Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business

Tips and ideas

361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
Growing flowers in a greenhouse, as a business, is one of the most profitable and sought-after business areas in Europe, since with a small start-up capital, you can quickly create favorable conditions for work. As a rule, most of this money goes to the construction of greenhouse structures. This is due to the fact that some varieties of flowers are very sensitive to changes in air temperature, and therefore it is necessary to artificially create a climate as close as possible to their natural habitat.

What factors should be considered when creating a greenhouse

Constant temperature, enough light, normal soil moisture are the factors that make it possible for you to have a good harvest for sale. In principle, the cultivation of flowers, as a business, is developing well in Russia, because there is also a lot of experience in this field of activity and there are commercially available seeds that grow well in this climate.

Everyone can engage in this type of business activity, having first a little understood its features and having drawn up a detailed business plan.

361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse

Next will be presented all the main aspects of growing flowers in greenhouse conditions.

How to make a business plan for growing flowers

This stage is fundamental to any type of commercial activity. It starts with the development of the main project that allows you to carefully consider all risky situations, develop a business concept and calculate the financial costs. This document takes into account all factors affecting the effectiveness of the development of the chosen direction in the business.

There are specialized organizations that can draw up a business plan for entrepreneurs of all levels, from IP to development strategies for large corporations. However, you should take into account the fact that their services can be very expensive, and this, in turn, may affect the company's budget.

If you know how to correctly count and feel the potential for self-planning, then you can develop a business plan yourself without the involvement of contractors. In this case, you can be sure that it takes into account all the details that are very important for the development of the case.

361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse

Each direction in commerce has its own characteristics, including the business of growing flowers. Therefore, if you firmly decided to do it, but at the same time you have no idea about such work, when drafting a project, you should be prepared to spend a little time searching for the necessary information.

With it, you will be able to create your own project, focused on the effective development of the greenhouse business. In most cases, such a business plan consists of several points. In them, as a rule, the following information is described in detail:

  • The size of the used greenhouses - in this paragraph should determine the volume of manufactured products, which will allow you to enter the market and not burden your business on growing flowers.
  • Varieties of cultivated flowers - this item is also quite important, because without a certain experience it will be very difficult to grow rare and exotic plant species. Usually, many entrepreneurs start their way by planting flowers such as roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, and dahlias in their greenhouses. As for chrysanthemums, their cultivation in greenhouse conditions is most in demand. This preference is due to the fact that the seeds are quite cheap, and the plants themselves are unpretentious to weather conditions.
  • The cost of acquiring seeds - for this you will need to go through flower shops and find out the average price of this material.
  • Determine the market - here you choose for yourself how to sell the finished product. You can sell it yourself or establish contacts with larger companies that have their own flower shops.
  • Consider the risk factors - in this section you need to provide all the dangers that could harm the crop, and try to avoid them.
  • Having dealt with how to make a business plan correctly, you will be able to proceed to its implementation. The next step to make the greenhouse business a success will be the preparation of greenhouse structures for growing flowers. It is necessary to determine their type and provide for the cost, laying it in the cost estimate.

    Construction of greenhouse structures

    Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the facilities for growing flowers are significantly different from the structures in which fruits and vegetables grow. Therefore, many experts advise to produce greenhouses separately from the above analogues. At the same time, flowers in greenhouses can be kept until full maturity or removed at earlier stages without harm to the root system.

    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse

    Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a type of income will be effective only after you have made the greenhouse by yourself. And in order for the whole process to go right, you need to consider a few simple and cheap options for their construction.

    Frame tunnels covered with foil is the simplest and most inexpensive option, which is ideal for running a small greenhouse business. They can be made in the form of a cube, a rectangle or arches. Their height rarely exceeds 20 cm, and the length may be different. As materials used during construction, it is recommended to use steel wire with a diameter of about 6 mm, which will be easy to give the desired shape.

    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse

    As for the installation of a protective insulation coating, then a polyethylene film is best suited. She unwinds on the installed frame and is fixed on it with the help of clamps or pegs.

    Structures made of metal profile and polycarbonate - this method is ideal for overall plants, since the height of such a greenhouse can reach several meters. Experts recommend using a metal profile, as it is resistant to moisture, due to the content of zinc, and is much cheaper than wooden bars.

    In turn, polycarbonate well tolerates low air temperature, when properly installed, has enhanced insulation characteristics, and its transparent structure normally transmits light rays. Such advantages allow growing exotic flowers that are sensitive to frost in such structures.

    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse

    Frame greenhouses with glass panels - this is the most expensive design, since for its construction will need a lot of additional materials to reliably fix the glass on the prepared frame. Such constructions are rarely of arched type, since glass is a rather fragile material, and when it is laid on semicircular planes, it will be difficult to achieve ideal insulation characteristics.

    Usually for the manufacture of the frame used wooden beams (you can buy coniferous products), pre-impregnated with stain and antibacterial solution. This will make it resistant to humid air in the greenhouse, and you will be relieved of the need to regularly change the supporting elements of the frame.

    In addition, all of these buildings should be equipped with additional technical devices, on which depends not only the microclimate in the greenhouse, but also the success of your business as a whole.

    Flowers from the garden to the counter (video)

    What devices are needed for the growth of flowers

    To avoid serious problems during the seedling growth process, you must install several important devices inside the greenhouse. They will help to maintain the normal temperature and humidity. To do this, you need the following details:

    • auxiliary light from fluorescent lamps;
    • humidity sensors;
    • system of additional watering plants;
    • independent sources of heating.

    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse

    All these devices can be bought at a hardware store or rented, which will not burden your pocket too much and become a good business investment in growing flowers. Having installed them, you can be completely calm for your plants, as favorable conditions will be created for them in the greenhouse.

    How to make money on flowers (video)

    Gallery: flowers in the greenhouse (15 photos)

    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse
    361-Growing flowers in a greenhouse