Electric sauna oven
Electric sauna stove: the pros and cons

Increasingly, in country houses, townhouses and even apartments began to think about their own sauna. In Finland, the sauna is a national symbol and an integral part of culture, therefore, every second dwelling is equipped with a room with an electric furnace.
The wood stove in the apartment is not installed, because it needs a chimney. Therefore, in apartments, stoves with a separate hood are installed extremely rarely, moreover, unlike electric ovens, it is unsafe.

The main difference between the sauna from the hammam or bath is that the sauna produces dry steam. The quality of the air will depend on the quality of the furnace, and, consequently, the quality of rest in general. Also, unlike baths, the temperature in the sauna is higher and the humidity is lower. The electric furnaces invented by the Finns are very eco-friendly, made from high-quality materials, and their design is so diverse that it will satisfy anyone. Natural stones used for the furnace do not harm health and do not emit toxic substances.
Do not confuse the electric furnace for a sauna with an infrared sauna.

Features of electric sauna heater consist in its functional application. This sauna is suitable for almost all rooms (apartments, country houses, townhouses, water parks, swimming pools, can simply serve as a separate separate room). You can also list the following range of advantages:
- rapid heating of the room: the time from switching on to use is less than 15 minutes;
- quick shutdown if necessary;
- an electric oven maintains the same temperature until it is forced off;
- easy to install: no need for special preparation of the base of the floor;

- easy cleaning: only wet cleaning is necessary to keep the oven clean;
- does not require additional consumables, such as firewood;
- lack of smoke and carbon dioxide emissions;
- due to its small size and weight, the furnace is easy to transport and install;
- has a high level of safety of use;
- has the ability to remote or autonomous control.

The electric oven consists of the following parts:
- Housing. Thanks to a special housing with integrated partitions, the air has the ability to circulate inside the unit.
- Stones. They are laid between partitions with specially left gaps for convection of air. The size of the stones contributes to the faster heating of the air.
- Electric heating element. Heaters have different capacities. Their choice is based on the calculation of the volume of the room: the larger the room, the more power the heating element is needed. Heating elements come in the form of tubes or tape. It is important that the shells are made of metal. Heaters are very fragile and fragile, even too heavy and tightly packed stones can damage these pipes.
- Thermal insulation is metal plates, set one after another.

Thanks to electrical energy, the heating elements (tubular electric heaters) heat up the stones located on top of the structure. The stones give off heat to the room, thereby heating the air. Water is poured onto the stones, so steam is produced. This procedure is safe because when water gets on hot stones, water evaporates instantly without getting into electric heaters.
To use the electric sauna room should be as insulated as possible. As a result of such actions, clean and dry steam is obtained that is beneficial to health. Without electricity, the stones will quickly cool, because they cannot maintain heat, just like bricks, for example. It is believed that the average lifetime of the heating element is 6-8 years, with careful operation it is over 10 years.

It is impossible to say with absolute certainty that an electric sauna stove has only advantages. The electric furnace consumes a huge amount of electricity that will hit your pocket, unlike a traditional wood burning stove. If all the advantages overlap for you the only minus in the huge consumption of electricity, then the electric stove is your option.
Another nuance - the electric sauna does not give the very real smell of the bath and firewood. Yes, many heaters have special flavoring bowls, but these are more modern technologies and fashion trends than an attempt to recreate something like a familiar smell.

Criterias of choice
The choice of stove depends on many factors, such as the size of the room, the planned number of people to visit, the purpose of use (home or public). The main criteria for choosing a furnace:
- The volume of the steam room. From it will depend on the power and dimensions of the unit.
- Control. Whether it will be remote control or panel. When the remote control on the remote control should be a button on, off and adjust the temperature.
- Type of heating element. The most popular and most reliable heating elements, but the market also represents tape heaters or combined options.
- Design.
- Quality certificates. In their absence, find yourself another model. In addition to the quality certificate, the furnace must have documents for compliance with fire regulations.

The market presents many options for sauna stoves. To make it easier for them to understand, below are the tables, thanks to which you can easily navigate the views, as well as choose what is right for you.
By type of accommodation there are two types of furnaces, each of them has a certain number of pros and cons. The choice depends on the attractiveness of the model, on the desired functionality, the dimensions of the room. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in the sauna:
- wall mounted - reduce the risk of burns, are used in small spaces.
- floor standing - for spacious rooms.
For outdoor furnaces often use fencing, for example, a wooden box. This prevents burns if you accidentally touch a hot stove.

