Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs for summer cottage

Tips and ideas

The gardeners who decide to decorate their land with beautiful shrubs immediately have a question: what kind of shrub is better to plant?

Ideally, such a plant should meet the following requirements:

  • Be beautiful throughout the summer season.
  • Unpretentious care.
  • Frost-resistant, able to endure our difficult winters.
  •     Wintery flowering shrubs

    Below are the names and characteristics of such ornamental shrubs: frost-resistant, unpretentious and beautiful flowering.

    Many shrubs have proven to be winter-hardy, undemanding and at the same time very decorative in our climate. I'll tell you about the most popular, which can be planted in almost all regions of our country.

        Derain white

    Famous for brightly colored red bark. There is a form with large green leaves, which by the autumn become multi-colored, and a more compact turf with white-leafed leaves. So that the bark of the tree is always bright, the bushes are cut short each year, leaving a few centimeters above the level of the hemp from the shoots. With such a formation, the bush forms expanding thickets.

    •  Shrub height from one and a half to two meters.
    • It blooms in early summer.
    • Derain is extremely cold-resistant, decorative and unpretentious in all respects.
    • It grows on any soil, well tolerated and heat and shade.
    • Suitable for planting in the background area or along the fence, as well as for hedges.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Especially beautiful is such a turf in the fall.

    This is a variety of green leaves with green leaves that are burgundy in autumn.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    And this turf variegated.

    The leaves of this plant all summer are painted white pattern.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    This shrub is quite suitable for creating hedges.

    Derain is growing rapidly and so that the hedge is always neat, it will have to be carefully looked after.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    That is how the turf blossoms.

    The plant can be formed and lush bush, and a small tree.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs
    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Derain does not lose its decoration even in winter.

    Well, where else can you find a shrub with such original, red shoots.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Deciduous barberries

    Differ enviable winter hardiness, easy to maintain. Leaf color is yellow, green, purple, red. Barberry suitable any fertile soil, open space or partial shade. It is easy to cut, but you can not cut it, limiting the spring removal of damaged and excess branches.

    •  The height of different species and varieties varies from 60 cm to 2 m.
    • Extremely unpretentious, frost-resistant shrub. It grows in the shade, in the sun and on almost any soil. The color of the leaves is striking in its diversity.
    • The application is universal, from planting low-growing varieties on slides to creating hedges. It can serve as a background, and edge, looks beautiful on a green lawn.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Barberry Thunberg.

    Such an elegant bush will decorate any slide.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs
    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Barberry goes well with conifers.

    Here the barberry bush serves as an edge near the fir.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Barberry on the lawn.

    On a green lawn motley bush looks very colorful.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Barberry hedge

    Picturesque and practical hedges are obtained from barberries, but we must remember that this shrub is scary prickly and it is not particularly pleasant to work with it. Read more about the use of barberry in garden design, read here. 

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs


    Virtually all spireas are fast-growing, frost-resistant shrubs, unpretentious and flowering. There are two groups of spirees - spring flowering and summer flowering. In spring-flowering species, for example, in ashy spirea, the drooping branches are entirely decorated with tiny white flowers. These spireas bloom once. In spring flowering spirea, old and weak branches are cut out after flowering.

    Summer blooming spireas are characterized by long flowering. Pink (different shades) flowers, as a rule, are collected in flat spherical or spicate inflorescences. From letne-blooming spirey, Spumey Boumald (height 60 cm), blooming with elegant, carmine-pink flat inflorescences are interesting. In Goldflame variety, young leaves are yellow and orange, so the bush and in the spring looks very elegant.

    The varieties of Japanese spireas (height 60 cm) are also very interesting. For example, the Crisp variety is distinguished by very bright decorative flowers.

    The annual spring pruning to a short stump a few centimeters in height helps the compact spherical shape of the bushes of summer-flowering spirays.

    • The height of the bushes, depending on the grade from 0.5 m. To 2 m.
    • If you pick up spring-flowering and summer-flowering varieties, then flowering can last almost the whole spring and summer.
    • Spireas do not require fertile soil. Grow quickly in the sun and in partial shade. Most of them do not need shelter even in the frosty winters.
    • These shrubs are not only decorative, but also have a wide variety of sizes, forms of bushes, colors of leaves and different flowering times. Thanks to these qualities, it is possible to decorate the garden only with spireas.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Spirea Wangutta.

