Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Tips and ideas

The bedroom is a room for a comfortable stay, here you can relax after a hard day at work. It is easy to spend time next to close people, moving away from the problems of the outside world. The living space of the bedroom should not be overloaded and every thing here should find its place. That is why it is so important that filling the closet compartment in the bedroom was convenient. Then the owners of the apartment will not be annoyed by things hanging on the backs of chairs or women's scarves hanging from the dressing table mirror. Convenient complete set of the cabinet can be seen in the photo.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Only carefully selected furniture, in harmony with the general style of the room, creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Why exactly the wardrobe?

The heart of each bedroom is a large and beautiful bed, but no less important is the presence of a closet, which, if properly positioned, sized and filled, can save up to one-fifth of the free living space. The wardrobe in the bedroom has many options for execution, some of which can be seen in the photo below.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Heavy cabinet furniture and wardrobes with drawers are a thing of the past, and more and more of our compatriots are buying wardrobes. Why it happens? What are the advantages of this furniture?

  1. In order to maximize the use of space, it is better to make the cabinet height from floor to ceiling. But you should also take into account all non-standard bevels of the wall, niche and deepening of the bedroom. Typical furniture in contrast to the furniture to order can not always successfully fit into a non-standard room configuration.
  2. The wardrobe can also be placed in a large bedroom, and with a lack of living space, it can easily fit into a cramped room. Design solutions for a small room can be seen in the photo.
  3. The doors of such a cabinet, in contrast to swing doors, will not be stuck in other objects when opened, due to movement along the facade.
  4. Filling the cabinet can be designed to meet the needs of the owner, placing an ironing board in it or placing metal nets for storage of household appliances. How does the interior space of the cabinet equipped with nets can be seen in the photo. The owner of the apartment can install the required number of shelves and drawers in the closet. It is easy to plan a panel to install the TV, when there is not enough space on the wall to hang it. Not always in a small room there is an opportunity to place a long cabinet under the TV equipment.
  5. It is easy to give the closet the desired design using the facades of eco-leather, glass, with photo printing. Such furniture will perfectly fit into the interior of a classic style or in a room made in the style of a loft or high-tech.
  6. For the cabinet frame, the owner will choose the right material for every taste and wallet from natural veneer and wood to metal. Variants of the hull can be seen in the photo.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

How to make the filling cabinet?

Proper cabinet filling is a guarantee of ease of use. There are no standard rules for filling. But there are a number of recommendations that should be followed for rational optimization of space.

First of all, the owner should decide what things he puts on the shelves. Before planning the internal space of the cabinet, it is necessary to make the necessary measurements. The apartment owner must measure the place where the furniture will be located and draw a sketch on paper or in a special computer program based on measurements.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Recommendations for interior planning

There are several options for zoning the internal space of sliding wardrobes with non-standard content.

  1. The number of furniture leaves is equal to the number of compartments. If there are two doors in the closet, when opening we must also find two compartments. The only exceptions are wide doors, behind them it is recommended to place at least two compartments.
  2. The section with a crossbar is usually made wider than a module with shelves.
  3. Section for books varies in height from 25 to 35 centimeters, and the place where the laundry will be stored, it is recommended to do a height of no more than 40 centimeters.
  4. The wardrobe module is divided into 2 compartments: for short and long clothing. The module where short clothes will be placed, for example, jackets, trousers, skirts, is recommended to be made one meter high (the distance from the bar to the lower partition). And in the compartment of the closet where long clothes will be hung, the height of the section should be at least 1, 6 m.
  5. For things of large size (for example, pillows, blankets, winter jackets), mezzanines are made not less than 50 cm high.
  6. The module where the transverse rod will be located must be at least 50 cm deep, and the section with longitudinal rods must be greater than 65 cm deep.
  7. In the boxes, where small things lie (underwear, handkerchiefs, socks) the compartment door mechanism frames should be placed so that the boxes can be easily pulled out.
  8. The depth of the drawers is selected according to the needs of the apartment owner, and the front facades of the drawer themselves are recommended to be more than 25 cm.
  9. The best option for a comfortable drawer drawer would be, not guides, but a ball bearing mechanism. Equipped with them, the boxes are pulled out completely.
  10. If the shelves in the cabinet are larger than 90 cm, then a partition is made as an additional stiffener. So, the regiment will not bend under the weight of things folded on it.
  11. If the internal structure of the furniture provides for the presence in it of a rod of 120 cm in size. In this case, it is recommended to install another rod connecting the floor and the ceiling of the cabinet.
  12. If it is planned to put baskets, shoes and other accessories into the furniture, they should be measured before planning the compartments.
  13. If you intend to illuminate the cabinet inside, then it is better to put it on the top panel of the furniture, equipping no more than 12 watts of lamps.
  14. For the mezzanine, provided by the cabinet configuration, it is not necessary to make separate doors, quite common compartment doors.
  15. Wardrobe modules with bars do not make along the edges of the cabinet; if they are constantly overloaded with clothes and things, they will not fall apart over time without additional stiffening ribs.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Zoned wardrobe

