Electric furnace for bath
Electric bath: choose the best option

- Features
- Varieties
- Power
- Manufacturers Overview
- How to choose?
- Homemade options
- Operation Tips
Bathing procedures are not only a way to maintain hygiene, but also an opportunity to strengthen the body and spirit. The “heart” of the steam room is the stove. Today, replaced by wood and gas structures came electric heaters, which have several advantages.

An electric stove for a bath is a device in which electricity is converted into heat. That, in turn, heats the stones in the stove, and they transfer heat to the air of the steam room.
The main element of the unit is a heating heater (it can be of different types), a heater with stones, as well as a protective case in which all elements of the system are enclosed. The control panel allows you to set the desired operating parameters. Sometimes such a device has a remote control.
For the traditional Russian steam bath characterized by high temperature and humidity. Mandatory component - light transparent steam rising from the heated stones.

The first electric furnaces were created for Finnish saunas. The temperature in them is higher, and the air is dry and well heated. Not surprisingly, such stoves did not like the lovers to relax in the classic Russian bath.
However, a modern electric stove is equipped with a steam generator, thanks to which transparent light smoke hovers in the steam room. The air is therefore moistened, and the temperature is slightly reduced - the optimum atmosphere is achieved. Steam generators can be either built into the furnace or purchased separately.

The use of current models of electrical devices completely refutes the claim that such stoves are good only for Finnish saunas. Moreover, we can talk about their universality. When the temperature rises to 100 ° C, you get a Finnish sauna, while lowering it to 80–90 ° C and activating the steam generator, you can enjoy the steam room that is familiar to the Russian spirit.
The advantage of electric furnaces is the ease of their installation - just connect to the power grid, make the necessary connections. There is no need to organize a chimney, which means that the stove is not “tied” to a specific location.
Having a compact size and low weight, such furnaces do not require strengthening the foundation. There is no need to prepare fuel, and therefore, after the procedure, clean the boiler and the steam room from ash and litter. In addition, there is no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Heats up such a design quickly and no less quickly spreads the heat in the room. In addition, the user has the ability to set the required temperature readings and the value of humidity and hold them.
We must not forget that the electric furnace is a standard electrical appliance that can provoke a fire. However, subject to the rules of installation and operation, a fire in a bath with an electric heater happens much less frequently than in a steam room with a wood or gas stove. This is due to the automation of work processes of electric furnaces, the presence of an emergency shutdown system for heating elements.

Electric ovens can be divided into those that are designed for the sauna and those used for the Russian bath. A mandatory element of the latter is a steam generator. Its presence in the devices for the sauna - at the discretion of the buyer.
Devices with a steam generator usually have a water tank. Water is poured into them manually or automatically if the structure is connected to the water supply system. The heating temperature reaches 600 C.

For sauna

For Russian bath
Some models are equipped with compartments for medicinal plants or essential oils. It should be understood that this tank is provided for the operation of the steam generator. It can not be used for washing and household needs in the absence of hot water. First, in comparison with tanks in a stone furnace for a bath, for example, this tank has a small volume. Secondly, it does not provide a tap or a wide cap for scooping heated water.
Electric stoves, like any stove for a bath, come with an open and closed stove. The latter are also called "thermos". A stove with an open stove, according to users, allows you to create the mood of a classic Russian steam room. Heating stones in such a device in sight, they can be watered. Due to the high temperature, it instantly evaporates, turning into a transparent vapor.

Closed heater

Open Kamenka
However, stones in an open system quickly cool, for their heating requires additional power consumption. Stones in the "thermos" are constantly in heating mode. They do not cool down; therefore, as the desired temperature in the steam room is reached, they can be switched to heat maintenance mode, rather than reducing power consumption. Closed heaters have a high cost. Their average price starts from 50,000 - 70,000 rubles, while the minimum cost of an open analogue is 10,000 - 14,000 rubles.

The difference in aggregates is also due to the type of heating elements used. There are the following types of it:
- Tubular (TEH). It is a heating coil enclosed in stainless steel tubes. TENY are used in many household appliances, for example, the washing machine. The advantage is low cost. At the same time, the device is not very durable. When laying stone, they are easily damaged.

