Decorative stone in the hallway - design photos
To the hall looked solid and expensive, caused admiration among the guests, you must carefully approach the issue of its design. An original and interesting way to be called wall decoration decorative stone. This version of the wall design today is at the height of fashion. One of the main advantages of such a finishing material is a variety of design. Decorative stone in the hallway can imitate many natural surfaces, so many designers recommend using it as an interior decoration.

Features of decorative stone in the interior
Stone is a natural, natural material. In ancient times it was the most common material used in the construction of palaces. Today, the exterior and interior stone is no less popular than before. But natural stone is expensive and heavy material, so artificial material is more suitable for interior decoration. It is cheaper and easier, and in appearance is not inferior to the original.

How decorative stone is used
You can decorate all the walls of the hallway with a decorative stone, as in the photo, but often this material is used for decoration:
- One of the walls. Such a wall will become an accent element of the interior. It will decorate the room, will attract all the attention to itself, distracting from the shortcomings of the room.
- Separate elements of the room. Thus, a decorative stone can be used to finish the interior corners, arches or fireplace. Below you can see a photo of the design of decorative stone in the hallway with an arch.
Tip! Decorating the walls with decorative stone looks beautiful in large spacious hallways. In a small corridor, the walls of stone will visually reduce the space, so this finish will not work.

The advantages of decorative stone
Decorative stone is a mixture of cement, sand, pigments and fillers. It completely copies the texture and color of natural material.
Advantages of using decorative stone in the hallway interior:
- Environmental friendliness, safety for health: it is resistant to the appearance of mold and mildew, is not susceptible to corrosion and decomposition;
- Ease of installation: only the front part of the material is embossed back as - flat and smooth;
- Low weight;
- Affordable price;
- The possibility of combining with other wall materials, for example, with decorative plaster or wallpaper;
- Durability;
- A wide range of shapes and sizes;
- Versatility: the ability to install on a concrete, brick, wooden surface;
Photos of a beautiful artificial stone in the interior of the hallway are presented below.

Types of decorative finishing stones
Depending on the components and the method of production, this finishing material is divided into five types.
Gypsum stone
The advantages of gypsum material include:
- Ease of processing: it can be easily cut, adjusting the size of the planned;
- Low weight: gypsum material is almost 2 times lighter than concrete, due to this it can be mounted on gypsum board;
- A rich choice of design that allows you to choose a decorative stone in any hallway;
- Price: cheaper than concrete;
- Does not deform at high or low temperatures;
- Easy to install and make your own hands;
- Fire resistance.
Gypsum is a fragile material, it is afraid of moisture, but this deficiency can be corrected by applying a special protective agent to it. The design of the corridor with gypsum stone in the apartment can be seen in the photo.

Concrete stone
At the heart of the concrete stone - cement, sand, coloring pigments. This finishing material is characterized by high strength, durability, resistance to moisture and mechanical damage. Like plaster, concrete has a large selection of colors and textures. But he also has disadvantages:
- Heavy cut: for cutting it requires a Bulgarian with a diamond disc;
- Big weight in comparison with plaster material;
- High cost.
It is worth noting that a layman cannot see the difference between a plaster and a concrete surface. Photos of decorative concrete stone in the hallway in the apartment are presented below.

Clinker tiles
Externally, this finishing material is very similar to a brick, but much thinner and lighter. Its thickness is only 1-3 cm. Clinker tiles are made from clay. Like a brick, it is fired in a furnace and glazed. It fits perfectly into modern interior styles, such as loft or high-tech.

The basis of this material is a crumb from natural stones: marble, quartz, granite. They are mixed with polymeric resins or cement. In the production can be used coloring pigment. The agglomerate tile looks beautiful and natural. She is not afraid of direct sunlight, moisture, high and low temperatures. One of the advantages of the agglomerate is the low weight, which allows for the installation of a decorative stone in the hallway with your own hands, as shown in the photo.

interior of the apartment, interior design.
Porcelain stoneware
This finishing material consists of clay, feldspar, minerals and coloring pigments. Outwardly, it looks like a colored glass tile. The weak side of porcelain is the susceptibility to scratching. It is not recommended to clean it with abrasive substances, so as not to spoil the appearance.
The advantages of porcelain are:
- Reliability; durability;
- Moisture resistance;
- Resistance to low and high temperatures.

Types of decorative stone design
Depending on the design of the frontal surface, decorative stone, suitable for the design of the hallway, is divided into:
- Sawn - it imitates sandstone or limestone, has sharp edges and an unpolished front.
- Split - stylized as raw marble, quartz, granite.
- Rubble - externally is an imitation of rock fragments.
- Brick - imitates a real brick. In modern interiors, the finish is imitating the old brickwork. The stone looks weathered, crumbled, that is, bearing traces of bygone eras. Photos of decorative brick stone in the hallway of the apartment are presented below.
- The material imitating a marble or granite surface.
- Mosaic - on the wall you can lay out any image: a human portrait, an animal, a landscape, just pixels and abstract patterns.
- Fantasy stone - imitation of materials that do not exist in nature. A corridor with such a decorative stone as in the photo will be unreal, fabulous.

