Are there varieties of fast-growing conifer
We received a question from Lyudmila: “I live in a private house, I was fascinated by landscape design. I want to plant conifers at the end of the plot. Are there varieties of fast-growing conifers? ”
Conifers generally grow slowly or unevenly. Pine, for example, grows to 1 m in the first 5 years, then grows faster. But for the same time, the metasequawa grows to 2 m, the larch - to 1.5 m. But these trees shed their leaves for the winter. Therefore, it is better to plant them near the house, where in the winter, during a short day, they do not shade the windows.
Evergreens, such as yew, are better suited along a fence or as a hedge. He has many decorative varieties and he is not afraid of either drought or frost.
Thuja Brabant gives an increase of about 30 cm per year and leaves are not shedding; this is a type of western thuja, the most popular variety. Slightly smaller increase in Smaragd thuja. It has an interesting elongated shape and also grows well Thuja Columna. Thuy well take root in the middle lane.
Very beautiful pseudo. It is unpretentious and durable. Grows quickly, tolerates pruning easily.
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Spruce is also considered fairly fast-growing, especially Serbian spruce. Her needles are two-colored and purple-brown cones.
Coniferous plants for the garden (video)
It is important that planting material be zoned and provided with appropriate grade care.