Ground cover perennial flowers for your garden

Tips and ideas

Perennial perennials capable of maintaining their decorative from early spring to late autumn, a lot. We will talk about such groundcovers today.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Among them, you can choose plants, beautifully and abundantly blooming, species with decorative foliage, chiseled forms. A matter of taste, desire and design ideas.

In addition to decorative, the ground covers have a purely practical role:

  • Growing up, they protect the soil from draining, overheating, frost, erosion.
  • Their roots help maintain soil structure.
  • Stems and leaves, dying off, replenish the soil with organic matter.
  • Weeds cannot break through their thick cover

Giving advice on where and how to plant these plants is a thankless task, all the more so without having before your eyes the area on which ground cover perennials will grow. Therefore, I’ll just characterize several ground covers that are widely used in the dacha floriculture. All of them are flowering, very unpretentious, easy to plant and care.

    Groundcover blooming perennials

     Aloe phlox

The first plant that comes to mind when it comes to beautiful ground covers. Probably because his neat kurtinki with small needle-shaped leaves already in the spring densely covered with pink, blue, white flowers.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Styloid phlox is justly considered one of the most beautiful groundcovers.

If you want a monotonous spot in a flower garden - plant one variety, like chintz variety - place the plants next to it with flowers of different colors.

Aloe phlox is a beautiful frame of a garden path, a flower bed, harmonious in rockeries, mixborders. It will not spoil the overall picture of the garden even after flowering: the flox curtains remain neat until the end of the season.

Grows well, reproduces well by cutting. Having bought one or two plants, in a year you will be able to have as much as you need to design a plot.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Phlox splayed can also be a garden "rug".

Another phlox can play a ground cover role - splayed. Its flowers are larger, but more rare. The phlox of awl-shaped phlox blooms a bit later, as if taking from him the baton. It grows well in lighted areas.

Brief agricultural technology:

  • Sowing seeds in the ground: in spring - in April, in autumn - in September.
  • The soil is poor. On nutritious soil flowering less abundant. A rapidly growing ground cover perennial.
  • Location: sunny areas without stagnant water.
  • Watering moderate.
  • From fertilizing prefers wood ash. With an excess of min. fertilizer develops green mass and blooms poorly.
  • For the winter, it is desirable shelter from fir spruce branches. In the lowlands, where water accumulates in the thaw, plants can melt.

Video on the use of styloid phlox in garden design.

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers


A ground cover perennial with creeping shoots forming beautiful silver curtains 10–15 cm high, on which many small white flowers bloom in May. Yaskolka unpretentious, winter-hardy.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers


It grows quickly and in a short period of time it covers a large area with a carpet.

It is easy to pickle the seedlings from seed by sowing them in spring for seedlings or towards winter. Seedlings bloom in a year.

Brief agricultural technology:

  • Places prefers well lit.
  • Soils are light.
  • Moderate watering
  • Feeding is not required. Extremely unpretentious groundcover.
  • Pruning shoots after flowering can achieve re-flowering.
  • Propagated by dividing the bushes and grafting in late spring.
  • In winter, the above-ground part is cut off and covered with spruce branches.

Look at how the spade looks in the garden:

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

    Carnation - grass

This herbaceous perennial is not even necessary to describe in detail: its features are reflected in the name. Carnation means beautiful blooms. Travyanka - because its curtain looks like a mound of low grass.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

In the most various colors your carnation travyanka will color your garden.

At the end of spring, creeping grass shoots are decorated with single medium-sized red flowers visible from afar.

Brief agricultural technology:

  • Sowing seeds for seedlings in March under glass, then flowering begins in June. In open ground in May - flowering in late July.
  • Travyanka loves the sun.
  • Moderately moist fertile soil.
  • Put on sites that are not flooded in winter. In low places it may be lost.
  • Propagated by dividing rhizomes in spring and autumn, seeds.
  • This perennial can withstand temperatures down to - 35º

What does a carnation in a flower bed look like?

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers


Another very pretty ground cover perennial with creeping stems easily rooting at the nodes. Dark green trifoliate leaflets are very similar to strawberry, as, by the way, bright red medium-sized fruits. True, they are inedible, but they are always visible.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Dusheni carpet

Dushenay grows well in bright places, it is not demanding on soils. It diverges very quickly and may even be aggressive.