    Such tall shrubs are suitable for single planting or for growing in hedges.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Here you can create such a picturesque corner by planting spireas with hosts and juniper.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Japanese spirea

    From undersized Japanese spireas, elegant curbs are obtained. It is appropriate, it looks and rockeries.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs


    The most winter-hardy proved to be a hydrangea tree - a bush of North American origin. Other species (originally from China and Japan) are less hardy, more capricious in care.

    Tree hydrangea is common in our gardens, but for some reason everyone wants to see plants with blue, pink or even reddish inflorescences on their plots. Such hydrangeas, of course, are spectacular, but more capricious, although among them there are varieties that some growers successfully grow in the northern regions.

    But if you have not yet grown hydrangea in the garden, start with tree hydrangea - simple to care for, spectacular shrubs with huge caps of white flowers.

    It grows well in the harsh regions of Russia hydrangea paniculata, a very beautiful wintering shrub up to three meters high (we do not reach such a height) with a thick globular crown. Inflorescence is a broad-pyramid panicle 15-30 in length and 30 cm wide. The flowers are white, reddening by autumn.

    • The height of the bushes to two meters.
    • It blooms from mid-summer.
    • Hydrangeas are extremely moisture-loving, they tolerate shading well, like well-drained fertile soil acidic. Therefore, when planting add peat. The soil can be acidified with iron vitriol.
    • Hydrangeas are planted in single bushes or groups. The plant is well combined with other coniferous and deciduous ornamental shrubs.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Such a picturesque shrub will surely attract attention.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs
    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    The cinquefoil is shrubby

    Deciduous shrubs, prostrate or compact. Kustovidnye forms of Potentilla have three names at once: Kuril tea, Potentilla shrub and five-leaf plant. Potentilla makes attractive an abundance of small flowers. The most common form is considered to be yellow flowers.

    Flowers solitary or in few racemes or umbellate inflorescences, medium-sized. Decorative plant and bright green carved small foliage. Potentilla badly tolerate dry air.

    • Bushes one and a half meters high.
    • Shrub blossoms for a very long time - almost from the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn.
    • Potentilla light-requiring, although they tolerate small penumbra, quite drought-resistant, demanding on the richness of the soil, which should be moderately wet.
    •  Winter-hardy: species forms withstand forty degrees Celsius, varieties are less tolerant of low temperatures.
    • Potentilla is suitable for creating borders and low hedges, looks elegant in single and group plantings, harmoniously combined with coniferous plants.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Here is a neat shrub Potentilla shrub.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Potentilla perfectly tolerates a haircut and from it colorful hedges and borders are obtained.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

     Green apple leaf

    Large, cold-resistant shrub. Both its forms - with golden and purple leaves - are always decorative: in spring, when the leaves bloom, during flowering (it blooms with white shield inflorescences) and after it, when clusters of red fruits are formed.

    • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety from one to three meters.
    • Flowering in early summer, for 20 days.
    • Bubblepipe is unpretentious, drought-resistant and tine-resistant, but it is better to plant in the open sun so that the leaves retain a bright color.
    • Suitable for high hedges and single plantings.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs


    These are such different blisters. There are shrubs and other colors of the leaves.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Bubbleplug Lutheus.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs


    Snowy criminals are white and pink. If you are interested in the most cold-resistant shrubs, then plant a snowberry white, it calmly tolerates even the most frosty winters.

    Over time, it grows strongly and can grow in any conditions, both in the open sun and in the dense shade of trees. They appreciate the shrub for a lot of large, decorative, as if from white marble, fruits that are formed in the autumn.

    It is amenable to cutting, bushes are thinned out in early spring, sheared in summer.

    • In width it grows up to 2.5 meters, in height up to 1.5 meters.
    • Snowberry grows on any soil, prefers a sunny place. Minimal care: the plant is drought-resistant, does not require fertilizing, easily tolerates heat, is not susceptible to diseases and pests.
    • With its white fruits it looks good on dark greens: on the lawn, against the background of conifers.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Hedges from the snowy look look fancy, and do not require much care.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Fruits of snowberry.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Ornamental shrubs for giving average winter hardiness

    The plants described below, although not particularly frost-resistant, do not require special shelter for the winter. In most cases, it is enough to just cover the bushes with snow.


