Choosing a living fence to give

In fact, it is quite difficult to work with such structures. This is not an ordinary fence from the sections, which can be installed with the help of a standard dacha tool on the dug posts. It is not concrete, not brick, or even decorative fencing. The main difference of the living fence is that it is really alive, and often even more than half consists of plants.
If you manage to bring such a project to life, you just have to applaud, if only for thinking outside the box and trying with all your might to make your summer cottage an extraordinary one.

The best projects of hedges
Landscape design is simple only in pictures. Yes, this is a very interesting activity, but just to become a professional in this field is not so easy. It is necessary to go a long way, study all the mistakes of newbies, do something with your own hands, repeat someone’s complex project, decorate your dacha so that every person walking along the street stops looking at it. Therefore, even if you have already built high beds or alpine slides, started growing roses or trying to understand the styles of landscape design, you still have to do a lot of work to make your country house truly exclusive.
Where to start? presents a whole series of articles in which you can explore interesting country ideas, apply them in the garden, outside the site, in covering the area and its additional decoration. But today we would like to push aside all previously written material, because we have a very interesting topic, which we recommend to start studying right now. These are living fences - constructions that can be built, or can be grown, you need to think for a long time, and you should not over-tighten it. Even now, when you see some examples of live country fences in the pictures, you will understand why we started our article so enthusiastically!
We also recommend to read: Decorative fence for givingHow to make a fenceHow to make a retaining wall with your own handsElectric tool for giving

Willow fence in the country
We present you an exclusive fence of willow branches, which is really growing, and not just complex in a single nice pattern. What is most interesting, this fence is dissolved, showing us the young green leaves.
To grow a fence, you only need to cut the willow twigs, having previously specified for yourself what size and configuration the wicker wicker fence will be. Next, dig a trench 25-30 cm deep and fill it with fertile soil. Willow twigs can be held for several days in a growth stimulator and simply installed in a trench. Within a couple of weeks, the cuttings will begin and grow on their own. It is clear that work should be done in the spring!
We recommend to install for mounting willow rods poles of pipe or fittings, between which you should pull the wire. So you initially tie up the fragile twigs, but soon they will show real, strong growth and will surprise everyone with what they will transform the new living fencing of the summer house!

Live Climbing Fence
Now we are presenting an original climbing fence that does not require a big deal from the cottager or the owner of a private house.
In terms of the main plant, you can choose any that fits the characteristics and appearance. For the frame, we need only high-quality wood and a chain-link, well, or steel wire, which is practically in each of us in the shed.
For the construction of the fence, it is necessary to install poles along the line of placement, it is possible even from a good wooden bar, and to wire a wire or a net between the posts.

Live fence from hydrangea
For the device of such a living fence you will not need any difficult decisions, because the main thing in the process is the proper planting of a hydrangea and its cultivation along the fence line of the villa or just along its perimeter.
It is possible to create such landscape forms not only around the site, but also through its territory, arranging labyrinths in the garden, protecting recreation areas, or building a living wall between yours and the neighboring site.
In planting a hedge from a hydrangea, only one thing is recommended - to study the agrotechnology of the crop and try to adhere to the maximum conditions for growing.

Live stone and thuja fence
It is a stone-made foundation that resembles a retaining wall. But to create a base easier, you can always use gabion structures.
We have the same stone laying on an ordinary solution and the creation of the foundation with the soil inside, for planting evergreens. In the masonry, it is advisable to make drainage passages so that excess moisture can painlessly leave the structure. Further, the fertile soil, which is most suitable for planting your chosen plants, and of the planting itself.
Other plants can be used for such projects, for example, the same boxwood or cypress, but the eastern thuja and thuja Brabant looks great in the composition.

Hedges and ... roses
Roses always looked beautiful in the garden, no matter what kind and variety, just roses. At the entrance to the territory of the cottage, behind the main flower beds, separate shrubs around the plot, and now on the fence, creating a rather noticeable live fence from the usual fence.
Note that the fence has a simple design, and this is an ordinary stone fence with old decorative trim. It is necessary to repair such fences only thorough, well, and change them altogether with new ones. But not always there is time and money, but we do not have good fantasies. What do we need to allocate just a day to decorate the fence with roses, well, or even other, constantly flowering plants? The result will surprise - very original and stylish!

Vegetable Fence
The strange name does not imply anything extra, but only the cultivation of vegetables on the fence. Yes, this is a vertical bed, which is very practical for giving, and often also convenient and just pretty.
What is needed for this? Only dark polyethylene, preferably more tightly, selected plants and soil, a little wire for the formation of a vertical kitchen garden. In the same way you can grow flowers, herbs, spices, and the vegetable fence itself, you can additionally equip, say, drip irrigation.