- Tape - modern variation of heating elements. Being enclosed in ceramic plates, tape heaters are durable, they can not be mechanically damaged during use. In addition, they are characterized by efficiency: with equal power with heating elements, ribbon counterparts consume 1.5 times less electricity.
The cost of a heater equipped with a ribbon heater is slightly higher than that of analogs with heating elements, however, it is important to take into account the performance of the device, do not forget about the lower power consumption. Finally, it is believed that ribbon models heat up slightly less than analogs with heating elements.

- Combined. They include both heating elements and ribbon elements, due to which a high heating temperature is achieved with a low power consumption. Perhaps the best version of the heating element, however, differing in the highest cost.

Depending on the location of the control panel, there are devices in which the control system is moved outside the steam room, as well as those in which the control buttons are located directly on the device body.
The first is preferable because they are protected from the adverse effects of moisture. They are safe and durable. Models with a control panel on the furnace body may be exposed to accidental ingress of water.
A separate panel can be mounted in any convenient place, it is recommended to move it outside of the steam room, for example, in a waiting room or a rest room. For ease of use, such devices are available with a remote control. In other words, all the necessary parameters are set before the start of bath procedures on the control panel, if necessary, they need to be changed, there is no need to leave the steam room, just use the remote control.

Allocate wall and floor models. The first are equipped with brackets for mounting, the second have legs. There are universal designs that can be mounted in any of these ways. A variety of outdoor electric heaters are angular devices that are optimal for paired small area.
Depending on the shape of the device are cylindrical, rectangular, round. They have different dimensions and design. There are laconic rectangular and angular structures, as well as stoves that imitate a fireplace or traditional ones with supercharged (wood, for example) equipped with a mill wheel over which water flows.

The size of the furnace due to its capacity and the number of loaded stones. Thus, small structures, provided mainly for saunas, can hold up to 35–40 kg of stones. For the Russian sauna, it is better to choose a device with a maximum load of 60–120 kg. It gives a good heat, you can pour large amounts of water on the stones. Most of these models have 2 functioning programs - in the “sauna” and “bath” mode.
The external case of the device is designed to protect the heating and other elements from damage, as well as to protect the user from getting burned. It can be metal, upholstered with heat-resistant wood, talko-chlorite (natural mineral). Models with an open stone, surrounded by a mesh case, look no less impressive.

Power indicators are one of the most important characteristics of an electric sauna stove. It should be enough for the area of a particular steam room. It is believed that for every m cube. the space of the steam room requires 1 kW of electrical power.
At the same time, the heat loss of the room cannot be ignored. To reduce them will allow high-quality insulation of the walls, floor, ceiling, steam rooms. So, for a wooden steam room requires at least 1.2-1.5 kW per cubic meter. With good thermal insulation, 0.8–0.9 kW is enough.

When buying a device, you should choose a model with a capacity indicator "for stock". For example, if your steam room has enough power of 7 kW, give preference to models with a power of 7–9 kW. The power of the device with indicators of 5 kW may not be enough.
The minimum power of most electric furnaces for domestic use starts from 2 kW. Maximum reaches 12 kW.
When buying, pay attention not only to the performance of power, but also to the requirements for the electrical network, a specific model. Some imported furnaces do not require a standard voltage of 220 W, but 380–400 W.

Manufacturers Overview
The leading position is occupied by the Finnish manufacturer of electric furnaces for baths Harvia. One of the advantages of the product is high-quality welding of products using alloy steel. This ensures the tightness of the seams and, accordingly, promises a long period of operation.

The separation of models into lines due to their power, and hence the area of the room. Electric stoves for small steam rooms are often available in the corner version, which makes them ergonomic. These include the DELTA model and its modifications. Power devices vary in the range of 2.3-3.5 kW.
For more space, you can buy a model Globe. It is distinguished by the original appearance - it is a ball mounted on the wall, mounted on the floor or fixed on a special telescopic "leg". Depending on the required power, you can purchase a ball of larger or smaller diameter (2 varieties).

Harvia delta

Harvia globe
If you are looking for an electric furnace with a closed heater, pay attention to the Forte device, one of the advantages of which is the ability to supply soft, transparent steam without lowering the heating temperature of the furnace. Available in three varieties, differing in terms of power (models with a capacity of 4, 6, 9 kW. Of the shortcomings - the high cost.
Another device that boasts the proper quality of steam - KIVI. A large number of stones makes the stove efficient, and the stylish design attracts attention.