  • Plant better on poor soils, in fertile soil flowering will be weak, and a lot of leaves.
  • The soil must be kept wet, otherwise the "mat" will not be solid, rare.
  • It is propagated vegetatively (by dividing the bush, rooted rosettes) and seeds that can be sown in spring and autumn. A fast growing ground cover.
  • Good winters under the snow. In snowless winters can freeze out

Dusheni lawn:

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

    Stakhis woolly

Herb rhizomatous perennial with creeping rooting shoots. Its silver-gray pubescent leaves look great in borders, mixborders, rockeries.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

This ground cover is unpretentious and requires minimal maintenance.

Spike inflorescences consisting of pink or mauve flowers, most often cut out before flowering, so that they do not violate the outline of a smooth fluffy rug, "spread" along the path or framing a flower garden. Old rhizomes are systematically cut out.

Stakhis grows well in open areas with light soil with moderate watering.

Brief agricultural technology:

  • Sowing seeds in May or autumn in September.
  • Location: sunny places or partial shade.
  • On lean soils, casting will be more decorative.
  • This ground cover plant will not take root on a heavy, damp ground.
  • Propagated by seed and rhizome division. You can use cuttings.
  • Frost-resistant, winter shelter is not necessary.

What do gardeners say about Stachise:

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

    Creeping thyme

The ground cover perennial is amazing in its properties: it forms even, dense, low ferns, which bloom several times in a season if they are cut off after each flowering wave.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Thyme is not only a beautiful perennial groundcover, but also a healing plant.

But gardeners prefer to cut thyme during the flowering period in order to procure fragrant grass and use it as a seasoning for meat, mushrooms, fish and as a curative for colds, hypertension and other diseases.

Currant thyme is easy to get by sowing seeds. Already in the first year the plants grow quite quickly. If some of the peduncles are cut off after the seeds have ripened, and quit where the fragrant thyme rug is planned, you can get a friendly self-seeding.

Thyme should be on the site, if only because this plant has a gastronomic value.


  • Thyme likes to grow in the sun.
  • Light, loose soil. If the ground is clay, you need to add sand.
  • Drought resistant, rare watering in a hot summer.
  • There is no special need for dressings.
  • The main method of breeding seed. You can dig in the meadow, on the forest edges.
  • Frost-resistant perennial.

About the benefits of thyme: collection, recipes

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Shadowy Ground Cover Perennial Flowers


This groundcover has a talking title too. Indeed, its dark green glossy leaves resemble the hoof in shape. A more suitable plant for decorating shady corners is difficult to find.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

The hoofed foot grows to a height of 10 cm, but in the garden it is always noticeable and immediately strikes the eye.

Grows well, without requiring increased attention. It is enough for regular watering. Even a single plant is beautiful, and when the hoof completely covers a piece of land, no lawn can compete with it. Walk through this grass of desire does not occur - sorry.


  • The soil is not demanding.
  • Location: shady, wet places.
  • He loves moisture, but tolerates the drying out of the soil. Very unpretentious plant.
  • Seed propagation and division of bushes. Such a ground cover can be dug in the forest.

It turns out this grass can be quietly cured person from alcoholism:

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers


Favorite by many gardeners perennial groundcover with creeping shoots and wintering leaves.

After a favorable snowy winter, a neat dark green vinca rug is adorned with heavenly flowers with chiseled flowers. Unpretentious to growing conditions, but prefers to grow in partial shade on moderately moist loamy areas.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Periwinkle carpet covers the ground and leaves no chance to the weeds.

Periwinkle is often used for sodding pristvolnyh circles, edging flower beds, planted in curbs, rockeries. Keeping the periwinkle within the limits strictly set aside for him is pretty easy: the shoots that get out of the borders of flower beds or near-stem trees simply chop off with a shovel.


  • The soil is not demanding.
  • It prefers to grow in the shade or partial shade, but can grow in the sun.
  • Drought resistant, rare watering in hot summer.
  • It responds well to applying nitrogen fertilizer (once in spring).
  • Easily propagated by dividing the bushes and shoots.
  • Winter-hardy perennial, but in snowless winters the leaves may die, but the plant is quickly restored.

Periwinkle: landing care, reproduction:

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Creeping creeper

It is a resilient and creeping rhizomatous ground cover perennial with dark green leaves, blue candle inflorescences and creeping, easily rooting shoots.

It will grow everywhere, quickly covering and decorating open areas of the soil, turning them into a dense carpet. It can even inhabit the slopes. There is zhivuchka with white and pink flowers. The most beautiful plants are obtained when grown in shade or partial shade.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

The survivor is a surprisingly unpretentious and extremely tenacious groundcover, which is also growing rapidly.

Zhivuchka red (another kind of plant) is valued for purple leaves. In zhivuchki variegated leaf blades have creamy yellow blotches.

Brief agricultural technology:

  • Sowing seeds immediately in the ground, to a permanent place. Seeds are better to buy in the store, collected independently do not retain parental qualities.
  • The location of the shadow or partial shade. Grow zhivuchka will be in the sun, but the leaves and flowers will be pale.
  • Soils are loamy.
  • Drought-resistant, abundant watering only after planting.
  • Reproduction by dividing the bushes and rosettes.
  • Winterhard ground cover. Shelter for the winter is not required.

Opinion flower growers about creeping zhivuchka:

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Ground cover blooming all summer

    Sedum (Sedum)

This group includes more than 500 species of various ground cover plants. From one sedum, you can create a beautiful flower garden. Decorative value have not only flowers, but also leaves with the most various coloring.

Sedum used not only as a carpet composition, but also for planting in rockeries, robatki, as curb plants. They look beautiful on rocky slopes.

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers
276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Sedum plants are unpretentious, but at the same time beautiful. For this combination of them and love gardeners.

Most species prefer to grow in the sun, but there are those who feel better in the shade. Flowering begins in early summer and continues until autumn.

The care of this groundcover is minimal, the strength of the most lazy summer residents. Almost all stonecrop drought-resistant, they should be watered only in the hot summer.


  • It is not demanding to soils, it can grow everywhere on sandy soils and on stony ones.
  • Location prefers sunny.
  • Drought resistant, watering only in drought.
  • Does not take out the overwetted places.
  • Propagated by dividing the bush, dropping shoots. You can propagate and seed, but it is more difficult.
  • Most stonecrop overwinter without shelter. Cover for the winter you need only rare, elite varieties.

What are seduced video:

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers


Portulac is a long-term plant, but it does not work out our winters. However, due to the abundant self-seeding, it is enough to plant it once. In subsequent years, you will admire a beautiful, bright rug that blooms all summer.

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers
276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

Such a bright and colorful carpet will be a decoration for any garden.

If you are looking for ground cover flowers for lazy summer residents, then purslane is the best thing to recommend. It is difficult to find a cultivated plant, just as unpretentious and tenacious as this flower.

By and large, it is enough to sow the seeds and water them once or twice. In the future, this ground cover will grow and grow without your participation. These flowers can not be watered at all - they have enough precipitation, you don’t have to loosen the ground - they grow even on the paths, you don’t need to be fed - they don’t tolerate manure and peaty land, they also deal with weeds.

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276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

I took this picture on the platform of the railway station, on the south side. A small crack in the asphalt and purslane grows out of it.


  • Growing sowing seeds in the soil and through seedlings. When growing seedlings soil from the store is not suitable. Take only regular soil and mix with sand 3 to 1. Sowing seeds for seedlings in April.
  • Location: sunny, but grows in partial shade.
  • Strikingly drought resistant, can grow without watering.
  • Does not tolerate low, damp places.
  • Does not require loosening, weeding, feeding.

Portulac - flower holiday video:

276 Ground Cover Perennial Flowers

We can recommend other plants to create flowering garden mats.

Names of ground cover perennials:

  • Goryanka.
  • Strawberries.
  • Garden geranium.
  • Mshanka
  • Reassured.
  • Forget-me-not garden.
  • Violet fragrant.
  • Most ground cover perennials do not require constant attention to themselves. And yet, intending to plant them, you should thoroughly prepare the soil: add humus or compost, dig, carefully choosing the rhizomes of weeds.

    The latter is very important: wheatgrass, field bindweed will prevent the ground cover to grow, and it is difficult to fight weeds in the planted area.

    Matured periwinkle, thyme, duchenaeus, zhivuchka and others. Can already compete with the weeds and will not let them into their territory, but in the initial period they need our help. This is common to all plants. For the rest, for each species, both the landing site and the agricultural technician are chosen individually.

    By performing “supporting roles” in the garden, the ground cover plants help the “soloists” to look particularly impressive, and at certain moments they can themselves play the “first violin”.