Currant sugar

Tips and ideas

    Characteristics of currant Sugar

  • The advantages and disadvantages of the variety.
  • Features agrotehnika.
  • What is sick and how to treat.
  • Reviews gardeners.
  • The red currant Sugar Loaf variety was bred in the USSR at the end of the 70s. Its author is a breeder N.K. Smolyaninova. Currant is intended for cultivation in central Russia, can be grown in the North-West.

    319 Currant Sugar
    319 Currant Sugar

    In the photo currant Sugar.

    Characteristic varieties Sugar

    Currant Sugar early ripening, dessert destination. Bushes are straight-growing, compressed, 1.5-2 m high. The lower part of the bush with time becomes bare. The bush gives a lot of root shoots. Fruit brushes are long, can contain up to 15 berries. The berries are bright red, do not crumble for a long time. Fruits are medium and small, the taste is sweet and sour pleasant. Variety dessert destination. The berries are suitable for fresh consumption, freezing and processing.

    • berry weight 0.4-0.6 g;
    • yield 5-6 kg / bush;
    • high content of vitamin C.

    Currant Sugar is extremely durable. It can produce good yields up to 25 years.

    Benefits. High-yielding variety with a pleasant taste without excess acid. Very winter hardy and frost resistant. It does not freeze in harsh winters, tolerates sudden changes in temperature. High transportability, berries retain their shape well when transported over long distances. It is undemanding in leaving. Sugar is very resistant to pests and diseases.

    Disadvantages. Medium-sized berries, over time, the grinding of the fruit may be observed. Low self-fertility - only 25-35%.

    Features agrotehnika

    Currant Sugar is very unpretentious. The variety was bred for cultivation in the middle zone with its non-chernozem soils and a changeable climate. Therefore, it grows on any soil. Red currant tolerates a large amount of organic matter in the soil than black, therefore it grows quite well on black soil. If the soil is too poor, then a bucket of rotted manure is thrown around the perimeter of the bush, sealing it into the soil.

    The variety grows well in sunny areas and in the shade of young trees. In a dense shade currant, also, will grow, but it will not yield a crop.


    The best landing time is early autumn, early to mid-September. With a later planting bushes do not have time to take root and go into the winter poorly prepared. Sugar, even poorly entrenched, will not die out in winter, but in the spring its growth will slow down, some shoots will have to be greatly shortened, which will affect the entry of currants into fruiting. The most favorable landing period is a month before the onset of cold weather.

    The red currant root system is quite strong, its sucking roots are located at a considerable depth, so the landing pits make at least 60 cm deep. They are filled with organic (1 bucket), add 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate, if the soil is very acidic, add lime fertilizer. Instead, you can make a liter jar of ash. Fertilizers containing chlorine should not be used, since currants do not tolerate them well; chlorine burn of leaves may even develop.

    The finished pit is filled up to 30 cm and well watered. Seedlings are planted obliquely, deepening the lower 3 buds in the ground. The shoots are shortened, leaving only 3 buds above the ground. Planted bushes well watered.

    In the first 2 years the red currant grows rather slowly, because at this time the root system is completely formed.

    Grade Care

    After planting pruning shorten the shoots of red currant can not, because the crop is formed at the ends of last year's growth. If you cut off the top of the shoot, there will be no harvest.

    If the branches do not form fruitfuls, or there are few of them and they are weak, then they cut this branch to the ground, since it is unproductive.

    Sugar bloom early, the berries have time to start and even grow a little. Therefore, it is not afraid of late spring frosts. By the end of May, the ovaries can carry matinees to -7 ° C. Due to the high resistance to frost ovaries, the variety produces stable, high annual yields.

    319 Currant Sugar
    319 Currant Sugar

    Sugar gives a lot of basal shoots, so each year they are cut out in the fall, leaving 2-3 of the most powerful. By age 4, a varietal shrub should have 23–25 healthy skeletal branches.

