Greenhouse snowdrop (37 photos)
Greenhouse "Snowdrop": design features
- Features and device
- Designs
- Dimensions
- Manufacturer
- Reviews
- Tips for building and installing do it yourself
- Useful recommendations
At the dacha plots you can meet not only traditional greenhouses of various modifications, but also small greenhouses in size. So, in many private areas you can find a modern design called “Snowdrop”, which is perfect for growing heat-loving plants. This model has many positive characteristics, for which it is chosen by many consumers.
Let's take a closer look at these popular hotbeds and find out what their features are.
Features and device
Like a greenhouse, a greenhouse is a special design that makes it possible to start the summer season early, but to complete it a little later. Basically, snowdrop-type greenhouses are not very high. They are assembled from two base arcs covered with special material. Most often polyethylene acts as a covering sheet.
These greenhouses are perfect for growing a variety of crops. According to experts, in greenhouses the plants that love heat and cannot stand the coolness grow best and most efficiently. Usually gardeners and gardeners take to grow cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini and other popular vegetables in such constructions. In addition, flower plantings are often found in high-quality greenhouses.
Simply put, the greenhouse "Snowdrop" is a warm garden bed. Under the conditions of this outbuilding, the soil and air space warms up very quickly and efficiently, since the minimum distance is always maintained from the ground to the covering sheet.
Not so long ago, people engaged in the manufacture of such greenhouses on their own. Today, you can save yourself from the extra expenditure of strength and energy. It is enough to pick up a ready-made design of the required dimensions in a specialized outlet and place it on your site. Do not do it yourself.
Before you go shopping for a factory greenhouse, you should be familiar with the list of its strengths:
- In a high-quality greenhouse, sufficient heat is always stored in the ground: +3 degrees at night and up to +10 degrees during the day;
- in such conditions, you can seamlessly grow different seedlings;
- in such a greenhouse, plants are preserved, even if there are slight frosts outside the window;
- thanks to the greenhouse "Snowdrop" (and any other model), the plantings remain well protected from all sorts of parasites and harmful insects;
- being under a covering material, the landings are protected from aggressive sunlight and cold wind gusts;
- in most cases, greenhouses do not need foundation foundations, especially if we are talking about a small construction of modest weight;
- such constructions are inexpensive, as they have a simple structure;
- usually the greenhouse "Snowdrop" is made from wear-resistant and durable materials that are environmentally friendly;
- rearranging such a structure to a new place is not difficult;
- A snowdrop-type greenhouse is installed easily and quickly, even a novice will cope with such work without problems;
- Each product is delivered in individual packaging.
Serious drawbacks of such structures are not observed, but we must bear in mind that in the winter they are better to be folded and put away in a separate room. In addition, in the set with the product almost never go special pegs for the end parts.
As a rule, fairly tall plants in such a greenhouse is a little space. You also need to keep in mind that due to its low weight, these structures are not designed for powerful wind loads. That is why they need to be further strengthened on site.
As for the direct arrangement of such outbuildings, the following constituent elements can be distinguished:
- frame arches with pegs, whose length is 250 mm (these parts make it possible to reliably fix the structure on the ground);
- Covering cloth, which is fixed on the ends of the structure (usually it has enough stock so that it can be used as a kind of stretching that makes the structure only stronger).
Greenhouse "Snowdrop" is presented in a wide range of sizes and shapes, in addition, such models are made from different materials. The most common arched products, but there are also polygonal options (both mini and maxi-greenhouse).
Greenhouse "Snowdrop" is made with the expectation of shelter from bad weather conditions of about 2-3 beds, because the width of the covering sheet is only 1.2 m. The length of the frame base, depending on the number of arcs included in its package, can reach 3-4 or even 6-8 m.
The height of such a greenhouse usually reaches 1 m. However, it should be noted that this characteristic does not interfere with the process of watering and weeding the seedlings, because the covering material fixed on the arcs glides along them without any problems, as if by special guides.
The material is fixed both with the help of special clips and with the help of simple clothespins.
As for the material for the frame, there is usually used a pipe made of low pressure polyethylene. Its diameter is about 20 mm. This material is good because it is not subject to rotting, corrosion and is durable.
The modern and popular greenhouse "Snowdrop" with a frame made of plastic pipes offers a major manufacturer "BashAgroPlast." The size of such buildings may be different. There are both microbaths, and quite spacious options in 8 m.
BashAgroPlast also offers a choice of consumers an improved version of the snowdrop “Snowdrop” - “Snowdrop Plus”. This model is characterized by a density of covering material of 60 g / sq. m, improved thermal insulation and the ability to maintain optimum temperature. Currently, such specimens are in great demand because they are highly effective. They manage to successfully grow a variety of plants.
With most of the models in the kit are detailed instructions from the manufacturer with an indication of all the design features, as well as the nuances of their assembly and installation. Experts strongly recommend that you read this information. Then you will not be disappointed in the effectiveness of your acquisition.
You should not go for the purchase of such products in stores with a dubious reputation. There is a high probability there you will buy a low-quality counterfeit product, albeit at a very affordable price.
Today, many gardeners and gardeners opt not for self-made, but on factory constructions of greenhouses. The Snowdrop model is rightfully recognized as one of the most popular, as it has many advantages in comparison with similar options. The lion's share of feedback on such facilities is positive.