A variety of shapes also give free rein to designers to experiment. For example, a corner electric furnace looks very stylish, and also takes up little space. A ball-shaped stove can be placed away from the wall - in the center, thereby emphasizing the large space of the room, freedom of movement, setting up benches in a circle and accepting large companies. According to the form:
- cylindrical
- rectangular
- square
- spherical
- corner

The volume of the room plays an important role in the choice of furnace power. So, when the volume of the premises is less than 15 m3, the capacity should be 1 kV per 1 cubic meter. If the room is more than 15 cubic meters, then 0.75 kV should fall to 1 cubic meter. For example, if your steam room is 24 meters cubic (it is 3 by 4 meters and 2 meters in height), referring to the formula, we see that this value is greater than the calculated 15 m3, then we need a boiler that produces 18 kV power. Based on the table below, we will need a stove operating at 380 volts. 220 volts suitable for single mini-saunas.
These calculations are correct only with full thermal insulation, so check its level and take into account the errors. If you doubt the thermal insulation of such elements as windows and doors, then add to the volume of the room 1.2 meters cubic per square meter of non-insulated surface.
Remember that tape elements heat up to 15 times more volume than tubular ones.

By power:
- 220 V - heat up to 7 VC
- 380 V - over 7 kV
Also, for proper selection of power, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of system.
By system type:
- embedded
- remote
- combined

Type of stove also depends on your preferences. Try to choose large and large stones. By type of stove:
- open - quick heat release
- closed - long heat retention
With the choice of material difficulties should not arise - be guided by your preferences or go straight to the choice of specific models and brands. These Finnish induction furnaces. By material:
- steel - durable
- aluminum - light, fast cooling
- cast iron - heavy, keep warm for a long time
Do you need steam, you also decide. If desired, the steam generator can be purchased separately.

Open Kamenka

Closed heater
Drawing - a very important component of the unit. Only due to its correct preparation the furnace will meet all the norms and requirements. Thanks to the drawing, you can design a mini-oven yourself, taking into account all the nuances.
The drawing also provides for the calculation of power and other electrical subtleties. Drawings will help you assemble the furnace with your own hands. As mentioned above, only a framework that can be made of steel, heat insulation, a heating element and stones is needed.

First you need to make a drawing. One of the possible options presented above. In the drawing, the dimensions and area of the future furnace must be clearly indicated, the power that you calculate using the formula. Then calculate the number of heating elements. A mini-steam room is a sauna, ready to accommodate one or two people at a time. A new-fashioned phenomenon is to install such mini-saunas in apartments. If you are not afraid for high consumption of electricity, you can build such a steam room even with your own hands. The main thing - to remember about thermal insulation.
The assembly of the furnace is a fixation of heating elements on the frame with jumpers. The base is a sheet of steel with a thickness of 3 mm. The rest of the parts are already attached to the base with bolts and welding. On top of the frame is mounted stone cage. Stacking stones should be as tight and tidy as possible.

A protective cover is made of the steel sheet. You can lay out a brick base for the furnace.
For connection it is necessary to connect in series and parallel connections of heating elements. It is also necessary to have a thermostat with which the heating of stones will be controlled. In this case, it is recommended to use rotary or drum switches. The control itself must be positioned so that it is in a convenient place for use. You can install it in the steam room, so that you can, without leaving it, set your own comfortable temperature.
In conclusion, check the efficiency of the furnace, safety and comfort of its use.

The scope of delivery usually includes:
- electric stove;
- passport and instruction manual;
- packaging.
The control panel of the electric sauna PU - EVTtsts - I1 and stones for filling the sauna heater are not usually supplied. If you have correctly calculated the power and volume of the room, you can proceed to the installation.

Ensure that the room is fully insulated and that there is a proper distance to the walls and ceiling. Be sure to check the operation of ventilation. Work order:
- Install the fireproof sheets on the walls around the stove.
- Install the furnace frame on the prepared foundation, fasten with foundation bolts.
- If the control panel is remote, install it in the next room. The panel body should be located away from heat flow and ventilation at a height above 1 meter from the top of the electric furnace. Do not bend the cable.
- Connecting the sauna heater to the mains is stationary. Power wires must be heat-resistant and have a stronger polychloroprene sheath (type 66 according to GOST 245-1). The wire must withstand temperatures of at least 160 degrees.
- When connecting for the first time, as well as after switching on again after a long break, check the insulation resistance of the heating elements, which should be at least 0.5 Ohm.

