Cots for newborns with a chest of drawers (39 photos)

Tips and ideas

Furniture for newborns

Furniture for newborns

Often, coming to the store, new parents are lost in the presence of a huge selection of children's furniture. Particularly surprised by the range of prices for it. And indeed, the range of furniture for children is huge and, before buying this or that item, you should clearly understand what your child really needs, where to put it all and how one bed differs from another.

Furniture for newborns

Every kid who just came into the world absolutely needs a minimal set of furniture.

Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
10 photos


There are several types of cots for newborns:

  • Cradle. This is a very compact bed, in appearance resembles a cradle. Depending on the price, it can be equipped with various hanging toys, as well as a box for children's wardrobe. There are modern models of cradles with a remote control and wheels for movement around the house. However, these beds are only suitable for several months. As the baby grows up it will become cramped in it and you will have to buy a new bed. Therefore, if you are constrained in means, it is better to get a more functional bed, which is enough for a child for several years.
Furniture for newborns
  • The classic model. In such beds, the baby’s parents themselves slept. Most often they are made of wood. Less common are metal specimens.
Furniture for newborns

For the convenience of the mother, one of the sides has a removable upper part. It can be lowered to pick up or put the baby. Also, the bed is adjustable in height and as the baby grows, the bottom is lowered so that the child can stand in it and not fall out. Sometimes this bed has a lower drawer for toys or baby things.

In such a bed, the baby can sleep for up to three years, and sometimes even longer. On top of the crib, you can install a canopy and put a changing board. The baby in this bed can be rocked by moving it on wheels or swinging like a cradle. This model looks very ascetic, without unnecessary details and bells and whistles, but very functional and practical. As a rule, it does not come with hanging and musical toys and other cute knick-knacks. However, the price of it is very democratic, and toys can be bought later or ordered as a gift to a newborn.

Furniture for newborns
  • The bed - a transformer is made of natural wood. These cots for newborns immediately come complete with a chest of drawers and a changing table. This bed grows with the baby and lengthens. Some models can be converted into desks. Among the shortcomings can be called a high cost and the ability to increase only in length. An older child will be in it closely. In addition, not all models of transformers have a reclining wall, which is so necessary for mom.
  • Bed - playpen. In it, the child can not only sleep, but also play. The set includes a changing board, hanging mechanism with toys and a mosquito net. The metal frame of the crib is covered with natural fabric. Easy to understand, which allows you to take it with you on a trip. However, it is not without flaws. Too lightweight construction can be dangerous - the baby can also turn it over easily. In addition, in such cribs baby can not swing.
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
9 photos

Baby changing table

They also meet different species.

  • Folding table. Mobile option for a small apartment. Consists of a table top with protective sides and folding metal legs. In the lower part is a shelf for hygiene items. Some of the models have a built-in bath. The disadvantages of this design include its unreliability and low functionality. Thin legs on an uneven floor are very unstable, and one shelf is not enough to store children's things.
  • Hanging (wall) version of the changing table. It is attached to a wall or other vertical surface. Some models have small built-in lockers for small items such as cream or powder. For diapers and other things need a separate wardrobe or chest of drawers.
  • Changing the board - very mobile and budget option. It is good because it can be easily placed on the bed and also easy to remove with the baby. The board can be safely laid on any horizontal surface. It has a wooden frame, and the top is covered with foam rubber and waterproof fabric.
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns


To store children's clothes also need a wardrobe or chest of drawers. All children's furniture, including a wardrobe with a chest of drawers, should be made exclusively from natural materials so as not to cause allergic reactions in the baby. As a coating for such furniture is used clear varnish. It is considered safe for the immature children's body, and therefore safe.

Furniture for newborns

Often a chest of drawers or a wardrobe is combined into one set with a cot. Such storage systems can have several drawers that can be swapped and placed on both sides of the bed. There are models of beds with a wardrobe, which, transforming, form the second floor.

Furniture for newborns


No baby cot is unthinkable without a mattress. Since the baby spends most of the day right after birth, you cannot save on the mattress. The best option for an infant mattress is orthopedic, with a coconut backing. Such a mattress provides the newborn with the correct position in a dream and, as a result, quiet healthy sleep.

Furniture for newborns

Mattresses for cots should have a special fireproof impregnation, which would also protect against dust and insects. In addition, the children's mattress should be breathable and waterproof.

Furniture for newborns

Chair for babies

The folding stool for feeding can be regulated on height all its elements. It is very convenient to store it - when folded, it easily fits behind the door. This stool can be used from the first months of prikorma and up to three years. Often, these chairs have wheels for easy movement around the apartment. An adjustable table top, leg rest and a seatbelt system will guarantee a child’s safety.

Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns

Booster - a small chair that is mounted on an adult chair. It also has a worktop and safety belt. You can take it with you to the cafe and any other place.

The hinged stool is fixed on a usual dining table. At the same time the tabletop must be very stable. This version of the chair has a weight limit and is designed for children up to one year old.

Furniture for newborns

The transforming chair is multifunctional and comfortable. The most common option is a chair and table. There is also a high chair, a cradle in which you can sleep with the backrest lowered.

Furniture for newborns
Furniture for newborns