    The variety is very drought-resistant and does not need additional watering. The exception is June, when the fruit is poured. If the weather is dry and hot, and there was no rain for more than 15 days, then Sugar is plentifully watered. Each bush requires 3-5 buckets of water. Do not be afraid to pour a bush. Since his roots are deep, it is necessary that they receive enough water.

    In dry autumn, water recharge irrigation is carried out, pouring 5-6 buckets of water under each bush.

    Since the variety has low self-fertility, it is necessary to plant pollinating varieties for better berry cultivation. The best are the Serpentine, Vixne, Generous varieties. White varieties are also suitable as pollinators.

    Top dressing

    Red currant belongs to potassium lovers, so after fruiting, it needs higher doses of this element. After harvesting around the perimeter of the bushes scatter humus, compost or completely rotted manure. If there is no organic, then make a complex fertilizer. In addition to it add 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate. If the weather is wet, then mineral fertilizers are applied in a dry form, sealing them in the soil by 3-4 cm.

    Since the berries carry a lot of nutrients, the sugar must be fed microfertilizers. Usually after harvesting the shrub is sprayed with Uniflor micro, Oracle, Agricola for berry crops or any other microfertilizer for berries. When rainy weather is carried out watering the same fertilizer.

    If the soil is acidic, then after harvest the bushes are watered with lime milk. Instead, you can pour them with ash extract or add ash in a dry form.


    Best of all, the variety is propagated by green cuttings and arc-shaped layers. If you multiply Sugar lignified cuttings, they should be cut into 2-3 weeks earlier than is usually done in black currant. Lignified cuttings of red currant root much more difficult, and at late cutting the percentage of rooting can be very low.

    319 Currant Sugar
    319 Currant Sugar

    Diseases and pests

    The variety is very disease resistant. It is not affected by terry, powdery mildew, rust. Anthracnose may appear in a damp and warm summer. If 1/3 of all the leaves are affected, Sugar is completely discarded. This greatly reduces its winter hardiness, and although it will not freeze, the young growth may freeze.

    At the first signs of the disease, Biological preparations Fitosporin, Gamar, Alirin B are used. Since fruit ripening occurs at this time, chemical fungicides cannot be used.

    Of the pests, gooseberry moth, shoot and red-gall aphids cause serious damage to the variety.

    With the appearance of ognevka carry out treatment with the biological product Fitoverm. If there are many pests, then bushes with Iskra, Aktellik and other broad-spectrum insecticides are treated immediately after flowering.

    319 Currant Sugar
    319 Currant Sugar

    From aphids, the bushes are sprayed several times per season with a solution of soda ash or regular soda. Processing should be carried out on the underside of the sheet, as the aphids live and eat there.

    Care of a grade Sugar is very simple and easy. As a reward for her efforts, she will please the gardener with high yields.

    Reviews gardeners about currants Sugar

    Almost all reviews of sugar currant extremely positive. All gardeners note unpretentiousness of a grade, good frost resistance, remarkable taste and duration of fruiting of this grade.

    Probably the only drawback of Sugar is its lack of self-fertility. In order to get good and annual yields, it is necessary to plant a variety of pollinators near.

    Feedback on currant sugar from the Tambov region:

    One of my favorite varieties of red currant. The yield is excellent, in the care is simple and unpretentious, almost no illness, good winters, just a wonderful sweet-sour taste. Well, what more could you want?

    Feedback from the Ryazan region:

    Grade of red currant Sugar selection N.K. Smolyaninovoy still not lost its meaning. Fruit variety, medium size berries 0.7 - 1 g, good brush. True, he does not justify his name, the berries are sour-sweet.

    Review of Samara from Samara:

    A variety of very early ripening. Early flowering. Sweet tooth variety. The plant is slightly affected by pests and diseases, abundantly bears fruit every season. The brush is long, almost from the palm (up to 9 cm). The berries are well kept on the bushes, intense red, excellent dessert taste. Appointment table. High-resistant variety, successfully endures winters with sudden temperature changes. Average yield (4 kg from a bush)