How a strawberry will help garlic and sliders

Of course, strawberries must be protected from pests and diseases. I want to give advice on how to do without chemistry.
I periodically spray my bushes with a heated infusion of dandelion (500 g per 10 liters of water). To protect strawberries from gray rot, 1 time in 10 days I spray bushes with iodine solution (10 ml per 10 l of water).
And when there are no dandelions, I spray the bushes with cold infusion of garlic (2 heads of fresh garlic per 10 liters of water) to spray from pathogens and pest colonies.
But for strawberries, which bear fruit once per season, a good preventive measure is to cut the leaves after fruiting (but not later than mid-August).
Remove plant residues, and the bushes and mulch spray infusion of dandelion.
Now I have achieved both harvest and healthy seedlings.