Decorating the garden

Arrange the decorations correctly
In order to decorate the garden properly, you must follow the simple rules. First of all, garden figures should be combined with the nature and design of the site.

How to do it?
You can learn how to make garden animal figures.

Choice of jewelry depending on the style
Garden figures form the magic of the plot. This means that they should look harmonious and be combined with other design elements.
- So, in the Chinese garden is best to use a limited amount of decor. You can plant a figure near the "moon gate" or near the inner walls. In the Chinese garden will look great dragon or lion. The dragon can be planted right at the entrance to the plot, even if it protects the owner from unkind people.
- A great option for a natural garden would be Mowgli, who fell asleep on Bagira’s back. You can use elves, dryads and other mythical creatures.
- In a classical garden, only those products that were made of valuable materials - bronze, marble, natural wood, will look appropriate. Remember Summer Garden in St. Petersburg. Of course, you can hardly make such sculptures yourself, but for a classical garden, only such products will be the best option. In view of this, if you decide to put garden sculptures in it, you will have to seek help from professionals.
- Fans of country style can safely place in their garden German gnomes or create a whole world of fantastic creatures - gnomes, elves, garden spirits.
- Country style is pretty unpretentious. There may be figures of people, animals, and fabulous creatures. The main thing - to keep a sense of proportion. For example, you can make a cow figurine as a hero of a composition, and then place other animals in smaller parts of the garden.
- The basic principle of the Japanese garden is minimalism. For this reason, stones are placed here more often than sculptures.

We also recommend to read: Do-it-yourself garden stork Figures from tire do-it-yourself (22 photos) Making garden figures of animals “Mushroom decoration” on your garden plot
Material selection
For any style decision, you can choose a suitable figure from metal, wood, plaster. In this case, it does not matter whether you buy the product in the store or do it yourself.
- pipe trimming;
- metal cans;
- springs.
Anything can be made from metal. Perhaps a faithful metal dog will appear in your garden, or perhaps a garden nymph, a grasshopper, or a charming little pig.

You can learn how to make a wooden horse in the garden with your own hands.
DIY garden figures (video)
How to make garden figurines with your own hands
Often store options are not suitable in order to translate their own ideas. But do not despair, because you can make garden figures with your own hands. The best materials for this are plaster or foam.

They are easily cut, the product can be painted at its discretion, and to facilitate the task does not preclude the use of stencils.
The most common option, to fulfill which the power of each is a kolobok figure. It's simple. Make a hole in the rubber ball and fill it with foam. Then carefully cut the ball and take out the ball. It remains only to color the product.

So, figurines made of completely different materials will help decorate the garden. At the same time you can make a decent decoration of the site yourself. But do not forget that the decorative elements must match the style of the garden.
DIY Hay Figures (video)
Figures in the garden (20 photos)