Glue moment (30 photos)

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Glue Moment: types and characteristics

Moment glue: types and characteristics
  • About the manufacturer
  • Types and characteristics
  • Where is it used?
  • Application

During construction and repair, as well as in everyday life, we often encounter the need to glue various objects and materials. Today, many manufacturing companies offer a huge number of different types of adhesives for various types of work. Our article is devoted to the types and characteristics of one of the most popular and high-quality adhesives brand Moment.

Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

About the manufacturer

Clay Moment was developed in the 80s of the XX century in the Leningrad region at the plant "Era". The peculiarity of this product was that it was produced by a domestic manufacturer according to the technology of gluing and licensing the well-proven German brand Henkel in the world, based on the manufacture of household chemicals (cosmetics, detergents, adhesives).

The novelty, produced by Tosno factory "Era", under the name of the brand widely known in the world Henkel, due to its adhesive properties, it quickly gained popularity in the Soviet Union. This was the beginning of the Soviet-German cooperation, which resulted in the creation of the Sovkhovk enterprise in the Saratov region in 1990.

Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

For more than two decades of joint activities of the two countries, Moment has not only been improved and modified, numerous new types of glue have been developed for use in numerous fields of human activity. Developed species can glue the surface of dissimilar substances.

Today, in the opinion of customers, Moment glue is an indispensable thing that has a wide range of applications in everyday life. The Russian-German manufacturer offers a high-quality and safe product, produced at affordable prices in modern packaging. It is worth noting that both the manufacturer and the brand under whose name the products are manufactured are responsible for product safety.

Moment glue: types and characteristics

Types and characteristics

IsThe appearance of the torment series “Moment” began with the release of the composition “Moment-1”. This is a universal classic glue, widely used both in construction and in everyday life, designed to connect dissimilar surfaces, such as wood, metal, leather, felt, and so on. Over time, the series mentioned above has been improved and refined. Nowadays, the product is represented by a line of several types, specially designed for a specific area (repair and construction, decoration and handicraft, school and office).

With the active use of products made of polypropylene, ceiling baseboards and foam tiles, it became necessary to develop a special polyurethane adhesive that can glue, rather than dissolve, the substances mentioned. Here, the ideal option would be to choose the Moment Dekostil polymer adhesive, produced in 1 liter bottles. The versatility of this glue is that it can glue not only tile, but also parquet, as well as any PVC products.

Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

In the collection Moment there is a special polyurethane adhesive with high strength. It is one-component and two-component. Polymer structure is responsible for high bonding strength. Single-component products are ready-made glue consisting of one substance, produced, as a rule, in one tube. Two-component represented by two substances that require simultaneous application or pre-compound. Both substances are presented in different packages.

Two-component adhesive (the so-called cold welding), unlike the one-component, has a more reliable fixation and is suitable for gluing objects exposed to strong vibration, water or heat.

Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

However, when working with two-component glue, do not forget that gluing should be carried out quickly, because under the influence of certain temperatures the glue dries almost instantly. Such varieties include epoxy adhesives of the “Moment” series, intended for gluing dissimilar objects (“Super Epoxy Metal”, “Epoxyline”). “Moment Epoxylin” is a kind of plasticine, allowing to finish the missing surfaces.

A very wide range of contact adhesives developed for non-absorbent substrates. Products contain a solvent, so their use for gluing items in contact with food is not recommended. This glue does not dry quickly and has a certain elasticity, which is ideal for gluing, for example, shoes. Moreover, the material of its manufacture does not matter, it can be rubber, leatherette or leather, as well as any other substances used in the shoe industry. In addition, the use of contact adhesives is allowed in construction and repair.

Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

Consider a series of contact adhesives, which feature is a long preservation of adhesive (adhesion) properties.

  • Universal Polyurethane "Moment Crystal", produced in a tube 125 ml. Able to glue cloth, paper, foam rubber, glass.
  • Extra strong "Moment Rubber", allowing to glue rubber parts not only among themselves, but also to glue them to practically any other surface (metal, concrete, wood, paper). The peculiarity of this glue is that it can withstand the effects of very low and very high temperatures. Resistance to the latter is several times higher.
Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics
  • "Moment Marathon" can rightly be called shoe glue, which has a special elasticity. It has excellent frost resistance and water resistance.
  • "Moment Gel" - it is universal colorless waterproof and frost-resistant glue on the basis of solvents. Unlike the Moment Marathon, it has a special consistency in the form of a gel, which facilitates application, preventing spreading. In this regard, it is indispensable for bonding surfaces, operated under any inclination.
Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

Moment contact adhesives are not only suitable for use in construction, as noted above, they are also relevant in the manufacture of furniture. Here I would like to mention the models “Moment Joiner” and “Moment Stopper”, the scope of use of which is particularly wide: from large construction works to small crafts. Contact "Moment-cork", produced in 1-liter and 30-liter cans and 5-liter cans, is not afraid of exposure to any alkali and allows you to glue any wall and floor coverings.