    If the action is open, in June she will be dressed in small flowers. The color of flowers (and they are both terry and non-double) varies from white to intense pink.

    In our climate, the action is considered unpretentious rough. It blooms white and pink flowers. The soil is not very demanding, grows well wherever water does not stagnate. Adapts to the sun and to the penumbra. Faded branches are cut after flowering. Old branches cut to the ground.

    • Most varieties of deytion do not exceed a height of 120-170 cm.
    • Bloom in spring and summer (depending on the variety)
    • The shrub is easy to clean; drought-resistant not susceptible to diseases and pests. It is desirable to press the branches to the ground for the winter (at - 25º the kidneys freeze slightly)
    • From the action we get picturesque, unformed hedges. You can plant a mixborder in the background or cover the base of tall shrubs.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Beauty deytion.

    It is not recommended to plant hedges from the action in the northern regions. All the same, this bush is not winter-hardy enough for such purposes.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    In the southern areas deytion is quite suitable for the creation of hedges

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Keria Japanese

    Unpretentious shrub, blooming annually in April-May with yellow flowers. May bloom again.

    The non-curved shape is very elegant: slender, slightly drooping branches, one and a half meters long, yellow flowers that look like large buttercup flowers. And after flowering the bush looks charming, thanks to a very beautiful bright green leaves, like young birch.

    •  The height of the bushes to two meters.
    • It blooms in spring. Flowering is long, almost two months.
    • Prefers a place in the sun. It can grow in partial shade, but decorative qualities are noticeably lost. Requires regular watering and periodic feeding.
    • Used for single and group plantings. It goes well with conifers, looks beautiful on a green lawn.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Keria differs in early and bright flowering.

    This plant can be grown in pots. Of course the size of the bush in this case will be much more modest.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Keria can be grown on the balcony.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs


    In flowering more beautiful than all the above shrubs. But to show her drooping branches in all its glory, she needs a lot of space. Loves fertile soil and annual pruning, but generally unpretentious. Immediately after flowering, branches with faded flowers are shortened.

    It is more compact and restrained in the growth of veigel Variegata - a bush up to 120 cm high with pale pink flowers and yellow-leafed leaves.

    Weigels do not like to grow in the wind. When planting it is necessary to maintain a distance between seedlings of at least two meters.

    •  On average, weigela height is 1.5 - 2 meters.
    • It blooms in May and June with pink, white or ruby-red tubular flowers. Prone to re-bloom.
    • Weigela grows on any soil, in direct sun and in partial shade.
    • The most frost-resistant varieties that winter well both in Siberia and in the Moscow region: “Alba”, “Striatum”, “Styriaca”, “Bristol Ruby”.
    • Given the high decorativeness of this shrub, it is usually planted in the foreground: at the entrance to the house, at the paths or on the lawn.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Weigela pink hybrid.

    Weigela harmoniously fit into any corner of the garden.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Weigela Red Prince

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

     Henomeles (Japanese Quince)

    A very common shrub, because it can grow on any soil, both in the sun and in the shade. It blooms brightly in spring, and in the fall it brings golden fragrant fruits. Shrubs do not need pruning: they are occasionally thinned.

    • The height of the chaenomeles bushes is from 1 to 3 meters.
    • This plant is not only ornamental, but fruit shrubs.
    • It is frost-resistant, but in severe winters the ends of shoots can freeze slightly.

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    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    Blooms henomeles.

    The shrub begins to bear fruit from 3 - 4 years and bears fruit annually.

    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs
    92-Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

    The diameter of the chaenomeles 3 - 5 cm

    It should be noted that weigels, deuteriums, and kerries in severe winters can severely frostbit the branches. But nothing terrible will happen: the bushes are growing rapidly.

    Of all the abovementioned assortment, I like summer spireas, weigels, blister-berries and barberries most of all for their beautiful and long flowering, high decorative effect throughout the season.

    Shrubs should be placed in accordance with their growth and the ability to grow in breadth.

    You can read about the rules for trimming ornamental shrubs here.

    All of these plants are not rare, they are quite easy to purchase.