Cute decorative fence
It is difficult to call this fence a living fence, and it would even be wrong to enter it in this article ... but we decided that everyone should see such ordinary and even very simple beauty.
We have long changed the concepts and views on building materials, finishing cottages, landscaping. And because of this we often have brick fences, wrought-iron gates and more and more massive and complex. But look how beautiful the little white fence looks, around which there are a lot of colors. It is really very beautiful.

Combined design
A fence made of welded mesh for many of us is just a temporary fencing of the dacha area, beyond which construction occurs more often. But it is also a budget option for private site fencing, because not all of us can afford polycarbonate fences and forged fences. But the budget option is not always beautiful, and therefore ideological summer residents today come up with a variety of decorative elements for such fences.
Here is a combined living fence of welded mesh and pretty flowers. They are installed in pots and special containers suspended on the fence. Everything is simple, neat and beautiful.

Selection of plants for live fencing (video)
Live wicker fence
This is an interesting construction, which is made from twigs and branches, and often from willow wicker, which we mentioned earlier. But this option is slightly different from the wicker fence and decorative willow fence, because live plants are planted inside the fence.
It can be a variety of flowers and ornamental ampelous plants, but field or even garden plants are most organic. This is a serious stylization under the Old Russian or village style, where even sunflowers can participate fully.

Intermediate fences in the country
Few people know this name, but there is nothing complicated here, just a separate section of the standard fence, which plays a decorative role. For example, near the entrance to the front garden, closer to the exit to the economic territory, in the garden or in the garden, where the fence has not a protective purpose, but simply complements the style of landscape design. Today we have this role wooden picket fence, on which are hung metal buckets with flowers. Calling this fence alive, like the ones mentioned above, is very difficult, but it is a construction with live plants, which means it can fall into this category.

Hedge and old shoes
And again we are a little away from the topic, because the presented fence is only decorative and original. But if you do not have the opportunity to plant climbing plants near the fence, create a hedge or seriously work with shrubs for a haircut, we offer you a similar option, which was discussed in the article on dacha ideas.
It's very simple, because here you need a few pairs of old boots, a power tool for installation, soil and plants from any bed of summer cottages that can be transplanted. A couple of hours of work, and the old country fence pleases the eye!

The option of gabions
Gabions are beautifully designed metal and stone constructions that can fulfill the most incredible roles in the landscape and just on the territory of your site. These are decorative elements, and supporting structures, and even elements of strengthening the shore of reservoirs.
But today, in view of our consideration of a very interesting topic, we decided to tell you how to make a magnificent living fence from gabions.
Installation of structures is an understandable way - fixing the form, filling with the stone of the desired grade and fraction, as well as the addition of other structures and their dressing into a coherent whole. It is possible not to deviate from this algorithm and, at the end of all the work, plant the plants in the walls of the gabions — hammer them in with soil and plant seeds or seedlings there. But it is more correct to spill a stone installed in gabions with a soil than to condense its embankment and masonry. At the same time, the seeds of those plants that you want to see on the green wall should be added to the sealing soil. Very soon they will give the desired result.
Fence of stone and flowers
This country fencing is not much different from the gabions described earlier. After all, it also uses stone, substrate compaction and planting. Only here there is no metal construction that supports this whole thing. But the technology of the device is not poor quality, because the laying is very neat, or even with a solution.
It is very important that the fence becomes alive even during the construction process, since at its end it will be very difficult to plant the plants in the seams between the stone.
Also, along the finished wall with plants, it is possible to clear a part of the territory, a certain strip, and plant a decorative shrub, and perhaps, berry, and the strip where the planting takes place, mulch with gravel or pebbles.

Create a hedge (video)
Fence-pyramid, or design of flower pots
There is nothing special and no need to explain, because everything can be seen in the picture below. The old concrete flower pots, which used to be quite a lot in each park and square, and which are sold today in very many markets, are simply put up in a certain shape of the pyramid. Here you can choose how such a living wall will look like in the country, and also determine the plants that will grow inside. But it should be understood that such a wall can seriously lose in quality in the coming years, if the back of it will simply rest on the ground. Constant humidity will quickly destroy the structure, and therefore we suggest you again refer to the article on retaining walls and creating high-quality drainage.

Finished design for live fencing
A fence, a dacha fence, gates and wickets are those serious constructions to which we attribute important roles, for example, protecting the territory from intruders. Therefore, we understand perfectly well that a living fence, no matter how cute it is, is not suitable for everyone. But after all, inside the courtyard, you can create anything, in favor of the style and design previously defined. So why not use our ideas to delimit the territory of the villa into certain areas - a recreation area and a picnic, a flower department, a walking area like an alley, and so on. For this you can use many interesting ways to distinguish, and one of them is small decorative structures that can also become living fences.

Live fences and hedges (video)
Decorative dacha decoration does not increase its practicality, but it makes the territory pleasant for visiting and just amazingly beautiful. So, remember that working on the technical part is not the most important thing, because it’s very good when you can relax and enjoy the beauty created by yourself at the dacha.
Hedges to give (20 photos)