Difficult planning of irregularly shaped plots

Today, DachaDecor.ru will give a few tips on how to start planning the site of irregular shape.
Land size
In this case, size matters. The more territory, the more space for the flight of thought, the more space for home, garden, vegetable garden. But, accordingly, there are also more expenses, both initial, on arrangement, and on the subsequent maintenance. But today we will not talk about the financial situation, capital and budgets, but only about what is really needed in the case of complex planning.

A large plot will provide an opportunity to choose a place for everything. The main thing is to decide on the main buildings and plantings. The rest of the landscape plays only a decorative role. It can be mounds, lawns, alleys, if, of course, there is a place for all this.
We also recommend to read: The site planner online. How to reinforce the slope at your summer cottage; Making a summer cottage with your own hands (10 photos).
If the territory is small, and even irregularly shaped, working with it is a little more difficult, but only in terms of the placement of buildings. Additional questions may arise if the area is problematic.
First of all, the size determines the purpose of the area. It can be a six-hundred-summer dacha for growing cucumbers and tomatoes, or a dacha of 20 acres, where you can build up, create a recreation area, install a swimming pool, plant a small garden, and even make a playground for children.
The quality of the land
Worst of all, to approach the planning of a problem and poor-quality plot, it is much more difficult than working with irregular forms. If you even have a snake-like plot (sometimes it happens), you only need to decide on the main buildings, everything else can be planted just around the perimeter, leaving inside a maximum of free space for architecture and landscape objects. But if the bad relief, soil, ditches and ditches got into the wrong shape, it will take a long time to work.

Let's just go through the site, evaluate its quality and install:
- How difficult is the relief on the site;
- Are there pits, moats, cliffs;
- Are there many thorns and weeds;
- What are the level differences, do the heights coincide?
- Are there any trees, bushes on the plot?
- What a distance from the forest or pond, what unexpected animals can be found here - snakes, toads, wild animals.
These are not horror stories, but a standard visual check, which often reveals something that you have never seen at the cottage. But we will not frighten you anymore, because we hope that the biggest trouble is difficulties with an irregular shape.

Relief of a site with a non-standard form
The relief of the territory can not only say a lot, but also give the opportunity to choose between the most diverse designs:
- The flat platform is a classic, the standard of our time. It is easy to build, plant, create something interesting in terms of styling;
- The territory with slopes is a little more problematic, because the slopes give rise to problems with water, and not only spring descents, but also groundwater, which can be very insidious;
- Relief allotment is a real problem, and geoplastic, leveling, dumping may be required here. Sometimes, it happens the other way around, and summer residents from flat areas form hills and slopes, but only when the main buildings are already in place.
It must be remembered that the alignment of the site can lead to serious delays in construction, and therefore evaluate the relief in the first place.
The main thing is that the relief is not steep, it will create additional difficulties. The leveling process will be the most difficult, although a good project can also be built on serious slopes.
Soil and its quality
We are a little distracted from the main theme, but the quality of the soil is no less important for the site than the shape of its borders. And not only for planting, but also for the format development of the land plot. After all, it depends on the quality of the soil and the type of soil, what and how it will be possible to build here, whether it will be necessary to choose a strip or pile foundation, what kind of house to build - light frame or heavy stone, and so on.

Planning and design of the site of irregular shape
The non-standard form of the territory leads us to think about how to get out of such a difficult situation. But if the site is not a problem, with good soil and tolerable relief, in fact, there are no difficulties at all. It is only necessary to work with fantasy and good projects.
Home construction
Regardless of the form of the land plot, construction always begins with a residential building. It is under him, taking into account all the features of your land, and create a quality project. It is desirable to do this not independently, but through design organizations, or invite experts from developers to assess the possibility of building.
Construction on a round plot
Moving away from stereotypes and far-fetchedness, we want to express the opinion that building a house in this case exactly in the center is wrong. You need to shift the point of construction to any border, and do it approximately so that the facade of the building is in contact with the center, for example, along the diametric line.
Country house on the L-shaped plot
And there are no difficulties, only the correct placement of the main cottage building. Initially, it is necessary to calculate all the dimensions of the site - the length, width, angle, and also be sure to associate all the data with the future project. Rather, the project for the construction of a house must necessarily take into account dimensional features. Most often in this case, the home is built in a shorter and wider branch.
How to build a house on a U-shaped plot
Such a territory is a real rarity, but in some cooperatives or cottage communities, non-standard is practiced, which is very inconvenient for the owners. There is nothing left but to define your summer house on the upper part, that is, on the lintel of the letter “P”. The narrow and elongated branches will serve as a place for the development of the landscape.

