Beautiful courtyard of a private house

Tips and ideas

A beautiful courtyard of a private house often arises not from an excess of fantasy or money, but from the need to solve specific problems and realize the owners' vision of which yard will be comfortable and pleasant for them.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

So, behind the fabulous floral veil is often hiding the unsightly wall of the neighbor's barn.

And the lush flowering of rose bushes near the fence is designed to maximize the visual expansion of the space of a tiny garden.

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In a small courtyard, even the garden should bear its aesthetic burden.

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How to plan a beautiful courtyard of a private house.

This small beautiful courtyard of a private house began with such a gravel-paved area in front of the house. Which was intended only for parking two cars and small flower beds on the side. One can hardly imagine a beautiful garden here in any form.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

The total area of ​​this site in front of the house is 2.5 weave. Because At first there were attempts to combine the garden with parking and they were unsuccessful, it was decided to cut the garden as such with parking. It looks like this new layout of the site.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house
Next to the house, on the one hand, there is a paved area, which separates the fence from the parking lot with a wicket, on the other hand, a small garden is planned and a garden behind it. In the garden, on the left side, in order to raise the fence as high as possible, an artificially raised small terrace is planned.

The design of the courtyard of a private house. Parking lot.

This is how the new parking lot in the yard of this private house looks from the side of the street. Ahead - the entrance to the house, on the right - the entrance to the garden, on the left - the neighbors.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

In order to make a reliable coverage on the site for cars, which would not enter into dissonance with the overall landscaping design of the garden, an original decision was made - to build a decorative fence between the parking lot and the garden. A cinder block fence, concrete plaster on top. So that it does not look too massive, windows with boxes for flowers are made in it. From the side of the street, this fence will continue with a decorative forged fence. From the yard at the fence, in front of the house entrance, a gate is planned. Also in the fence is planned gate for access to the garden.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

View of the parking lot after completion of work. The entrance to the garden was decorated with an arch of woven roses. Also, rose bushes grow throughout the entire fence, they are complemented by perennial ornamental herbs and flowers in containers.

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Beautiful courtyard of a private house with their own hands. Fences

View of the fence from the street (parking for cars on the left). In order to give the flower garden on-over the fence more decorative, used natural stone. Flower boxes perfectly complement the overall landscape design of this piece of courtyard.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

From the side of the street, the fence will be forged (the regulations of this area do not allow building a solid fence from the side of the street). For privacy, garden vines and ornamental bushes will be planted next to the fence from the garden.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

A small rabatka - flowerbed with regularly repeating groups of colors, perfectly harmonizes with the precise rhythmic construction of the fence itself.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

It looks like a fence between neighboring areas.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

In the part of the courtyard, where there is a desire to communicate with neighbors, a chain-link net is used for the fence, along which climbing roses are raised.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

How to make a beautiful courtyard of a private house. Garden.

Small beautiful garden - the highlight of this yard.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

As we remember, the site was all covered with gravel, therefore, before starting work, gravel was picked up and a framework for a small greenhouse was installed in the end of the beds.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

Using garden borders, they formed a form for four beds, covered the beds with soil.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

In the corner of each garden set a large flower pot - there will grow flowers that will add a little color to the green garden.

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The paths between the beds were beautifully covered with narrow blocks of paving slabs "under the brick" and covered with crushed stone

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The garden turned out to be no worse than a bed!

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Small beautiful courtyard of a private house.

The design of the courtyard of this private house actively uses a variety of materials for garden paths in order to create new interesting textures and interesting effects.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house
Those paths that are most often used are paved with even paving slabs, the playground at the gazebo is larger and of a different color, and the cozy paths leading to the secluded corners of the garden are made of cobblestone and brick.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

A small snow-white arch creates the main emphasis for the main flower garden with garden sculpture.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

Changing the flowers of this cute girl, you can create a different mood for this corner of the garden.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

This beautiful flowerbed with sculpture is located on a raised terrace along the fence with a neighboring plot. Here was the task to raise the fence as high as possible. Therefore, in the flowerbed, roses were used as best as they spun along the arch and fence in combination with ornamental shrubs. A garden sculpture harmoniously balanced the size and proportions of this flower bed with the whole garden.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

The whole garden is built on the sensitive balance of open and closed space, tall flower beds with perennials and containers with annuals.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

For flowers, every corner of the garden is used - a playground in front of the house, fences, a vegetable garden, a parking lot, and, of course, the garden itself.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

In order for garden paths to look cozier, some flowers grow both on the path itself and “come out” on the side of it.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

Hosts love and know how to work with flowers.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

Therefore, their garden collection is annually updated with new original finds.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

In addition to perennials, which create the basic basis of the garden, annuals are actively used in the design of this garden. It is easier to experiment with them and create a new, fresh, both color and compositional solution.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

In order for the beautiful courtyard of a private house to become elegant in the spring as early as possible, numerous flower seedlings are grown in a small greenhouse near the garden.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

One of the favorites of the last season was the decorative cabbage - unpretentious, elegant. In the autumn, when the garden is resting from the violent whirlwind of colors, the decorative cabbage, which becomes only more beautiful and brighter after the first frosts, looks like a real garden queen.

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house

Everything you do in the garden and in the yard with your own hands will delight you every minute. Use non-standard and unexpected approaches to the design and layout of the courtyard of your private house - because only you know what you would like to see from the window and what the height of the fence should be for each neighbor. Enjoy the garden and your right to do everything to your liking!

94-Beautiful courtyard of a private house