Cucumber city cucumber
Variety of cucumber Urban cucumber is relatively new. For the first time talked about this plant in 2008. Seedlings are zoned for growing in central Russia and the North Caucasus region.

Variety of cucumber Urban Pickle
Characteristic variety
According to the description, Urban F1 cucumber is one of the hybrids intended for cultivation in open beds, in greenhouses and even in indoor conditions.
The variety is capable of self-pollination, which increases its productivity and allows it to form ovaries without additional pollination.
The flowers on the plants of this hybrid are collected in inflorescences, due to which they are called bundle. Variety Urban cucumber high yield: from 1 bush per season receive up to 3 kg of fruit.
The advantages of the City cucumber include:
- good seed germination;
- early ripeness;
- the duration of the fruiting period.
From germination to the beginning of the first harvest of the fruits of this hybrid takes no more than 40 days. This cucumber is valued for the fact that it never has empty flowers. Hybrid is drought tolerant and shade tolerant.
In the conditions of open ground, the bushes bear fruit when a stable temperature is established: 15 ° С at night and above 24 ° С in the daytime. The optimum temperature for growing the Urban cucumber is 25 ° C. Humidity in artificial conditions should be maintained at 70%.
Description of the bush
The plant is strongly tapered and covered with thick green leaves. The size of the latter varies from small to medium, but the foliage is quite a lot, so the bush seems huge. A multiple ovary is formed in the bosom of each leaf: the number of buds in it varies from 3 to 10 pieces.
A feature of the cultivation of this variety is the need for timely harvesting. The more often the collection will be carried out, the more rudiments will be produced on the shoots, and the branches themselves will begin to grow much more actively.
The root system of cucumber is well developed. If the bush is grown on the balcony or directly in the room, then it is best to place a plant pot in the southeast window. In this case, the shoots grow evenly, and the ovary on them becomes frequent.
Description of the fetus
The fruits of the hybrid Urban cucumber F1 belong to the finger varieties of cucumbers and have the correct oval shape.
The weight of one fruit usually does not exceed 90 g. The maximum length of green leaves is 12 cm, and the diameter is 3 cm. Mature gherkins have a green color with longitudinal whitish stripes along the edges. The latter are not clearly expressed. On the cut, the fruits have white juicy flesh with small grains; there are no internal cavities (voids).
Urban cucumber varieties of cucumbers are distinguished by moderate density and soft slightly pubescent thorns. Fruits are attached to the bush on long, thin stems, which allows the crop to keep miniature for a long time after ripening.
Fresh cucumbers never munch, the taste of salty pieces is also high. In canned fruits are crispy and moderately dense.
Plants of this variety with proper care fruit until frost.

Plants need to be planted in the heated land
The best time to be touched in open ground is the beginning of May, when the earth is already well warmed up.
The soil in the hole should be soft and rich in nutrients. Bed for cucumbers should be prepared in advance. The optimal distance between plants is 30 cm in greenhouses and 20 cm in open ground. The row spacing must be equal to 40 cm.
For cultivation, you can also use pots and deep drawers with double bottom. When growing cucumbers of this variety on the balcony, one plant should be provided with a capacity of at least 6 liters. Soil acidity should be maintained within 6.8 units.
Growing urban cucumber F1 simple. Seeds of cucumbers of this variety are sown in the hole. To grow them in a rassadny way does not make sense. Seeds are sown only after spitting.
Plant care involves:
- timely and abundant watering;
- root and foliar feeding;
- insecticide treatment.
At the moment when the plant reaches a height of 2 m, it is recommended to pinch the top. Due to this, the cucumber gives side shoots with a large number of ovaries after distilling the first leaf. Spreading bush Urban cucumber forces gardeners to the garter. The best option is to use a horizontal trellis.
Pests and diseases
Plants cultivar City cucumber F1 disease-resistant. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, cucumbers of this variety are not susceptible to the cucumber mosaic virus and root rot, as well as resistant to cladosporia (olive spotting).
Also City cucumbers are not subject to such diseases as:
- powdery mildew;
- brown spot;
- peronospora (downy mildew).
When growing plants of this variety, it is impossible to refuse treatment with insecticides that can get rid of spider mites, melon aphids, garden ants or slugs.
Fruits of a cucumber of this grade differ in early ripeness, therefore processing is best of all to be made by complex preparations until formation of the first ovary.
Cucumbers on the windowsill. Website "Garden World" F1 self-cured cucumber on the balcony-loggia Cucumbers on the windowsill. Variety - urban cucumber.
Choosing varieties of cucumbers for growing at home, you should look at the hybrid City Gherkin. It will be the best choice for those who want to get the harvest without leaving home.
The simplicity of care and resistance to basic diseases make the plants of this hybrid the favorite of every gardener.