Glass blocks in the interior as an element of design
How to use glass blocks in the interior?
Glass blocks have regained popularity and demonstrate their new facets. Once the blocks were only building materials, and now their function is rather decorative. Now the glass in the interior is used to make it ethereal and weightless, sparkling and gloss. There are quite a few options for its organic use: from classical walls to the most extravagant ideas.
Fortunately, the current raw material gives room to the thoughts of designers. Modern glass blocks have little in common with those strange dim blocks that were encountered earlier everywhere. Today they are produced in completely different tones. But the leaders remain completely transparent blocks (by the way, most often, because of the relief, they are still opaque). So the choice is wide.
When the soul wants something supernatural, then you can resort to blocks with inner filling or stained glass elements. Since the glass block inside is empty, of course, it can be filled with decor (seashells, starfish, flora elements, photos). But such blocks are used as accents, inserts in certain surfaces.

Photo: glass partition

Photo: glass blocks with decorating elements inside

Having involved glass in an interior - we clarify its advantages!
Applying glass blocks in the interior, designers rely on their undoubted advantages. For a start, glass in the interior lets in light and does not reduce part of the lighting in the house. This is an indisputable advantage that other materials do not possess. Also, the glass blocks refract the transmitted light, therefore the glass blocks in the interior resemble huge ceiling lamps and this effect makes the room quite impressive.
In addition, glass blocks in the interior may be opaque. It is this feature that made this material so popular in the design of bathrooms and window openings.
Another useful feature of the blocks is their practicality when embedded in a variety of surfaces, be it a partition, floor, walls or even furniture. In addition, they are invulnerable and do not pose a danger. It remains to find out only one thing: so how to use glass blocks in the interior of the apartment correctly?

Photo: glass bar counter

Photo: original glass coffee table

Photo: the floor of glass blocks will ideally look on the second floors and attic
The use of glass blocks to create walls
Nowadays, many apartment owners are often engaged in the redevelopment of the internal space of their home, getting rid of some walls and replacing them with partitions of glass blocks. It is especially important to use such walls in rooms without windows, for example, in poorly lit corridors. And the corrugated surface of the blocks will be a kind of protection from prying eyes.
In addition, glass in the interior makes the room visually lighter and airy. It is also important that glass blocks are still not widespread, which means that your home will be exclusive. Glass blocks are characterized by only one relative drawback: they are cold and devoid of "soul." Moreover, with something even resemble ice cubes.
That is why to create more global partitions glass blocks are combined with other materials. So, two-thirds of the wall can be made of plasterboard, and the remainder - is made out of glass blocks. Often, elements of them appear in places of protrusions or rounding of walls. Such details are transformed into accents that enliven the interior design.

The use of glass partition walls
The blocks are attractive because they allow you to freely and in a short time to construct a partition of any parameters. Its upper part can be even or in the form of steps, pyramids, etc. Partitions are often constructed in bathrooms and at first glass was actually used in the interior only in the bathroom area.
Tip: glass blocks in the bathroom area look as harmonious as possible. They echo the shape of ceramic tiles without causing dissonance. In addition, the glass is not terrible water, and not completely transparent blocks help create "intimate zones".
Increasingly, glass blocks are used for the construction of shower enclosures, as from a safer material than glass cloths. They are also used to separate zones, which is very practical, especially in a large family.
Glass partition can be divided into zones in other areas: in the kitchen it makes sense to separate the working area from the dining room, and in the room - a sleeping place from the living room.
Partitions in the premises can be created as a whole from glass blocks, and combine several materials. Undoubtedly, both options are beautiful, but the second one looks more spectacular.

Photo: kitchen and dining zoning

Photo: glass corner shower enclosure

Creation of windows from glass blocks
Glass blocks are also actively involved in the creation of internal windows. Clearly, the blank walls do not contribute to excessive illumination of the house, but the windows between the rooms, made of glass blocks, help to say goodbye to this trouble.
At the same time, the glass in the interior also has a decorative function, since the interior windows, on the desert surfaces of the walls, resemble fancy panels. These windows can share the living room with a corridor or kitchen, separate the bathroom from the toilet or from the shower, etc.
Naturally, glass blocks are also used for glazing of windows facing the street. But often these are deaf windows, with the help of which you will hardly be able to ventilate the room or enjoy the scenery.

However, such windows provide space for entertaining experiments. After all, the window can be given a fancy shape, and glass blocks inserted into a complex shape refract light in a stunning way. Your window will flicker like a diamond, creating a unique atmosphere in the house, as well as an interior worthy photo of the best glossy magazines.