Fence repair in the country with their own hands

Repair of the fence can be done independently, without the participation of craftsmen, who often offer their services on the bases of manufacturers. From them, we may need only individual parts or sections; we will do the rest of the work ourselves.
Causes of dacha fence failure
If you do not take care of the dacha fence, it may decay in the first years of operation. It is clear that you do not always want to spend money on repairs, but it is better to buy a can of paint and a brush, or a kilogram of nails and a few rails for renovation than in a few years to order a new fence.

The main reasons why the fence often has to be repaired is the influence of the environment. No matter what material the fence is made of, whether it is a concrete fence or decorative forged, the weather conditions of any region are beyond our control and create a negative background if the materials of the structure are not protected.
Moisture gets on the material and penetrates it, forming cracks or accumulation of corrosion, the sun overdries the paint, frost and wind complement these negative conditions ... but often the repair of the fence is also necessary due to mechanical effects! For example, someone unsuccessfully climbed over the fence and bent the frame of the net fence, a neighbor not in the most normal state parked right in your fence, well, or even your children, along with the neighbors, decided to make a game and damage the fence.
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There may be a lot of reasons, but they all lead to the same result - the fence must be repaired!
We have no problems with this process, because we have gained a lot of experience, and in the garage or shed have long been everything you need. In addition, we have studied many materials and technologies that can be applied here. Therefore, DachaDecor.ru recommends not to despair, but to get down to business on time!
Repair of reinforced concrete fence
The main defects that can form on the surface of a reinforced concrete fence over time are the chipped concrete pavement and delamination, due to which the steel reinforcement forming the frame is exposed. If you have noticed similar ones, it is better to start repairing it without delay.
Initially, you will need to clear the place of chips and remove all fragments that fall off. The next step is to treat the reinforcement with a metal brush in order to remove all rust from the surface of the frame.
When places with defects are ready for repair, the intake plane should be treated with a primer for outdoor use, let it dry until the next day, and repeat the process. Now the entire surface is ready for repair. We will need a mortar based on cement and sand, or a repair mixture, say, an Anserglob or Ceresit cold-resistant adhesive mortar. Using a spatula, you need to gently apply the solution to the chip and align it so as to obtain a pre-shaped surface. Now it remains only to wait a few days and proceed to painting, if such is implied.

Repair of polycarbonate fence
The most common problems that are associated with fences of this type are cracks and chips. If they are minimal, you can repair the canvas, if not, you will need to replace it with a new one.
- If there are cracks on the surface of the polycarbonate sheet, you can seal them with transparent silicone, and after it dries, just remove excess residue.
- If there are holes in the polycarbonate or whole holes, decorative patches from the same material, such as figured, set on glue or self-tapping screws used earlier for mounting, can help.
- If you notice that decorative slats that cover material sections have fallen off the fence, they should be replaced with new ones, and after cleaning and degreasing the surfaces to be glued, smear them with glue and press them well.
- If polycarbonate at the will of a certain impact has moved away from the metal frame, you just need to install on the installation screws, retreating from each hole previously made by a few centimeters.

Country fence (video)
Repair brick fencing
The main problem of brick fences - peeling bricks, when it stratifies due to moisture and crumbles. It is almost impossible to change this, because changing bricks in a laying is not so simple. But to stop the impact of atmospheric phenomena and protect the structure is very real.
Repair of a brick fence consists in repairing the seams, for which cement mortar or other mixtures are used, and also in shaping to the top, which will not allow rain water to run down the walls of the fence. If we are talking about the above-mentioned protection of the entire fence, then it is worthwhile to proceed as follows - clean the entire surface from peeling, treat the surface with soil, preferably twice, and paint with weather-resistant paint. Remember that with such a repair, the fence may lose its original appearance, and therefore you can spend much more time on it to paint the masonry seams with another color.

Repair of metal fences
The most serious problem of any metal fence is the breakdown of the section. This may happen for various reasons, and therefore immediately proceed to repair.
Torn section is well cleaned at the joints. Cleaning up the material to the bare metal is also necessary on the installation parts of the intake pillars. You can use a metal brush for this, but it is better to use a grinder, since it is much faster and more convenient to work with power tools.
When the joints are cleaned, the section is put in place by welding, and a neat weld is made at the joint. If this is not possible due to the absence of a welding machine in the farm, the section is mounted on clamps, steel wire or bolted connections.
Often, it also happens that reinforcement, a rod, a corner, a profile pipe breaks out from the inside of a section of a metal fence ... depending on what such a fence is made of. Here, too, all repairs can be made with the help of welding, well, or use a powerful screwdriver and metal screws (applicable for pipe and angle, but not for reinforcement and rod).

The rest of the repair is restoration, the surface is cleaned of dry paint and rust, and re-covered with protective material.
How to build a country fence (video)
Repair of wooden fence
If you are a rare owner of a fence or wooden sectional fence, you need to keep it in good order, otherwise the fungus from the effects of humidity will quickly spoil the wood.
Repair of wooden structures is to clean the elements of the fence from the old paint. Next, there is a putty potholes and chips, and painting.
But it may happen that some elements of the fence are badly damaged, and then they will have to be completely replaced.
The breakdown of the guide bar of a wooden fence can be considered a frequent problem. Here you will have to tinker a bit to replace the timber. All picket parts are carefully removed from the main guides and installed on new ones. Well, or in a slightly different order - first a bar is installed on the pillars, and only then a practically new picket fence is formed.

What to look for when working
It is very important not to dwell on the most noticeable defect, as is often the case, but to consider all the problems in the complex. Then you will definitely be able to repair the dacha fence correctly and effectively in order to maximize its service life. What to pay attention to?
- First of all, you should recall the complex repair, and therefore inspect the entire perimeter;
- You can even use a sheet of paper and a pencil, marking the fence, numbering sections and recording each individual serious defect;
- Visible problems, such as a rotten board or a single broken brick, are often the simplest, there is still a whole list of more serious ones;
- It is possible that the sections are holding up poorly on the pillars, and they should be strengthened;
- It is important to pay attention to the bearing pillars themselves so that they are stable and level;
- The foundation also plays a serious role, and therefore, if its defense is worn out, update it;
- In addition to the fence, be sure to inspect the dacha gates and the gate, because the old entrance or the entrance to the courtyard against the background of a new fence will not look very nice.

Updating of a country fence (video)
Repairing the dacha fence is not the most serious headache, and therefore, if you follow the problems that arise and solve them in time, you will not even consider this process to work, it will be your pleasure.