Let's take a closer look at what specific good qualities buyers of such structures have revealed for themselves:
- many people were pleased that there is a possibility of selecting a greenhouse of compact dimensions for a small suburban area;
- in the operation and storage of greenhouses "Snowdrop" people find it very convenient and undemanding;
- these products are assembled easily and quickly - most users have not encountered problems in the process of assembling structures;
- the construction of the greenhouse itself seemed to many buyers to be quite simple and unpretentious, they are not subject to breakage and deformation;
- as a rule, facilities are lightweight, so they are easily transferred from place to place if necessary;
- many consumers were attracted by the fact that branded greenhouses are inexpensive, but at the same time they have a good appearance (they easily fit into almost any landscape composition);
- equipped with a sufficiently dense covering material that is not damaged at the first touch;
- consumers also noted that factory constructions seamlessly withstand the first frost, landing in such conditions do not suffer.
However, some buyers found for themselves a number of characteristic drawbacks of the Snowdrop products.
- Many users have noticed that the level of tightness at the bottom of the greenhouse leaves much to be desired.
- Some of the buyers thought that the design is not very sustainable. Of course, the site owner himself may be to blame for this problem, if, for example, he assembled the product incorrectly or chose the wrong place for him.
- Some users believe that the pegs that come with the base arcs could be a little longer.
- The small length of the greenhouse also did not suit many buyers.
- Someone of the users thinks that excessive ease of construction is its minus and not a plus, because it has to be further strengthened so that it does not “walk” and does not change its location under the influence of strong winds.
- Some gardeners did not like the covering material, as it does not withstand the effects of precipitation.
Of course, paying attention to the negative reviews of greenhouses, you need to remember that a lot depends on the quality of a particular model and the outlet in which it was selected.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that improperly assembled and installed design can cause a lot of trouble during its application. That is why it is necessary to carefully read the description of this product.
Tips for building and installing do it yourself
Greenhouse "Snowdrop" must be properly installed on your site.
Consider in more detail the process.
- Open the greenhouse packaging starting at the bottom. First, remove pegs and mounting clips from it.
- Do not remove the base arc from the original packaging, but insert the pegs in them.
- Put the pegs on the ground and carefully remove the packaging (do not throw it away, it will be possible to store the structure in it when the cold winter comes and the greenhouse will need to be removed from the site).
- Next you need to fix in the soil starting arc. Does not play a special role, what dimensions will have a structure, you still need to stretch the covering sheet. Place all arcs at the same distance. Stretch the canvas on one side, secure the base arcs (be sure to tamp the good soil that surrounds the pegs).
- After this, the arched parts on the other side should be fixed. In this case, it is necessary to regulate the degree of tension of the covering material. If necessary, the arc can be rearranged to another location.
- Now you can fasten the ends. You will need to pull them off with the help of a lace, put a special eyelet in the peg, pull it, and then fix it in the ground.
- It is desirable to fix the covering on the surface of the arcs with the use of clips or clothespins.
Useful recommendations
- With the onset of winter cold, experts strongly recommend folding the greenhouse "Snowdrop" and putting it in original packaging. Packed design should preferably be stored in a dry and warm place.
- If spunbond is used as a covering material for the greenhouse, it should be subjected to annual washing. Only in this way will you be able to rid this cover of dust and dirt accumulated during the summer season. You can wash spunbond hands and typewriter. Under warranty, this material serves at least 5 years, but if you treat it responsibly, it will last even longer.
- It is not recommended to plant tall plants in the greenhouse “Snowdrop”. This structure is not designed for such plantings (like any other compact greenhouse).
If you want to be engaged in exactly tall cultures, then it is better for them to build a high-quality greenhouse such as “Urozhayna”, for example.
- To secure covering material on the arcs, experts recommend using special clips or latches. Stocking up other items is not worth it.
- Try to fix covering material as carefully and carefully as possible. Even after installation, keep sharp objects away from it. Spunbond and polyethylene can easily get serious damage from contact with such devices, because of which then they have to be replaced.
- Before installing the greenhouse, experts recommend a little soften the ground. This is necessary to ensure that the legs of the structure last as long as possible and do not become covered with cracks. To resort to such a procedure is especially important if the soil on your site has a high density.
- If you want to make the greenhouse more frost-resistant, then during the cold season it can be additionally covered with a second layer of suitable material. Thus, you will be able to protect landings from death during the frost period.
- So that in the greenhouse they do not walk destructive drafts, and the covering material does not swell, like a sail, something heavy should be laid out at the edges of the canvas, for example, stones, sticks or bricks. Of course, in most cases, the tension provided by the manufacturer, it is enough that the plants were protected from the wind. But situations are different and this must be taken into account.
- Few people know, but the greenhouse "Snowdrop" can be built right in the greenhouse. Typically, such a procedure has to be resorted to when it comes to germinating seedlings while it is hardened and adapts to the environment.
- When installing the greenhouse arcs, do not forget that each of them must be fixed under significant stress.
Strengthen all parts to the maximum tight and secure. In order to fix the end parts, the pegs should be driven in at a slight angle.
- When choosing a suitable covering material it must be borne in mind that the popular agrofiber retains heat much worse than the same polyethylene. If the frost is more than 5 degrees, the greenhouse on top just need to cover an additional layer of polyethylene. In addition, this procedure will reduce the large evaporation of moisture.
- When buying agrofibre for greenhouses, be sure to consider its width. It usually ranges from 1.6 to 3.5 m. If the greenhouse reaches a height of one meter, you will need to purchase covering material 2.1 m wide. If necessary, you can sew two separate woven fabrics.
- Picking up the greenhouse "Snowdrop", you should request a certificate of quality for it. This document must contain all the information about the product. If you refuse to show the certificate, it is better to look for a similar product in another store.
- Before buying a greenhouse, you should make sure that all the necessary elements of a complete set are present in the original packaging.
It is advisable to do this even in the store so that in the absence of any part, you do not have to return to the cashier with a check and deal with the problem that has arisen.
In the next video you will find instructions for assembling the snowdrop greenhouse.