Harvia forte

Not only practical, but also aesthetic function is performed by the Fuga model. It is equipped with soapstone bars (they look like a stone), if water is poured over them, then it flows down a beautiful “waterfall”. In this case, since the stones are hot, the water turns into steam. Such a device will decorate the steam room.
Those who are in search of an inexpensive compact unit, we can recommend the model Topclass. Suspended design will increase the free space of the steam room. It is a small "rectangle" with a control panel on one side.

Harvia fuga

Harvia topclass
If you are looking for reliable and durable devices, but are not ready to overpay for the original design, you will probably appreciate the EOS brand products. Most models have a rectangular shape or an angular design. Conveniently, you can find a convenient option for placing the unit - under the bench or on the floor, as well as a suspended structure. Power output is on average 2–12 kW.
If you need to purchase a multifunctional device, give preference to the products of the Finnish brand Helo. Designs have 3 modes of operation, characterized by rapid heating. The price range is wide - the cost of devices varies from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles.


The great advantage of Russian producers is the orientation towards the domestic consumer. Most of the devices present in the market, allows you to recreate the mood and conditions of a traditional Russian bath. In addition, the products of manufacturers from Russia have a lower cost compared to imported counterparts.
Such Russian manufacturers as “Teplodar”, “Yermak”, “Polytech”, “Inzhkomtsentr” deserve attention.
The leading activity of the Yermak company is the production of electric furnaces; therefore, they are of high quality, well thought-out system. The outer casing of the models is trimmed with natural stone, which becomes a decoration of the structure, and also increases the benefit of bath procedures. The price of products available (20 000 - 60 000 rubles).


Positive feedback has a model "Primavolta" - the only electric oven company "Termof". Made of flame-retardant alloyed stainless steel, it demonstrates efficiency and reliability for medium-sized steam rooms (7–8 cubic meters).
For baths of a large area, you can recommend the Inkomcenter furnaces. The power of some models reaches 24 kW (which is enough to warm up 30 cubic meters). The combination of stainless steel body and natural stone provides rapid heating of the device, achieving high temperatures.


How to choose?
Choosing elektrokamenku, focus on the area of the room. The necessary formulas for the calculation and recommendations on the choice of device power were given above. A big mistake is the purchase of a device power, less than required. Of course, it can be turned on to a maximum and increase the operating time, however, in this mode, the electric stove will work for a much shorter period than the manufacturer indicates.
Pay attention to the type of heater. The best option - tape or combined systems. However, expensive stainless steel heating elements are not worse withstand heavy loads.

Before you buy, specify which steam the unit issues. To create the atmosphere of a classic Russian steam room, only fine steam is suitable. Make sure that it is the steam generator that generates it, not the heavy steam.
The lightness of steam is guaranteed by the soft heating system, which provides for the separate heating of air and stones. In addition, the use of such a system will prevent the burning of dust, which is usually accompanied by an unpleasant smell.

Before buying, make sure that the products have a certificate of quality and compliance with fire safety requirements.
Finally, assess the condition of the external electric heater box. On its surface should not be dents, scratches, damage. Remember that the outer panel performs not only decorative, but also protective functions, and also provides better convection of heat.

Homemade options
At the first stage, drawings with the dimensions of the heater are performed. With their own hands they usually make closed constructions. The main “components” of the system are a heating element, a protective housing made of heat-resistant materials (stainless steel is a priority) and a tire for supplying electrical voltage.
At the first stage, the required number of heating elements is established on a steel sheet with a thickness of up to 3 mm. Then the rest of the frame elements are welded. After the frame is ready - the stones are laid in it. The next step is the manufacture of an external protective casing.
The finished design is connected to the power grid in compliance with safety requirements. The control heating of the device is carried out.

Operation Tips
In accordance with fire requirements, the stove is installed in the corner nearest to the door. However, if you comply with fire requirements, you can install electrical appliances anywhere in the steam room. Popular options for placing it in the center.
The area of the floor covering in the place of installation of the sauna heater is necessarily insulated with fire-resistant material (special tile or asbestos sheet).

When placing the device near walls or other flammable materials, it is important to observe an indent of 50 cm, and close the surfaces themselves with a heat-insulating screen. The screen area should slightly exceed the area of the electric furnace walls adjacent to the surface.
When connecting it is important to use only heat-resistant and waterproof cables. Be sure to ground and the RCD system (residual current device).
If the oven is equipped with stones, it is unacceptable to include it without them. This will lead to burnout TENOV.

How to make a stove for a bath with your own hands, you can learn from the following video.