Do-it-yourself garden design
Do you want to add interesting elements to garden design? Or perhaps you have no idea how to make a beautiful landscaped shady garden, and you want to turn it into something brighter and more comfortable? In any case, you have a reason to see what original and beautiful elements you can add with your own hands to the design of your summer cottage.

We will consider what role can play in the design of the garden not only beautiful flower beds, but also original paths, a cozy seating area and how to make your beautiful garden meet you right at your doorstep.

Do-it-yourself garden design. How to make a track with a mosaic.
Your path can be of almost any size, but it is easier to start from a small section. The ground under the path must be leveled, carefully removing the roots of trees, because tree roots can grow and in a year or two to lift your path. Advice: if you have never worked with cement before, it is better to start with something very small, for example, from one step near the house.

There are several methods for creating mosaics in the garden, some of which are much more complicated than others. We are going to make this project as simple as possible. Having made the necessary mosaic tiles in advance, we will assemble a track from them as in a children's designer. With the help of various round containers or formwork made of thick sheets of cardboard, we pour the cement mold (1 part of cement: 3 parts of sand). Then we press the tile pieces into the wet surface of the tile.

We can prepare such a tile in advance in several stages and when all the necessary details are ready to begin work on the garden path. The basis of the mosaic walkway will be a regular concrete walkway, onto which we will cement pieces of stone or tiles of various shapes, in combination with river pebbles and mosaic tiles.

First, lay out the details on the track from the mosaic. Then we begin to lay the outer edges using pieces of stone that have a straight edge. The remaining pieces of stone will be used for the inside of the walkway. At this stage, do not worry about the thickness (but it is desirable that the stones were flat), because alignment will do in the process of cementing.

We begin to pick up stones for the inside of the track. Part of the space between the stones will be filled with pebbles.

Start the process of cementing a mosaic track. Yes, garden design is very interesting ... and very physically tiring. First, large stones are cemented, then smaller ones. After that, the pebbles between the stones will be filled with pebbles.

Elements from the remnants of colored tiles will be installed last, as it is very thin and should be installed flush with the stone.

The process is progressing: with the help of cement are created sections of the track. The track surface is level-aligned — with a slight bevel to the edges for water flow.

After all the elements are installed, the path must be cleaned of cement residue and wipe the seams.

For your own garden walkway, you can use not only tiles, but also glass balls, pebbles, colored gravel chips, interesting metal elements. Garden design requires you not so much the fulfillment of the rules, as much courage and generosity of imagination.
Garden design. Cozy recreation area in the country.
Let's see how to combine our walkway in landscape design with other elements in the garden. For example, you can add to the design of a country garden a cozy recreation area with a mosaic patio.

Before starting work on the patio, we need to level the ground and get rid of the roots of the plants on it. Our mosaic will consist of individual tiles of cement with a mosaic coating, which we will pour into the formwork directly on the ground.

On the ground, fix the boundaries of your patio. Stretch the rope around the perimeter of the future patio. Buy a herbicide, in order to destroy the vegetation on the patio. Complete treatment usually requires 3 doses per week. Draw a scale on the graph paper design of your patio. Do not create large slabs, they may crack.

To create a tile with a trowel along the drawn outline of each tile, make a small trench (we will insert cardboard formwork into it). Slightly expand and deepen the soil surface over the tile area (1-2 cm). From cardboard strips create a formwork around the perimeter of the tile. Tamp the strips tightly in the trench so that the cement does not leak during the pouring. Prepare tile for mosaic. Knead the solution at the rate of 1 part of cement and 3 parts of sand, mix the dry ingredients, then add water to the consistency of thick sour cream. The solution is made on the basis of only one tile. A shovel we shift solution to preparation.

Level the surface of the tile, make sure that there are no air bubbles in the tile. On the surface of the tile we add a decorative mosaic, slightly heating it in the solution. After a day, remove the cardboard and smooth out the sharp edges of the tile. A day later, with a brush, gently clean the mosaic tile surface. After another day, your tile is completely dry and will only be ready for use after 2 weeks. It is then that you can arrange the furniture on your patio and enjoy the results of your work.

The space between the tiles can be beautifully filled with a little tinted gravel. If you notice, the bottoms of the bottles are inserted in large tiles. This is done for two reasons: firstly, they will crack less, and secondly, this is the place for LED light bulbs. So in the evening our patio will become a completely magical corner of the garden and we can be proud of the design of the garden, which we did with our own hands.
Beautiful garden design. Terrace with mosaics with their own hands.
In order for the beauty to meet us right behind the doors of the house, it was decided to make a mosaic on the terrace, which opens onto the garden.

For this project we bought tile and stone for the tracks.

Scale sketched future terraces with mosaics.

Paint made markup on the cement floor of the terrace in accordance with the figure.

The work plan is the same as with the track - first we lay the stone, then the mosaic. Choose stones with a flat edge and lay them on the cement mortar at the edges of the terrace.

Fill the seams between the plates with pebbles, also fixing them on the cement mortar.

Raise cement surface of the site under the mosaic. Then on the dry lay out the pattern of our mosaic.

In order to make it easier to fix the mosaic to cement, you can cover it with a dry film on top of it with an adhesive film and, lifting such improvised tile, put the right amount of mortar under it and then fix it completely. After the cement has dried, the auxiliary film can be carefully removed.

After the installation is complete, it is necessary to clean the tiles and rub the seams.

Even if such a project seems too complicated to you, you can always add a very small element with a mosaic, for example, to the site just near the entrance, and the landscape design of your summer cottage will acquire a new original element.
Garden design: flower beds with unpretentious annuals.
How to make a garden design so that it pleases us at any time of the year? How to choose not only undoubted favorites from the whole variety of flowers, but also modest workers who, without demanding special care, will decorate the garden all season.

Conveniently, when the basis of any flower beds are perennials - be it flowers or ornamental shrubs.

In order for any flowerbed to delight us with flowering throughout the season, it is possible to plant unpretentious annuals or ornamental grasses in the pauses between the flowering of perennials.

In addition, if you encounter a problem that the flowerbed becomes empty after flowering - you can fill it with flowers in containers.

The main problem of this garden, which is located on the edge of the forest, is a small amount of open sunny places. Therefore, for him the combination of different types of begonias and coleus on a flower bed is a great win-win.

These unpretentious annuals are always worth the work expended on them.

Coleus and begonia feel great in partial shade in this garden, every day delighting those around with their bright colors and lush leaves.

The design of this garden uses violet-lilac shades with slight yellow accents as the main color scheme.

Purple hibiscus and cute hydrangea are surprising in their size.

Sad about something exquisite lilac clematis ...

But such a cute corner in the garden can only cause a smile.

We hope that a tour of this bright and interesting garden will help you find new fresh ideas for the design of your summer cottage.

Garden design conveys one simple thought to our hearts: a person cannot do without beauty, and where there is none, he can create beauty with his own hands, it is not always easy, but without this it is impossible.