The wardrobe in the bedroom is usually divided into three compartments:

  1. Main. There are hangers for outerwear, shirts, trousers, skirts and a shelf for storing basic things (bedding, linen for everyday wear, etc.). This module can be seen in the photo.
  2. Lower. This place is intended for documentation, first-aid kits, shoes, for accessories.
  3. Upper. Storage space for hats, caps, hats. Sometimes the upper compartment is replaced by mezzanines for storing bulk large items.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Shelves and drawers

The main component of the wardrobe in the bedroom are the shelves, the execution of their different: they can be retractable, mesh, stationary. Shelves with built-in design are filled with books, things, disks, appliances. They withstand a lot of weight (up to 65–70 kg), they are recommended to put a TV on such shelves if the bedroom space does not allow it to be installed elsewhere. Varieties of shelves can be seen in the photo.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

On shelves with a sliding design store things with a small weight, usually these are T-shirts, shirts, pants, robes, gowns from non-fading materials. On such shelves do not have to dig, just push them out to see all their contents.

Net shelves are rarely installed in our homes, but they are also functional and convenient. They are intended for folding small items on them: handkerchiefs, ties, belts and other items of clothing.

Small items are recommended to be stored in boxes. When planning the filling, emphasis should be placed on the manufacture of drawers of different height with a sliding mechanism. Here, depending on the size of the store jewelry, the necessary documentation, kitchen towels, pillowcases and duvet covers, underwear, scarves.

The mechanisms responsible for the drawer opening are of different design. Roller mechanism - the most budget option. The heavy stuff in the boxes he can not stand and quickly fails. For such things stored in the boxes, suitable ball mechanism, can withstand heavy loads and has a long service life. The photo shows a ball-bearing mechanism for the cabinet.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo


Most of each cabinet is reserved for a module with hangers; it can have a different design. For example, in cabinets with a standard depth, a rod is most often used, stretching along a wall and occupying the entire width of the compartment. In this case, hanging clothes, do not worry that things can rumpled when closing the doors of the closet.

If the wardrobe has a smaller depth, then this module has a different content called “face hung”. It has the same appearance as a regular crossbar, only located at an angle of 90 degrees to the wall. You can see it in the photo. This filling of the wardrobe module has its drawback: it is not always convenient to get to things hanging at the back wall of the cabinet.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

The following type of fastening is also widespread - a pantograph. It can be placed on both the front and standard crossbar. Unlike the usual crossbar, the pantograph comes to the fore, so finding the right thing on such a hanger is much easier. There are even models on the remote control, where when you press a button on the remote control, the pantograph will come out on its own. Photo of the pantograph on the remote control can be seen here.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

How to place things?

Often, when planning the filling and ordering a wardrobe, a person is simply lost, how to properly place shelves, hangers, sections and drawers. For this you need to understand how to lay things in compartments.

  • Underwear. It is most convenient to store it in boxes with dividers. They divide underwear by type, color or family members. Things from non-destructive materials are recommended to be placed on the shelves.
  • Clothing that is creased is hung in a wardrobe module on hangers.
  • Trousers, jeans are placed on hangers or on rails intended for skirts and trousers.
  • Scarves, handkerchiefs, small capes - in drawers with pull-out mechanism or on mesh shelves.
  • Boots, shoes, sneakers and other shoes are placed down the closet in a place specially reserved for them.
  • Bags and clutches are placed on shelves or hooks.
  • Terry bathrobes and towels are folded onto the mezzanine, choosing the largest shelves for them.
  • Raincoats, jackets, fur coats are stored in the wardrobe module with the highest height.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo

How to make a wardrobe in the bedroom more functional?

The interior of the wardrobe should be aesthetic and practical. Thanks to the tips given below in our article, you can make storage of things more convenient.

  1. Remember that the capacity of a single-door wardrobe is significantly less than that of a wardrobe with two or three doors. On the shelves and hangers in this closet you can fit more things.
  2. Bed linen is more convenient to store on horizontal shelves not less than 40 cm wide. Here you can put not one, but a couple of stacks of linen, which will help save space.
  3. On the uppermost shelves are stored those things that are rarely used: fur hats, caps, old rugs, blankets for guests, etc. At the eye level, things that are often used are: underwear, jeans, T-shirts, windbreakers, pullovers, dresses, belts, handkerchiefs, etc. The bottom tier stores shoes, items of non-standard configuration, for example, travel bags, a food processor in a case.
  4. For the owner of the apartment is important not only the frame and the internal filling of the cabinet, but the reliability of the design itself. For example, if the cabinet has many long shelves, additional stiffeners are needed, which will not allow the structure to fall loose or fall apart. Elements such as additional rails on the shelves or perpendicular to the crossbar contribute to higher prices, but increase the life of the furniture.

Filling wardrobe in the bedroom - photo