Only one heater is always installed in the steam room, two are not allowed. Consider this, selecting the optimal power of the device. Even if the entire sauna is wooden, a more solid protection must be installed behind the heater, which can help avoid overheating of the walls and their fire. The corner should be firmly insulated with mineral wool and covered with aluminum foil. Along with mineral wool, the most common lining can be used.
Stones intended for an electric furnace must withstand large fluctuations in temperature, do not emit odor, be large enough and not crumble. For use in saunas, stones of such rocks as basalt, diabase, gabbroid diabase and peridotite are suitable, their fraction should be 4-8 cm. Before laying, they should be washed and wiped dry. Place the stones on the cage so that air can freely circulate between them. Stones should completely hide the heating elements.

Along the perimeter of the substrate, it is also necessary to leave a gap for air circulation. When using the unit, the stones are slowly deformed, therefore it is necessary to change them in places at least once every six months, and with frequent use even more often.
There is nothing difficult to install an electric sauna with your own hands. All that is required is an instruction for a specific model, tools and materials, such as a perforator, fasteners for the control panel, screeds, boxes, which will hide the wires and the basics of electricians. Without knowledge of resistance, voltage, and other intricacies, electricians are better to turn to professionals.
At cost, such an installation is inexpensive, and in terms of quality it is not inferior to an installation from the manufacturer. In addition, many firms have long been represented in Russia, so their team will produce high-quality installation of all European technologies.

Wiring diagram
The wiring diagram mainly depends on the type of panel. The control unit, if it is remote, must be located in the next room. He, unlike the unit itself, does not tolerate moisture and elevated temperatures. In the electrical panel for the remote control it is necessary to allocate a circuit breaker, it is also recommended to include in the circuit a safety device and a reset.
To connect the power supply with a furnace using a specific wire, which has a heat-resistant rubber insulation. After installation, the cable is insulated with a grounded metal element. Temperature sensors must be installed in the places provided by the instructions for the unit: above the stove, above the shelves and above the doors of the steam room. For sensors use heat-resistant cables that come with the kit. To increase and twist them is prohibited.
The instructions for each specific model should indicate where the temperature sensors should be located.

The choice of manufacturer is another important point in choosing an electric furnace. The market provides a great choice, but, as you know, most often buyers trust European models. Given the fact that the sauna is a Finnish attribute, it is the brands from Finland that cause more approval among our compatriots.

Finnish company, founded in 1950. It is the absolute leader in the manufacture of stoves for saunas and fireplaces. It produces high-quality equipment from high quality materials. The stoves of this company have various modifications for both mini-steam and public saunas. Harvia elektrokamenki are convenient in operation, compact and have a unique and original design.
The advantage of this company is that the production is located not only in Finland, but also in Estonia, China and Russia. Works are carried out according to Finnish technologies, and production in the territory of the Russian Federation allows us to save on transportation of the product. Impeccable design and stylish approach to colors and shapes leaves only the best impressions of this product. Depending on the design, prices for electric-type sauna stoves vary from 5,000 to 60,000 rubles. Wall - in the range of 6 000 rubles, family Kamenka - 15 000-30 000, and for commercial purposes - from 40 000 rubles.

Model "Harvia Club Combi K-11 GS" It differs by automated work: the furnace according to a given program autonomously heats the room to the set temperature The oven is equipped with containers for flavors. Its cost is about 48,500 rubles.
"Harvia Topclass CombiKV 60 SE" - wall oven with automatic temperature control. It has the ability to work in several modes, has a built-in steam generator, flavors the room. It has a solid stainless steel case. The cost is 30 500 rubles.

Manufacturer from Finland, who pleases users of innovative saunas. Tylo units are equipped with flexible settings that easily change settings from dry to wet steam and vice versa, using the built-in unique feature.

Finnish brand, which is primarily interested in ecology lovers. In the assortment there are expensive models of furnaces with granite, marble, talcomagnesite and natural ceramics.

