Growing peppers at home

Tips and ideas

352-Growing Peppers at Home
Pepper has long been one of the favorite seasonings from housewives. Even if it is not possible to plant it in the garden, growing peppers at home is not an easy process. The best place for the habitat of the vegetable will be the window sill or balcony. And to make the crop pleased, it is worth considering that the plant loves heat and light, and is also afraid of drafts. Let us consider the question of how to grow pepper.

How to grow

To grow pepper at home, choose low-grade varieties, up to half a meter high. Seeds need to be filled with water at room temperature, after adding a little salt there. Copies that float to the surface can be thrown away: they will not bear fruit. Rinse the rest with clean water. If you leave the seeds in a wet gauze for the night, the germination process will go faster.

352-Growing Peppers at Home

To grow peppers at home, he needs to provide the right care. The temperature in the room should not be below 15 ยบ C at high humidity. The plant needs light for 14 hours, so it is better to plant it at home with a long daylight or to provide artificial lighting.

Asking how to grow pepper seedlings at home properly and with minimal costs, you need to consider that it is better to buy specially prepared land. It is recommended to combine the soil with the soil taken from the site where it is planned to plant pepper in the future. This is done in order to further the plant could quickly get used to a new place.

Growing pepper seedlings in a house requires choosing an opaque container, since light affects the roots of the plant worse than the leaves. If there is only a transparent container, then it should be painted with dark paint or wrap the bottom in foil to prevent light from entering.

352-Growing Peppers at Home

Selected containers should be filled with 7 cm of prepared soil. The day before planting should be watered abundantly. Pepper seeds are placed shallowly, at a distance of no more than 1 cm, and between them it is better to leave a distance of 2-5 cm, depending on the parameters of the container. Seed the seeds should be sprinkled with sand and nutrient mixture, then gently press down with your hand.

Before shoots appear, it is better to cover the container with cellophane. This is done to create a favorable climate that will help the seeds to climb faster. Until seedlings appear, it is not necessary to water the plant.

When growing seedlings of pepper at home, it should be fed a couple of times before planting in open ground. This should be done with special fertilizers. The first time - with the appearance of 2 or more true leaves, the second time - when 5 leaves appear.

352-Growing Peppers at Home

To determine that the cultivation of pepper seedlings successfully completed and the plant is ready for planting, can be as follows:

  • sweet pepper has a height of 25 cm and 10 leaves have appeared;
  • the bitter one has a height of 20 cm and 5 leaves.

You should not plant near bitter and sweet varieties, as the first self-pollinates, and it is likely that only this variety will be harvested.

Planted in open ground pepper stands at the end of May, when the soil is already warm enough. It does not take root in cold, heavy ground, in this case it is worth adding peat or humus to the soil.

Pepper seedlings: from germination to pickling (video)

Growing bitter and sweet pepper in the house

There are no major differences between growing bitter and sweet pepper. The main rules: their habitat should be bright and warm.

Many grow hot peppers on the windowsill. In addition, it is useful, bitter version also decorates the interior. You can start growing hot pepper at any time of the year. To do this, take the seeds of the plant, soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse.

352-Growing Peppers at Home

Land for planting need to choose loose and wet. It is necessary to take a small container, pour the soil there, and sow the seeds, about 3. Next, you need to sprinkle them a little with earth and pour, and then cover with polyethylene until the first shoots appear.

After the room pepper has sprouted, it needs to be watered regularly, and once in 7 days it is necessary to feed it with mineral fertilizers. With the advent of the first harvest, you can stop feeding.

Growing sweet peppers at home also does not require a lot of work. It should be watered with warm water as needed, and at least once a month, fertilized. When the sprouts get 6 leaves, they are better to transplant in separate pots. And when the plant blooms, it must be pollinated, for example, with a soft brush.

352-Growing Peppers at Home

It should be noted that the indoor sweet pepper taste is more pronounced than that grown in the garden.

Growing hot peppers on the windowsill

In addition to the above species at home can grow hot peppers. In cooking, it is used when burning spices are needed, and even improves digestion.

Sowing seeds is recommended in February.

It is recommended to put a drainage in the lower part of the tank, for this you will need expanded clay. Next, you need to fill the soil. Before you put the pepper in the ground, it needs to be watered, and then a couple of previously prepared seeds should be deepened there. Capacity should be covered exactly as described above. When leaves appear, it is better to transplant the plants into separate containers, so they will be freer. All of the above recommendations are suitable for the cultivation of hot peppers.

How to grow chili peppers at home (video)

Growing peppers at home is a great idea. After all, there will always be fresh peppers on the table, guaranteed no chemicals. And also it will help save money in the family budget, as in the winter season vegetables are expensive. Good luck!

Gallery: pepper at home (15 photos)

352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home
352-Growing Peppers at Home