Cold welding poxipol (19 photos)
Poxipol cold welding: what is it and how to use it?

In everyday life, something often has to be glued, repaired, restored, and the modern building materials market in this is an ideal assistant for us. Today, for the implementation of various projects, consumers can choose various adhesive materials, but Poxipol cold welding is recognized by experts as one of the best.

This adhesive is universal because it can combine the most diverse in terms of texture and composition details. Poxipol cold welding is available in cardboard packaging with two tubes with different composition. Before applying to the treated surface the contents of the tubes must be properly mixed.
Such adhesive material can be used even for outdoor work and in freezing temperatures; however, in this case, its hardening time increases significantly, which will have to be considered before starting operation.
Poxipol is also carried out by cold welding with all kinds of restoration work, however, it is best to use the adhesive composition specifically for fixing parts.

Advantages and disadvantages
The popularity of Poxipol cold welding and the enormous amount of positive feedback suggest that adhesive has several advantages:
- universality (it is possible to glue together materials with different textures and densities with the tool);
- availability (this product can be found in any hardware store and at special points of sale in the market);
- ease of use (in readable instructions described in detail how to use the drug);
- the ability to apply a layer of different thickness (in any case, welding will not hem, will not increase in size and will not spread);
- the ability to use when carrying out installation work on vertical bases (due to the thick consistency of the finished mixture);

- the absence of solvents in the composition (therefore, the adhesive mixture can be used in residential premises and even where children live who are most vulnerable to adverse environmental conditions);
- moisture resistance (adhesive composition can be used in rooms with high humidity);
- after drying the material does not leave any traces.
There are cold welding and negative properties. First of all, it concerns a low melting point, which significantly limits the scope of the adhesive. Customer reviews point to very economical packaging. The volume of one tube of Poxipol cold welding is 14 ml, which is not always enough for a certain type of work. Also, not everyone is satisfied with the long time of complete drying of the material. Adhesives cannot be applied on parts subject to constant vibration and shock.
The disadvantages include the need for scrupulous cleaning of working surfaces from dust and dirt, as well as subsequent degreasing.

Scope of application
Poxipol cold welding on an industrial scale is extremely rare. She found wider use in the domestic sphere. With its help, glue diverse surfaces, restore the integrity of different containers and planes. The finished working weight perfectly fixes plastic, rubber, metal, glass, concrete, wood in any combinations. Poxipol is also used during the repair of car parts, furniture, dishes, and children's toys.
Adhesive substance proved to be excellent when sealing gas tanks, they successfully repair tanks and door accessories, use them for gluing broken ceramics and fixing decorative objects. Poxipol is also used in the repair and construction works for fixing ceramic tiles and faience, and at the workshop - for puttying the wings and bumpers of motor vehicles. Cold welding can effectively eliminate holes in metal sheets, repair boats, mirrors and even concrete floors.

The method of applying Poxipol cold welding is quite simple, but its operation implies certain aspects of preparation. Before you begin to glue, you need to thoroughly clean the working surface - remove debris, wash and degrease parts using a special solvent. Then it is necessary to combine the contents of the tubes in equal proportions and mix the resulting mixture well. As a result of mixing, the transparent mass will acquire a metallic color. Typically, the cooking time is no more than 10 minutes. The adhesive mass should be homogeneous, without lumps.
It is important to remember that when mixing chemicals, the temperature of the sticky mass will begin to rise. This phenomenon is considered normal, and if the mixture does not heat up, you need to think about whether you bought the original or a fake. The resulting tool must be applied to one of the surfaces and press another part well to it. If welding is used to eliminate a leak in a container for a liquid, it is necessary to apply glue to the hole and leave it alone until completely dry.
You can correct the position of the fixed parts within 10 minutes after processing the mixture, and use the glued part no earlier than one day after installation.

Precautionary measures
When buying cold welding, always pay attention to the production time. The use of expired adhesive composition is prohibited. In addition to the lost properties, which are expressed in poor bonding or its complete absence, you can expose your health and the health of others to great danger. Therefore, be sure to keep Poxipol out of the reach of children.
The contents of the first tube have a negative effect on human skin and mucous membranes. If it comes into contact with the eyes, it may cause a severe allergic reaction. The second component affects the entire human body in a negative way. It can not be swallowed, applied to the skin. As well as the first, the composition can provoke allergic reactions. If, for any reason, welding gets on the skin, the affected area should be immediately washed with running water and immediately contact a doctor. After the bonding agent is completely dry, it ceases to be a threat to human health and life.

Expert advice
- Until full hardening, cold welding is amenable to adjustment. It can be aligned, remove extra particles. For these purposes it is better to use a spatula with a rubber spatula dipped in water. If welding has acquired a solid form, it is already impossible to do something with it.
- If the mass does not want to be squeezed out of the container, both tubes can be slightly heated.
- It is forbidden to change the cover of the container in some places.
- It is better to mix tube components on an easily cleaned plate or material that is not a pity to be thrown away afterwards.
It is important to remember that Teflon surfaces, as well as parts made of polypropylene, Poxipol does not glue cold welding.

- The combination of complex surfaces requires a special approach. Such materials include bronze, steel, copper and chrome. A thin layer of glue must be applied to both parts.
- If you need to glue materials with a smooth surface without pores, you should sand the working areas with emery paper. Such actions will improve the adhesion properties of the contacting elements, which will ensure their reliable fastening.
- Work with cold welding Poxipol is best carried out at an ambient temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. A higher temperature will reduce the time for complete drying, and a lower one, on the contrary, will increase this figure.
- Wash hands thoroughly after completing work.

Using cold welding Poxipol is in the next video.