Diy garden paths

Tips and ideas

Classic garden paths of tiles or bricks are not cheap. Therefore, if you have local natural materials at your disposal, such as pebble-stone or the remnants of building materials, you can make beautiful garden paths with your own hands inexpensively and in an original way. We offer you 3 useful ideas on this topic.

130-garden paths with their own hands

A couple of dozen hollow concrete blocks, remaining after the construction of the next extension, can be a beautiful improvised tile for the path in the garden. Pour the block in the middle with concrete and decorate it with pebbles.

130-garden paths with their own hands
The path of concrete blocks can be laid close - block to block, and it is possible with a certain gap, filling the distance between the blocks with concrete. This track will look much more spectacular than a regular track made of concrete. In addition, the gap between the blocks can also be filled with pebbles - so the path will become even more decorative with an interesting unusual texture.
130-garden paths with their own hands

The idea to do paving tiles with your own hands for summer residents is not new.

130-garden paths with their own hands
The production of such tiles in the home makes any original design possible.
130-garden paths with their own hands
The main parameters of the manufactured tile are 4-5 cm in height, we add a dispersant to the cement mortar (cement, crushed stone, sand - 1: 2: 2) to increase the frost resistance, a plasticizer for better hardening and a coloring pigment to give color.
130-garden paths with their own hands
If you are making a sufficiently wide tile, then it will be correct to put in the form reinforcement for the fortress.
130-garden paths with their own hands
The surface is still not frozen tiles decorate with pebbles.
130-garden paths with their own hands
In order that the tile was better separated from a wooden form, we will go with a spatula between the sides and the fresh mortar.
130-garden paths with their own hands

To create a garden path, you can use the remains of stone and pebbles.

130-garden paths with their own hands
On the prepared flat surface, first lay the stone.
130-garden paths with their own hands
Then fill the gaps between it and pebbles. For strength, fill the path with a liquid cement mortar.
130-garden paths with their own hands
Not always unlimited financial opportunities and standard solutions offer us the best options. Each summer resident can make beautiful garden paths with his own hands, if he attentively treats both his financial capabilities and the available materials at hand.