Combinations of wallpaper in the interior - an interesting

Tips and ideas

How to combine wallpaper in the interior?

The walls, perhaps, occupy the most significant area in the room, so they play the main role in creating a general atmosphere. Just to determine the color of the wallpaper or paint that will be made out of these same walls is not enough.

292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

  • The combination of wallpaper as a decoration tool
  • Rules for combining wallpaper
  • Features combining wallpaper
  • Tool selection for design

    Before you create a new interior, you must first determine the characteristics of the room, determine its winning and negative aspects, which is usually warm or cold, sunny or shaded. Only then, taking into account the purpose of the room, you can choose the main style, choose colors and think over the method of finishing. If you are lucky and the room where you need to make repairs, spacious and moderately high, then the finish there you can apply any. But even here a natural question arises - how to create a unique image in an apartment without losing the feeling of comfort? And if you got the so-called "problem" room? Then it will just be necessary to competently hide all its flaws and effectively emphasize the benefits. In order to achieve dynamics in combination with the originality of the room, it is enough to apply the method of combining various types of wallpaper. And this method of creating the original interior in the apartment is used by many designers. This technique creates various decorative effects.

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    Photo: a combination of wallpaper in the children's room

    Photo: a combination of wallpaper in the children's room

    The combination of wallpaper as a decoration tool

    Combining wallpaper in the interior of the apartment - a tool with which you can highlight the merits and remove flaws. With the help of contrast, you can divide the room into different zones. If you select any place in the apartment with the color of the wallpaper that is different from the rest, you can achieve the effect of distraction. What is most interesting is that the regularity works here - the brighter the color or pattern of such distracting wallpapers, the less noticeable the minor imperfections of the general interior of the room.

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    Tip: in order to use a combination to highlight a specific area in the interior, which is different from the general purpose, it is best to use wallpaper with different patterns or alternative color shades. The brighter and more unusual such a contrast will be, the more clearly the desired zone will begin to stand out.

    Rules for combining wallpaper

    Combining wallpaper in the interior can be done in several ways:

    • Focus on one or two walls. This technique can be called the most elementary of all used, with the method of combining wallpaper. As a rule, they single out the surface of only one wall, but there are exceptions. A wall marked with wallpaper of a different color or pattern will undoubtedly attract attention, but at the same time it should not stand out from the harmonious look of the whole room.
    • Place the focus points. With this method of combining wallpaper, the emphasis is not on the entire wall, but only on its part. For example, where the fireplace is located or there is a bed.

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    Photo: Allocating a Fireplace Using Wallpaper Combination

    Photo: Allocating a Fireplace Using Wallpaper Combination

    These are the basic techniques of combining wallpaper and they are all subject to the same rule, whatever combination of wallpaper you apply, they should reflect the general style of the room. Professionals and those who simply want to change the appearance of housing continue to improve the ways of combining wallpaper. You can call the main materials that are used in this:

    • Wallpaper without a pattern, having the same color but different shade. With this technique, a soft color change effect is achieved. With all the monotony of the interior, the overall color background will vary from a dark tone to a light shade, or vice versa.
    • The combination of patterned and plain wallpaper. With this method, the main thing is to restrain and paste over the wallpaper, which has an elaborate pattern, geometric shapes or various flowers only on one of the walls. The rest of the surface is better to withstand in a single scale.
    • Combining wallpapers of similar color, but with different patterns. As a rule, this method involves the combination of wallpaper with stripes arranged vertically. Alternatively, use a combination of stripes or cubes with abstract drawings. The main thing that these types of wallpaper combined with each other in color.
    • The combination of wallpaper and photo wallpaper in contrasting colors. With this method, the most important thing is not to forget that the colors of a calm range are combined with brighter tones. This technique is very actively used in zoning rooms.
    • The combination of vertical stripes. In this case, combine wallpaper with almost the same pattern and width of the bands. The main thing is that they differ in color. Moreover, you can apply the method of monochrome (ie, shades will be close in relation to each other) and contrast (the colors will be radically different).

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    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    Photo: a combination of wallpaper and photo wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom

    Photo: a combination of wallpaper and photo wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom

    Features combining wallpaper

    With the help of a combination method you can change the interior of the room beyond recognition. For example, using horizontal division, use a huge amount of materials with which you can achieve the desired effect. Usually use the option of using contrast wallpaper, but often you can find shades of similar color. Also use wallpaper of various textures. The main rule with this combination - the need to underline the joints of wallpaper.

    Tip: You can divide the wallpaper and select the joint with the help of a paper border, wooden slats or other materials.

    By inserting a contrasting color wallpaper, you can designate a room area. If desired, such an insert can be made by applying wallpaper of different thickness. You can make curly inserts, cutting them out of wallpaper, having a large ornament. Another method of combining - the use of patchwork technology. To perform this technique correctly, you need to select such wallpaper that can be combined with each other to the maximum. Then the wallpaper must be cut into chunks and your fantasy goes further. They can be glued end-to-end, chaotically, overlapped, in a checkerboard pattern, there are many options.

    292-wallpaper combinations in the interior

    Photo: wallpaper inserts framed by moldings

    Photo: wallpaper inserts framed by moldings

    Photo: patchwork wallpaper combination

    Photo: patchwork wallpaper combination

    The fashionable trend of combining wallpaper was almost immediately noticed by wallpaper manufacturers. They reacted to this accomplished fact by creating entire collections of wallpaper, having on the canvas at the same time several drawings, successfully combined with each other.

    In the process of selecting all sorts of options you need to remember about the link of the whole appearance of the room. This can be either the style of the applied drawings, or similar geometry, or there can be a color range.