We build on the site of irregular shape
Irregular forms of the territory are also rare, but they are quite real, there are even allotments like stars!
Getting such land forms into possession, you can even get horrified at first, but the main thing is not to panic. It is only necessary to compare the project of the house in advance with the size and other parameters of the building land, necessarily relying on the data of the plan and the technical passport.
Farm buildings and small architectural forms
This list can include several dozens of buildings and structures of various types and purposes, and therefore we propose to focus only on the main ones that are most often found in summer cottages:
- Garage, shed, hangar and storage. These buildings are approximately the same format, and occupy an area of up to 20 square meters. This is a large building for a small plot of land, but quite standard for medium or large. If the plot format allows, place the buildings in the place where they are most convenient: a garage in the form of an extension of the house, a barn at a distance, in the household yard, a hangar and storage near the garden, in a hidden area. If there is no space for such facilities, their format and size can be changed, or one building can be replaced by another, for example, to make a storage cellar in the garage or combine a hangar and a shed;
- Pavilions and other facilities for recreation. Our site has a special section that describes gazebos, construction materials and the construction processes themselves. So, simply by reading a few useful articles, you can easily determine the arbor for your site. The only problem can be placement, and even if there is not enough space. But in this case, you can always find a way out of the situation by replacing the gazebo with a convenient extension to the summer house, where a place to rest will be organized. It can be a small shed, a comfortable terrace or even a patio, which we also recommend you read about;
- Small architectural forms in the country. This list includes arches, pergolas, bridges, small water facilities, and it is this set that can be the way out of a situation with a non-standard site. Having planned the construction of the main buildings, you can turn to exactly these elements, because they help to complement your chosen style and fill in the blanks of the site. Therefore, be sure to check the recommended items!
For construction, we can add that they will very well hide all defects in the embankment area, stony placers, alpine slides, grassy lawns after formatted geo-plastics, or more visible structures for landscape styling — retaining walls, gabion structures, vertical flower beds.
Landscape design of a non-standard summer cottage
It is very easy to cope with landscape design if all the buildings are already located on the territory. But this task becomes even easier and more interesting if you make a general plan in advance.
We want to remind every reader of this article that if you got a non-standard summer cottage, you need to do it comprehensively. You can not just build a house, and then organize lawns and gardens around it. Everything should be harmonious, and therefore it is worth starting with a design project, preferably from a professional studio. If not, on our website you can always read about programs for landscape design, and proceed to the planning.
Landscape design - it's not just plant a lawn and find a place under the gazebo. This is a serious work on stylization, necessarily complex, taking into account all the requirements of a deliberately made plan and the style you choose.
In this process, you will need a professional project, with the placement and size of absolutely everything, 3D visualization is desirable, as well as a preliminary estimate. It is very important to study the problems of the site in advance, because it is quite realistic that geoplastics, dumping, leveling will be needed, but we already spoke about this earlier.
It remains only to determine the plants - trees, shrubs and flowers, which we suggest you find information on our website. We offer a lot of interesting articles about the agrotechnology of plants, their placement, planting conditions, harvesting and storage.

The device of the fence must be included in the general plan. It is quite possible that this will be done initially, but it may be that with a fence you will put an end to the layout and arrangement of the site.
Choose a fence or a more serious fence to give according to your own requirements, but do not forget about quality and reliability. Also, it is very important that the fence impresses the overall format!
Responsible moment - planning of the villa area (video)
"Connection" non-standard site
We are referring to communications that activate the civilization of the site and its convenience. It is likely that sewage, water, gas, heating and electricity have already been brought to the site, but if not, it will have to be done independently.
It’s a very long time to talk about each process, all the more so since there are already thematic articles on these topics. We recommend that you find them through the Search on the site and get useful information.
The most important thing here is to properly conduct engineering communications on a non-standard site, so that they work correctly, but do not interfere with the construction and just the use of a summer cottage. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the requirements of communications, as well as write them in the project before starting work.
You can talk for a long time on the arrangement of giving an irregular or irregular shape, and discuss the placement of a shower, barbecue or even a septic tank. But the main thing is to understand that any construction and even the smallest detail must be worked out in advance, because only then a high-quality layout is possible!
Layout of the plot of non-standard form is not a problem if you are ready to approach the issue calmly and with a lot of interesting ideas. Therefore, act consistently, and you will definitely get a great cottage!