)

Why do you need to decorate your home?

Family traditions and values ​​are very important. They make a family a family, give a sense of confidence and security. Joint preparation for the holiday will be an excellent foundation on which to build a strong building of family traditions.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Bright and beautiful Christmas decorations define a special holiday season, separated from the routine and everyday life. What a joy coming home to get into a peaceful, slightly fabulous atmosphere!

How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)

Here you want not to quarrel and argue, and for a friendly conversation to drink tea with Christmas cookies. Therefore, we are preparing for the New Year, decorating the apartment!

How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)

Especially important is the feeling of magic for children who look at everything through the prism of the family. The house in which harmony and comfort reigns unites the people living in it.

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

When children participate in family life, they feel important and needed. The perfect way to feel this is a joint decoration of the apartment for the New Year 2019.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

New Year is not in vain considered a family holiday. This is the best time to pay attention to family and friends, invite friends and good acquaintances to visit. A festive mood of waiting for guests will appear along with a festive entourage.

We decorate the apartment for the new year with our own hands

You can decorate the house for the holiday yourself:

  • decide on the idea
  • decide in which color scheme the decor will be made,
  • pick and buy jewelry.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Many wonder how to decorate an ordinary apartment for the New Year? In choosing colors, it is customary to be guided by the symbol of the coming New Year according to the eastern calendar

For example, the upcoming 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, the primary color is yellow. It goes well with other colors.

  • The decor, made in a color combination of yellow and blue, will be joyful and positive.
  • Yellow and green is the perfect natural combination, the decor will be rich and bright.
  • Very impressive is the combination of yellow and purple.
  • The hottest and festive combination is yellow and red.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Pay attention to how the colors of the festive decorations are combined with the colors used in the interior of the apartment. They should not cause dissonance, and cause a feeling of discomfort.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

If the interior of the apartment is made in pastel colors, bright and contrasting decorations will be excellent accents.

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

Ideas how to decorate an apartment for the New Year

The main attribute of the holiday, of course, is the Christmas tree. Often with all the effort to decorate it as beautiful as possible, the end result looks cute, but ridiculous.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Especially when children are involved in the business who want to hang on the spruce all the decorations. The main thing - do not overdo it, but when placing toys to observe symmetry.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

How to decorate the apartment with a garland for the New Year, to plunge into the festive atmosphere from the threshold, decorate the doors. The New Year's wreath is best for this.

  • 8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment
    Cleaning Services What is their advantage?
  • 8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment
    Front door and garage door
  • 8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment
    Metal tile. Dignity.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

They are made of fir twigs and decorated with cones, balls, bows. A wreath decorated with the original look:

  • nuts,
  • tangerines,
  • artificial or dried berries on the twigs.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

How to decorate a small apartment for the New Year 2019

And don't forget the windows. Elegantly decorated windows and window sills give the joy of the holiday not only to the inhabitants of the dwelling, but also to the passers-by who see the beauty. Garlands and glowing New Year's toys look great.

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

You can create a pattern using a pattern cut out of paper, spraying dry snow on it. No cost and very fun way for children - to paint the windows with toothpaste. Decorate the apartment for the New Year - photo examples:

How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Transform the room will help a variety of festoons. They are made from:

  • 8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment
    LANDSCAPE DESIGN: decoration of the dacha
  • 8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment
    Plumbing inspection hatch
  • Mosquito net. Features
  • paper,
  • snowflakes
  • Christmas socks for gifts,
  • balls,
  • branches and cones.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Decorate the apartment before the New Year, an excellent reception - placing garlands around the chandelier, especially if the garland is made of reflecting light details. Alternatively, place evenly throughout the room, with the possibility of mounting to the ceiling.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Christmas decorations are sold in any shopping center. Another thing is that their quality, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. Both individual and original look is difficult to achieve.

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

Refined premium-class décor items can be purchased at home furnishing stores. Online stores offer a wide range of New Year's products. Make an order on the Internet in advance, so as not to worry whether it will have time to come to the New Year 2019.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

How to decorate the apartment stylishly for the New Year? Design issues

Tinsel and garlands - this is not a holiday. It is important to combine all aspects of design and create a single harmonious space. Choose the right combination of colors and style of composition.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

How to inexpensively decorate an apartment for the New Year - do not overdo it with the number of decorations. Keep the proportions and create a whole picture. This requires a lot of time, which is always lacking in the modern life schedule.

  • How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)
    Sliding aluminum windows
  • 8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment
    Book furniture
  • 8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment
    Solid wood tables

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)

The Internet provides many options for a beautiful New Year's design of the apartment, but it is not always possible to combine an example with a real situation. It is difficult to present the final result. And the number of bright beautiful pictures is easy to get confused.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Hand-made jewelry is very popular, but making a really interesting, beautiful, elegant item is not easy.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

High-quality and stylish jewelry is not a cheap pleasure. There is a risk to spend a large amount of time, effort and money without getting the desired result, and in fact you just want to decorate an apartment for the New Year.

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

Unusual ideas of the New Year's design of the apartment

If you want to decorate the apartment easily and without any extra time, contact the designer. It will help you professionally and bring barely decorated ideas into reality.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

The designer is familiar with the latest design trends, understands the options of color combinations and adds a "flavor" even in a simple New Year's interior.

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

At the same time, it will retain a sense of proportion and keep it from cluttering the house with decorations. The designer sees the picture as a whole, understanding how each small detail affects the ideal image.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Attract children to the discussion of the project, they will be happy to participate in such an important “adult” business.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Free up more time for yourself, your family, relatives and close people, entrusting the New Year decoration of your home to a professional. Eliminate the need to spend hours in stores or on the Internet in search of the necessary elements of decor.

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

Better spend it, relaxing on winter fun: riding down a hill or on a skating rink, walking through an ice-covered town or a colorfully lit evening square.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

Beautiful and elegant home improves the image of its owners. He tells guests about their impeccable taste and sense of style. And the compliments of others will raise the mood of the hostess of the house and add another spark to the fireworks of festive emotions.

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate an apartment

How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

How beautiful to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Ideas for apartment decor (100 photos)

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

8-How beautiful to decorate the apartment

Decorate the apartment for the New Year 2019, see the video: