Greenhouses from a galvanized profile

A greenhouse made of galvanized pipe will be an excellent way out for a modern gardener and vegetable grower in country conditions. In many stores there are product modifications that will vary in size and material of the profile parts. It is possible to coat galvanized profiles with polycarbonate, special types of film and plexiglas.
A galvanized profile is becoming very popular today, with which you can easily and quickly build a greenhouse with your own hands. By the time of installation of the greenhouse galvanized profile can last about 2 hours.

What is the frame
Profile pipe is the most common material from which modern greenhouses are made. The basis of each building includes a frame. From the materials from which it will be made, the factor will depend on how strong and reliable the structure as a whole will be. Among people who have a dacha, the most striking types of frames will be a frame made of steel, a wooden type of frame, a frame made of PVC materials.

One of the most durable frameworks of high wear resistance are steel components. Galvanized profile capable of withstanding increased loads. An example of the load can be snow drifts on the roof in winter, which will directly put pressure on the vertical and horizontal racks. The greenhouse from a galvanized profile is considered the most powerful, and it will not be difficult to assemble it, even to the summer cotter who is most inexperienced in these matters.
The only point is that the profile pipe and galvanized frame must be periodically coated with anti-corrosion compounds to prevent the metal from rotting.
Some experts argue that the design of the metal is capable of harming crops and can be oxidized under the influence of temperature. It is not true. Such judgments are not supported by scientific evidence and are contrary to common sense.

There is in nature a frame made of wooden base and using PVC materials. Such materials can cost much more than a galvanized profile, so applying them on a small plot is irrational. The tree is not able to stand on time as a steel structure can serve.
With improper care and in cases of high humidity, it will swell and deteriorate, which will harm not only the structure, but also the plants as a whole. Therefore, the most alternative option today is a greenhouse of galvanized profiles, which will be cheap, easy to assemble and care for components.
Production of greenhouses using galvanized plasterboard profiles
- In the case when such a concept as strength and durability is appreciated, the option of erecting a structure with the help of a polycarbonate of a varietal character and a galvanized profile, which is used to suspend drywall in repair work, should be considered.
- In order to make the frame, you need to take 42 rack profile and the same guides chute. To increase the strength of the greenhouse, you can use the 50 meter profile, but it will be more difficult to work with it.
- To connect the elements of the frame you need to have yourself with self-tapping screws with flat caps, which are designed to work with metal.
- In order to make convenient installation, the overall dimensions of the profile should be adjusted to the level of the polycarbonate sheet.
- When working with polycarbonate sheets, their length and width are calculated and the profile part is fitted to the dimensions corresponding to reality. Often, modern supermarkets sell for such purposes polycarbonate with a thickness of 4 to 6 mm.

From the tools, of course, you may need:
- scissors for cutting metal
- jigsaw,
- roulette,
- screwdriver.
In some cases, a plumb can be useful when a galvanized steel profile is installed. Especially this moment concerns the bearing profiles, as an unevenly exposed component can cause a roof collapse on greenhouses in winter. This can especially happen when the roof is loaded with snow.
In order to avoid any hitch during the work, you should draw an approximate scheme of the workflow and the scheme of the future construction. It is allowed to use the classic dimensions of perimeters 6 * 3 and the height of the greenhouse 2.5 meters. In order to save time in a qualitative manner, the size is adjusted to the polycarbonate sheets and the length of the galvanized metal profile.
The assembly procedure is perfectly permissible for one person to handle. The main thing is that he knows the sequential steps in the assembly.
If you have already had the opportunity to work with polycarbonate sheets and a profile for the greenhouse, the work will be very fast and fruitful. This is especially true of those people who built walls in various buildings with the same profiles. Racks should be cut to the length that will be provided by the height of the greenhouse.
Using a tool such as a jigsaw, the necessary pieces of polycarbonate are cut. When cutting material for cover, it is worth observing one moment. In the area of the ridge flooring should leave a thermal gap, which is needed to expand the material from heating during heat. Then the greenhouse should be collected in the following sequence. First of all, it is necessary to take a galvanized profile and mount the frame part of the greenhouse. Parts must be fastened with special screws for metal products, and only then they should be attached to the sheets of polycarbonate.
There are many techniques for how to attach a profile to a polycarbonate sheet. One of the most important types of fastening is the use of special polycarbonate profiles. According to its structure, profile data tend to resemble the letter N. The profile should be fixed to the frame part, and the polycarbonate should be inserted into the profile itself, respectively. The back walls, as a rule, are made deaf, and the vents are mounted in their base. A doorway will be installed in the foreground wall, which can be installed using a ready-made door unit.
We build a greenhouse of galvanized profiles with PVC materials
Many after the repair work on the house is a lot of PVC materials that can be put into the business. Along with metal profiles, you can build a greenhouse from PVC parts.
The galvanized frame will be the base of the greenhouse, and the PVC material will serve as a lightweight frame.
As practice shows, these types of greenhouses are not very strong structures in their structure. On this basis, the dimensions of the greenhouse are recommended to plan small.

To properly secure the frame to the base of the foundation, it is necessary to lay an anchor bolt in it. For such a procedure, we do the drilling in profiles with a drill. The foundation must also be marked and drill holes in it for anchor bolts. The mount should be placed at a distance of approximately 50-70 cm.
After the anchor bolts are covered, it is necessary to start installing the racks from the profiles. Racks are recommended to be fixed with two holes, as this will greatly enhance the entire structure. Also for the reinforcement of the design is used in the work of the mounting foam and other space seals. Distinctive characteristics in both types of greenhouse assembly are practically absent. The main factor, perhaps, will be that the frame parts should be in both cases of steel profiles.

Greenhouses from a profile pipe and a bar
Let's take a closer look at this option to build a greenhouse.
- To begin with, the greenhouse area should be broken with a rope. With the help of a garden drill, ditches should be made in order to later install a profile pipe in them. It will be the future base frame of the entire greenhouse.
- With the help of lintels, polycarbonate is laid on them and the walls are sheathed. This type of greenhouse is very expensive, so it is not often used in practice.
- For the roof can also serve as a truss type of frame made of timber.
As you know, everything is simple, and the information provided will help you not only to deal with the galvanized profile, but also give an idea of how the greenhouse is mounted with your own hands.
Greenhouse from the V-shaped profile (video)
Gallery: greenhouses from galvanized profile (15 photos)