In continuation of the theme of repair, I would like to mention that there is a special line of wallpaper adhesives of the “Moment” series. For paper wallpaper - “Classic”, for vinyl “Vinyl”, for textile and structural - “Extra”, for non-woven - “Flizelin”.

Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

If reliable rapid bonding is required, the manufacturer has developed a line-up of seconds.

  • Universal "Super Moment", characterized by high strength of the seam.
  • "Super Moment Gel" provides not only a reliable connection, but also due to its gel-like shape, the seam is hardly noticeable.
  • The “Super Moment Profi Plus” heat-resistant and waterproof glue is not only endowed with a reinforced bonding formula, but is also packed in a convenient transparent bottle of 5 g. Brush models contribute to easier application.
  • Waterproof moment "Second" in the form of a gel allows you to glue any surface in seconds.
Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

In addition to the above-mentioned species, there are several other varieties widely used in everyday life.

  • Universal "Super Maxi" in a soft transparent bottle (20 g), allowing to glue wood, plastic. Ideal for a minor repair of windows, floor.
  • Extra strong assembly Moment MV-50, MV-100. These are the so-called liquid nails, which are an indispensable assistant in the repair, if the foreground are issues related to aesthetics. But it should be remembered that Moment liquid nails are not very suitable for bonding metals.

Each type has its own specific qualities, but in general, the manufacturer declared the following basic technical characteristics of the adhesive:

  • used for bonding any materials (exceptions and features are noted in the instructions);
  • is water resistant;
Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics
  • long shelf life (provided that the integrity of the package is not compromised);
  • when freezing does not lose the gluing properties (it is enough to place in an environment where the temperature will be above +20 degrees).

It is important to remember that the glue is flammable, so all work must be done away from fire. Accordingly, it is not suitable for bonding objects, the operation of which is associated with fire. In addition, the composition of the glue includes some substances that, getting inside, can be dangerous to human health, so you need to avoid repair of products in contact with food. For example, you can glue a pen to a mug, but you cannot use a glued mug for its intended purpose.

Moment glue: types and characteristics

Where is it used?

Scope of glue series Moment is very wide. With the help of liquid nails, you can glue, for example, a mirror, tile, ceiling plinth and much more. The use of a special construction gun in working with liquid nails contributes to a more accurate application and economical consumption of glue.

As a rule, repair is closely related to construction. The manufacturer has developed a special line of wallpaper adhesives for all types of coatings. In addition, there are adhesives that have a special pink indicator that allows the desired surface to be lubricated with the highest quality. For gluing different types of wooden products, the collection presented by the models “Moment Instant Snap”, “Moment Joiner Premium”, etc.

Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

It is necessary to say about the features of working with "second adhesives", which differ in their purpose. But there is one thing that unites them: they are not suitable for gluing large items and leather goods, since they tend to dry out. Roughly speaking, the second glue is a glass compound designed for fixing small parts.

If you need to quickly glue large surfaces or reliably “link” dissimilar objects, you need to be aware of the unusually fast effect of fixing glue connected to ordinary baking soda. In this way, you can easily repair even a cracked car bumper.

Designers or needlewomen want to remind you that for metal, leather, glass, rubber and any other materials there is a kind of glue. In this case, you should pay attention to the universal adhesive "Econ Polymer", which is available in tubes, cans and bottles of different sizes. The manufacturer has not bypassed the development of stationery. In the assortment you can find paper glue and PVA in various versions (pencil and liquid adhesives, produced in tubes, large and small bottles).

Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics


In the application of Moment is simple however, some precautions must be observed.

  • It is a highly flammable substance. It is strictly forbidden to carry out work near a fire.
  • The Super series is capable of quick glueing fingers together with careless use. If you have a similar case, do not panic and do not try to quickly spread your fingers, but try to hold them in warm water or moisten with acetone.
  • The glue has a specific, rapidly weathered odor, which is absolutely harmless, since it does not contain hazardous substances.
  • To ensure good adhesion, surfaces must be cleaned well before applying the adhesive. After that we apply glue to one of the sides (it is better to lubricate the most uneven side), selected according to the instructions, for some time we hold it so that the glue has time to grab.
Moment glue: types and characteristics
Moment glue: types and characteristics

Each species has its time setting, which is better to withstand. Then it is necessary to dry the glued part.

How easy it is to clean super-glue, see the next video.