Another Finnish girant. All furnaces are lined with soap powder. Thanks to this coating of natural heat-accumulating material, the furnace saves energy. Having warmed up in an hour, the furnace does not give off heat and gives the effect of a Russian bath. The price of a device with a capacity of 3-8 kW is from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles.
A rather popular model is "Sawo Cumulus SML-60 NB" - it is made of stainless steel, inside the case the walls are sheathed with galvanized material. Equipped with a remote control and containers for flavoring. The cost of the unit is 11,250 rubles.
"Sawo Tower TH3-60 NB" different location of the heater, which is able to warm the stones from top to bottom, and despite the miniature, a large volume of accommodated stones. Power is 6 kW. It is worth the stove 17500 rubles.

Sawo Cumulus SML-60 NB

Sawo Tower TH3-60 NB
The oldest company in the kiln segment. Factories are located in Germany and Finland. The range of the company includes electric sauna furnaces, control panels, wood stoves for baths, steam generators for baths, infrared and other equipment for saunas and baths.
Having considered the series “Exclusive”, you will definitely find something that you don’t want to give up, for example, stoves "Helo Taika" or "Helo Saga Electro". The cost of an electric furnace with a capacity of 6 kW is up to 3,000 rubles, 8 kW - 30,000–40,000 rubles, and for volumetric saunas with 10.5 kW - 60,000-80,000 rubles.

Reviews on the products of each manufacturer are contradictory. Most often this is due to the wrong choice of the model or errors in the calculations. So, acquiring an expensive model for a small room, but using it in a large one can remain unsatisfied, because the necessary heating of the room simply will not be. Some businessmen, trying to save money, do not count on the volume of the room and the simultaneous presence of people in it, buying stoves for private rather than commercial use. All this may adversely affect the rest, as well as leave a negative opinion about the manufacturer.
Of course, if you do not pursue quality and brands, the furnace can be made independently. True, home-made ovens in terms of durability, safety and creative design are still inferior to the factory ones. The choice mainly depends on the purpose: if you just need a steam room, you can get by with the standard model. For lovers of exclusive solutions, the market presents a large variety of options. But when choosing an exclusive, it is worth remembering that the price for it will be very high, and practicality compared to the usual model will be only a few percent more.

- Remember - everything related to electricity is dangerous.
- Grounding is necessary anyway.
- All materials must be of high quality and suitable for working in wet areas.
- The air in the steam room can not be overheated, it should be no more than 100 degrees. Such heated air will not only dry the respiratory tract and skin, but will also contribute to the emergence of wood pyrolysis (products toxic to humans will be released into the air).
- You can not add essential oils in water intended for pouring hot stones. To do this, use special flavors, oil which does not fade, and evaporates. So that the steam began to release healing aromas, it is enough to place a container with boiling water in the far part of the sauna and add essential oils to it.

- It is impossible to dry fabric products over the electric heater (even if the unit is turned off). This may cause a fire.
- At least once every six months, the stones must be picked, washed, removed and damaged. Remember that for electric stoves you need special stones that can withstand high temperatures. When using other stones, the efficiency of the furnace may be lower.
- For the bath you need to purchase only whole, intact stones. To check their strength, you must use a hammer or hit a stone on a stone. In addition, in the process of selecting stones, they can be heated and immediately thrown into ice water. Stones are sold both in packages and in bulk. Price - from 8 to 300 rubles per kilogram.
- Stones in the furnace load neatly and evenly. Large stones are placed in the lower part of the furnace tank, then medium ones are placed on them, and the smallest are placed on the very top.

- If we are talking about mini-electric furnaces, it is better to use small stones (with a diameter of 50 mm to 75 mm), since the stone cage is small in size and can withstand light weight.
- Despite the price of the product, it is better to choose reliable and trusted manufacturers. They take responsibility for the compliance of the unit with all state-of-the-art standards, passing all checks. Manufacturer's warranty is another important condition.
- As with the design of the other rooms, the design of the sauna must be approached wisely. It is necessary to take into account the location of the steam room, washing room, rest room, carefully approach the choice of the installation site of the control panel.

Successful examples
Below are examples of the successful location of the heater in small rooms, large spacious rooms.
- Mini-saunas.

- Modern design.

- Exclusive models.

- Commercial options.

You will learn more about installing the Harvia electric furnace in the next video.