Decorative plaster in the interior as an option for wall
How to use decorative plaster in the interior?
Plasters are used in the decoration of residential and non-residential premises. For this purpose, various fillers are added to their composition. For example, facade plasters are designed for wall insulation outside. They are used for insulation of prefabricated houses, because corners and joints between the panels often freeze through them.
Also facade plasters improve a dwelling, correcting minor defects in construction. They are aligned ceilings and walls. Decorative plaster, depending on the composition of the mixture, require further finishing by pasting wallpaper paintings, painting or whitewashing. Each of the types of plaster is in the construction of decorative valuable.

Classes of decorative plasters
Depending on the composition that underlies the manufacturing technology, decorative plasters are divided into classes:
- silicone-based plaster mixes;
- plasters on a mineral (lime-sand) basis;
- silicate-based plaster mixes;
- acrylic (polymer) based plaster.
Decorative plaster can be used both as a starting and as a finishing finish for surfaces of ceilings and walls in public and residential premises. Also, it can align walls and prepare them for the further stage of decoration.
Tip: include Venetian plaster in the interior decoration if you are dreaming of a luxurious, elegant interior. Due to the fact that the Venetian plaster looks like “onyx” or expensive marble, it is considered a noble finishing material.
To date, decorative plaster is considered a fashionable finishing material and is increasingly used as a finishing treatment.
Manufacturers annually offer the latest advanced modifications of plaster finishing material.

Photo: Venetian plaster in the living room interior

Photo: finishing niche decorative plaster in the bedroom interior

The composition of decorative plaster
Decorative plaster in the interior - a mixture made mainly of natural materials. It consists of marble chips, quartz sand, mineral impurities, gypsum, which ensure the environmental friendliness of this finishing material.
Pros and cons of finishing with decorative plaster
The advantages of decorative plaster are:
- aesthetic appeal;
- resistance to aggressive environment;
- long life;
- not flammable;
- not burnout;
- drawing on any surfaces for finishing;
- resistance to various kinds of mechanical damage;
- ease of care and operation;
- the ability to perform a point finish (no joints between the old and new coatings);
- does not absorb odors;
- the ability to save the texture of the coating during repainting;
- the ability not to remove the old coating.
The disadvantages of decorative plaster should include:
- high cost;
- difficulties in application technology.

Interior decoration with plaster
One of the most expensive and sought-after types of plaster is Venetian, known since ancient times and has found application in the Venetian style. The basis of this coating is crumb from durable valuable stones. Most often in the composition of Venetian plaster found quartz, marble and onyx crumbs, less often - malachite and granite. The pattern on the walls at the end of the finish depends only on the size of the particles of the crumb.
Tip: Since the coarse-grained plaster is similar to a hewn stone, it is recommended to sand it with an emery paper after application to the surface. So you get a neat spectacular pattern on the walls.
Since the Venetian plaster is moisture resistant, it is most suitable for finishing bathrooms and kitchens. This plaster looks like an original in the form of an acquired coarse-grained mixture of dark color in the hallway. Despite the complexity of the application technology, the expected result will not leave anyone indifferent. Such an expensive finish is worth the effort and time spent on repairs.
Decorating the walls with decorative plaster transforms the interior of a house or apartment into an elegant, beautiful, comfortable room.

The classification of decorative plaster on the quality of the decor
According to the classification of decorative qualities decorative plaster is of several types, including:
- textured (designed to recreate surfaces similar to stone);
- structural (it is a ready-mixed mixture with large blotches);
- Venetian (providing decoration);
- “Marble crumb” (frost resistant, made from fractions of marble or granite granules);
- flock (produced with the addition of silk fibers to natural cellulose).
Textured plaster carefully masks the errors (minor splits, bumps, cracks) finish. The basis for decorative plaster can be any surface, in particular plastic, brick, concrete, wood.

Photo: marble crumb and Venetian plaster

Photo: structural and textured plaster
Plaster flock (silk)
Separately it is necessary to allocate flock plaster. She got the “silk” name due to her natural cellulose composition with an admixture of silk fibers, natural fillers and mineral-based dyes. Creates a light shadow play of silk on the walls of the room. In addition to its originality, classicism, creativity, decorative flock plaster is distinguished by its practicality, giving the wall covering the opportunity to breathe, keep warm and soundproof the space.

Photo: flock plaster
Despite the confusion among a wide variety of decorative plaster and the impossibility of choosing the best plaster, it is still possible to choose the ideal finish.
Decide what effect you expect from decorating the walls. If it is difficult to understand the types of decorative plaster, ask for help from experts.
You can also watch special video and photo materials of room designs, and then independently start creating an extraordinary interior.