Hall finishing technology
Many people are interested in the question of how to put a decorative stone in the hallway. Wall decoration with this material can be done by hand. It is recommended to do the work in stages. It will be about laying a plaster tile imitating a brick. Installation of other materials practically does not differ from installation of plaster finishing.

Preparatory stage
To decorate the walls with a decorative stone in the corridor, as in the photo, you will need such tools:
- The hacksaw, with its help, the material will be cut;
- Spatulas for applying glue;
- Pencil for drawing lines cut plates;
- Building level;
- Capacity for glue;
- Construction mixer;
- Chisel or sandpaper, necessary for fitting the slabs in size;
- Putty for sealing joints;
- Glue or liquid nails,
- The paint intended for pasting putty on seams usually goes complete with facing material;
- Paint varnish.

Before starting work, you must ensure that the walls are smooth and clean. Otherwise it is necessary:
- Clean vertical surfaces from residues of the old coating.
- Align them. If there are differences in height of more than 5 mm on the wall, they should be processed. All hillocks are scrubbed, and the holes and cracks are puttied. Then the walls are plastered.
- Pereprivnat. This is necessary for better adhesion between the wall and the finishing material.
Attention! It is not recommended to install a decorative stone over the wallpaper. Paper material will soften and spoil, and non-woven - will not be able to provide the necessary grip.

After the preparation of the walls, they start to prepare the adhesive mass. There are several options for attaching the finishing material to the wall:
- Liquid Nails. Do not require prior preparation.
- Specialized glue for stone. It is prepared in accordance with the attached instructions: the powder is poured into a container with water and mixed using a construction mixer. In the end, the mixture should be thick in consistency.
- Adhesive intended for tiles.
- Cement-sand mortar. This mixture is prepared by hand and requires the addition of plasticizers and PVA construction glue.

Work should only be done on a clean, flat and completely dry surface. The whole process should be carried out in stages:
- Layout layout. If you immediately begin to install the finishing material on the wall, there may be difficulties with the docking. Professionals recommend first drawing the placement of stone slabs on a paper sheet, and then laying them out on the floor. So it will turn out ideally to pick them in length, width, height.
- Surface marking. It is created in order to have an idea of how the installation will take place and what joining elements need to be fitted.
- Laying the first row. Glue is thickly applied to the wall and facing material with a spatula. Then the stone is pressed tightly against the wall and held until it is glued. Laying start from the corner, top or bottom. The glue protruding around the edges is removed with a rubber trowel. Laying can be made seamless by positioning the slab to the joint, or with seams. The width of the seams depends on the type of facing material and the desired end result. In the photo you can see the design of the hallway with decorative stone and seamless styling.
- Installation of the following rows. After the first row has been installed, it is necessary to check the flatness of the installation using a level. The row should dry out a bit and only then proceed to the installation of the next one. To ensure that all seams are the same size, special separators can be placed between the stone slabs.
- Docking at the corners. The quickest option for finishing corners is to purchase special corner elements. It turns out beautiful, but these elements are expensive. Much cheaper, but also fast - to glue tiles overlap. Aesthetically, this design of the corners does not look very beautiful. The third option is to grind out the protruding edges of the grinder at an angle of 45 degrees. This process takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it.
Tip! To imitate brickwork, each row of decorative stone should be laid with an offset to the floor-element.

Decorative processing
At this stage, the plates and seams are cleaned of glue residue and the seams between the stones are sealed. To seal the seams, you can use one of two options:
- Glue. With it, creating a realistic imitation of natural brickwork. For this, the edges of the stone slabs are sealed with masking tape, and the joints between them are filled with adhesive mortar using a spatula. After the glue has completely dried, the tape is removed.
- Use grout. To carefully seal the seams, it is recommended to take a syringe or pastry bag. The interplatelet space is filled to half the mash.
Decorative stone in the corridor can be painted. After drying, paint artificial stone is recommended to cover the water-repellent solution. It is evenly sprayed on the wall and, in addition to performing a protective function, it enhances the intensity of color. After this treatment, the plaster surface can be safely wiped with a damp sponge. Instead of impregnation, you can cover the gypsum wall with a layer of acrylic varnish.

Thus, the finishing stone in the interior of the hallway can be attributed to the modern design trends. Artificial stone can be used as a base material or as an added accent. The technology of installation of decorative stone does not require special knowledge, so you can create a stylish and original design of the hallway with your own hands.
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