Black pepper

Today, when the peppers are grown on special plantations, the growth of the vines is limited by supports with a height of up to 5 m, so that it is more convenient to harvest the fruits.
A bit of history
In India, pepper has been used since ancient times. There is evidence that this spice was known in ancient Greece and Rome. She was the first spice that became known to the inhabitants of Europe. But at first this spice was very expensive, so it was available only to the richest members of society. These fruits, instead of money, even levied customs tax.

In the European culinary culture pepper has firmly entered along with other Eastern spices during the discovery of new lands - in the XV-XVI centuries. There is an interesting fact about the value and prevalence of pepper in that period.
At the end of the twentieth century, not far from Portsmouth (United Kingdom), a British warship was raised from the bottom of the sea from the bottom of the 16th century. Imagine the surprise of the researchers when they found small bags with black peas on most of the remains of the crew members. The finding suggests that already at that time, the Eastern spice was very common and quite affordable.

Types of pepper and places of its growth
Today, India continues to be one of the largest producers of pepper. But it is also grown on an industrial scale in Indonesia, China, Brazil, Malaysia, in Ceylon. But the most valuable are Malabar (Indian) and Sumatran (Indonesian) peppers for the large amount of aromatic essential oils they contain and their sharpness (high piperine content). At the same time, peppercorns from Sumatra are somewhat smaller than from India.

The most "soft" taste black pepper is grown on the Chinese island of Hainan.
Black pepper is obtained from unripe drupes. In order to get black peas, the berries just starting to blush are cut off with brushes. They are doused with hot water to remove the pericarp (pea shell), and dried before acquiring an almost black or dark brown color. In some industries, the kernels are still dried in the sun, and not in drying machines.
In former times, black pepper was considered high-quality, if 1000 peas had a weight of 460 g. Such amount of pepper grains was even used as weights.

In general, spice density is measured in g / l. Thus, high quality malabar pepper has a density of 580 hl.
From black get white pepper. This is the result of the processing and drying of fully matured stone farms. White pepper is produced mainly in Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. This pepper is more expensive and has a more refined and mild taste and aroma than black.
How does black pepper grow (video)
Use black pepper
Pepper - the most common and widely used seasoning. So that it retains its aroma and sharpness longer, it is best to store peas in a closed glass jar, and grind it in a mill before using it. You should not buy this seasoning in the form of a hammer. After all, during processing, it loses its taste. In addition, dust and other garbage are often found in a package with ground seasoning.
Pepper is added in the form of a hammer or peas in any meat, fish, vegetable dishes. In the home or industrial cooking, along with cloves and allspice, black pepper is always present. It gives the product a pleasant aroma and sharpness. In addition, Malabar pepper is used in the production of boiled and jerked sausages and other meat products.

No host can do without pepper in the preparation of such a warming drink as mulled wine.
The benefits of pepper for the human body is that, being in the composition of various dishes and sauces for them, improves the appetite and promotes digestion.
The essential oils contained in the peas of this spice, help to fight with worms (worms).
There are some contraindications to the use of spices. It is categorically not recommended for use in large numbers by people suffering from such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as duodenal ulcer, stomach and gastritis. In addition, do not abuse the pepper to people with high blood pressure. But in small quantities (only for flavor) seasoning does not hurt anyone.
Is it possible to grow spice at home
Connoisseurs tell how to grow pepper at home. They believe that growing black pepper is very simple. To do this, it is advised to just soak the largest pea in the water and stick it in the pot. From it, according to them, about a month later shoots will appear. But how can a seed that has undergone hot water treatment germinate be hard to imagine? However, something in life does not happen.
Pertsevedy and pepper farmers advise to keep the plant on the window on the sunny side, and in the summer even to take it to fresh air.

All these tips are very good, but how to grow a vine in the house at least 5 m in length, and even to bear fruit (otherwise why grow), these experts do not tell.
Also, they do not give any information about what kind of soil, what feedings, and what moisture regime the plant needs. But all this should know and advise these plant growers.
In tropical countries with hot and humid climates, where only pepper can grow, the plant begins to bear fruit only in 3-4 years of life. But if you still want to experiment - go ahead. And let luck be with you.
How to grow black pepper (video)
Gallery: black pepper (15 photos)