From simple buckwheat porridge you can cook an original dish. Family members will enjoy the buckwheat casserole, which is supplemented with minced meat, poultry fillets, dairy products and fruits. In such a "company" the dish will play completely differently.
The secret of such a culinary miracle is very simple.
Among the most useful cereals buckwheat is one of the first places. The biological substances contained in this cereal normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as the liver.
Layering is back in fashion
Plain buckwheat casserole with minced meat can be made from several tiers. Thus, the hostess will serve not the first course, but a pretty cake or cake on the table. If you cut the received treat in portions, you get a museum piece worthy of admiration. The white layer on a marble background captivates and misleads even the most sophisticated gourmets. And only a sprig of dill subtly hints to him that this is just an ordinary side dish.
So, to make such an appetizing buckwheat porridge, you need:
make minced meat, boil grits (1.5 cups), and wash / peel vegetables (onions, carrots and mushrooms);
chop the onion (rings or half rings) and fry until the shade changes;
pour carrot chips into the pan;
slice the mushrooms and add to the rest of the vegetables,
cooking time zazharki - no more than 7 minutes;
mix the cooked porridge with the roasted ingredients, add pepper and salt, and then continue to simmer for another 5 minutes;
put ½ of the mixture in a ceramic dish for baking;
top with cooked minced meat;
pour the remaining buckwheat;
prepare the gravy by mixing 200 g of sour cream, 100 g of cream and eggs (2 pcs.), while the sauce must be thoroughly whipped and seasoned with spices;
pour the gravy into the form with the products;
Buckwheat casserole send in the oven for 40-45 minutes.
In this case, the oven should be heated to 180 °. It can be included in advance. But so that each layer of the nested products is sufficiently saturated with pouring, pierce the raw dish in several places. For this, cooks use a wide knife or spatula.
For dieters, it’s better to use chicken fillet or beef. If the family wants to enjoy a juicy and nutritious dinner, then you should prefer pork tenderloin.
If desired, the stuffing can be cooked separately in a pan. Before this, it is necessary to chop onions, as well as a few cloves of garlic and fry. When the vegetables are browned, you can add ground meat. After the stuffing becomes crumbly, broth, tomato sauce, herbs and other spices should be added. Five minutes of boiling and layer for buckwheat casserole is ready.
Next are all the same technological processes: the formation of layers and impregnation with sour cream sauce. It is worth considering that fresh toast in combination with orange juice will help to evaluate the entire taste spectrum of the dish.
Sweet tooth note
From cereals you can get quite a decent, and most importantly, a sweet treat. In the cookbooks of our grandmothers, one recipe for a buckwheat casserole, which is prepared with the addition of cottage cheese, is lost. If you don’t tell your friends what the unusual cake is made of, then very few people will guess about it. To prepare such an amazing cake in the best way, the hostess needs:
Boil buckwheat porridge. On one glass of cereal pour 2 tbsp. cold water. To simmer on low heat until half the liquid boils away.
Prepare butter (60 g). It should be softened, so you can put it in a plate and leave it to warm at room temperature.
Soak 10 g of raisins. After 15 minutes, drain the water and lay the berries on a paper towel. Warm water will make the fruit soft.
Prepare cottage cheese (200 g). It should have a smooth consistency. To do this, grind it in a blender or pass through a fine sieve.
Grate the apples. For buckwheat casserole in the oven select only sweet varieties of fruit. Before you rub the fruit on a fine grater, you need to peel them.
Now gently mix the cottage cheese and the flesh of the apples. Ingredients must be thoroughly mixed to finally get a homogeneous mass. Next mistress should:
Prepare a sauce of sour cream (3 spoons), 2 eggs, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla;
whipping whisk worth add 1 tbsp. l lemon juice or orange;
chop buckwheat porridge in a blender;
mix it with curd mass and raisins;
stir with pouring to obtain a pasty consistency;
beautifully put in the form for baking biscuits;
put the container in a heated up to 200 ° oven for 20 minutes.
Cottage cheese should be chosen not too fat. It is desirable that he was a little wet. This will give it a viscosity. If it is dry, then we can safely dilute 2 tbsp. l sour cream.
The top layer of casserole from buckwheat should be greased with butter or just put a few pieces on top. Fat contributes to the formation of golden brown. So that this unusual cake can be easily removed from the mold, on the bottom and along the walls lay a parchment paper. Some fall asleep with flour, but this is not necessary.
Color illusion
Picky households gladly sweep off any meat dishes from the table. But everything else in their stomach simply does not have a place. Therefore, the hostess is faced with the choice of whether to discard the garnish remaining after dinner. You can solve the problem in two accounts. It is enough just to cook in the oven a casserole with buckwheat, while the recipes are always there. Moreover, the appearance of the treat will hit many outright. Yellow (hard cheese), white (milk) and green (parsley) colors exquisitely stand out on the colorful background. Therefore, rolling up the sleeves, you can get to work. First, boil the porridge and fry the onion. Next, you need to act in this order:
pour half buckwheat into a container and drag it with grated cheese;
make the next layer of fried onion;
zazharku cover greens;
put the remaining porridge on it, as well as cheese chips;
pour milk-egg sauce (mix 1/3 cup of milk and one egg);
bake for about 25 minutes.
Instead of one type of cheese, you can use three at once. In this case, you should stop the choice on such varieties as feta, mozzarella and parmesan.
Serve casserole advised in the form of heat. Although many people like to use it as a cold snack. To this amazing casserole of buckwheat, you can apply tomato juice or thinly sliced bacon. At the same time, cabbage and cucumber salad is a great solution for a spring meal.