Anise hyssop (lofant)

Tips and ideas

61-Anise Hyssop (Lofant)
Lofant, also having such names as Aniseed Hyssop, Hyssopus Giant, Comice Anisaceous, Licorice Mint, is a genus of herbaceous and perennial plants that belong to the family of Laminary. Natural habitat - the Far East, Central Asia, Tibet. All names of plants are often associated with its bright inflorescences and anise-mint, fruity aroma.

The lofant is a perennial plant, quite branchy, reaching a height of about 110 cm. It has a well-developed fibrous root system, beautiful leaves with tan markings in a violet-brown color. Each branch has an end in the form of an inflorescence of 8-15 cm in length, consisting of blue-violet small flowers. A lofant is blooming with good care for 1 year from June to August.

61-Anise Hyssop (Lofant)

Breeding lofanta

Hyssop is propagated with the help of seeds (seedlings or direct planting in the ground), by dividing the bushes or cuttings. The soil for sowing should be prepared in advance: dug up, cleared of weeds, compost or humus should be applied per 4 kg per square meter.

  • Seeds. If the soil of the site is sufficiently poor, then additional mineral complex fertilizer should be applied. notes that the plant loves fertile, loose soil with a neutral reaction. Does not like sour, marshy, heavy loamy soil and grows worse on them. Seeds are sown in early spring or before the winter period to a depth of 0.5-1 cm in the ground. The distance between the rows is at least 50 cm. The first shoots will be observed in two weeks, and when the first 6-8 leaves appear, the shoots should be thinned out, leaving about 20 cm between them.

61-Anise Hyssop (Lofant)

Seeds intended for seedlings are sown in April in boxes in a greenhouse, on a windowsill. With the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the plant spikes in pots. After 50-60 days after sowing, the lofant lands in its permanent habitat at a distance of 20 cm.

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It should be noted that the plants that were grown by seedlings are larger and stronger.

  • Vegetative reproduction. To do this, pick up 3-4 summer bushes. In the spring they are divided into several parts and transplanted to other places.
  • Cuttings. This method of breeding hyssop is also not bad, if you use green cuttings, the length of which should be 8-12 cm. Cutting occurs from uterine bushes at the beginning of the summer period. It is better to plant cuttings in a shady place, and cover with a non-woven material to provide a moist environment. Such measures will help the rapid formation of roots.

Lofant: plant care

At one site, a lofant can grow well for 6-7 years, while maintaining high yields. At the same time, it prefers light, tolerates moisture deficiency well, responds well to fertilizer and timely watering.

61-Anise Hyssop (Lofant)

At the beginning of the summer season, hyssop should be fed with nitrogen fertilizer in the ratio of 10 g per square meter, force-fed (25-30 g) and potash fertilizer (20 g). In general, these additives can be replaced with complex fertilizers. Also, the plant needs feeding in the period after cutting the leaves.

In the dry summer should take care of additional watering plants.

Pests and diseases

Hyssop is a fairly resistant plant to various diseases and even pests. Sometimes it is only damaged by rust, fusarium wilt or white spot. The fight against these diseases is carried out using agrotechnical methods.

61-Anise Hyssop (Lofant)

Cleaning and storage

Cleaning plants should begin at the beginning of flowering plants. Bushes that you take to get the seeds are not pruned. A cut shoots must be dried in the shade at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees. Store dried material in a sealed container in a dark place.

Lofant at the dacha (video)

Hyssop and its beneficial properties

Lofant is a very popular plant in folk oriental medicine, which is also considered a symbol of wisdom and beauty. It helps the body to recover from nervous disorders, hypertensive crises, strokes, has a beneficial effect on pressure, improves metabolism, reduces the dependence of well-being on weather conditions and much more.

Essential plant oil has beneficial properties, especially - bactericidal.

61-Anise Hyssop (Lofant)

It is necessary to literally stand next to the plant for about 15-20 minutes, as the essential aromatic substances will make you feel rested, full of strength and energy. Thick stems lofanta therefore often added to the sauna brooms. The result is not only fragrant, fragrant procedure, but also very useful.

The ground part of the plant has a special aniseed aroma and sweet, pleasant taste.

The green of the hyssop aniseed goes well in soups, salads, potato and cabbage dishes. But it is best to apply it in the preparation of fish, cottage cheese, sandwiches, meats and tea. Very well lofant combined with plants that have a lemon smell.

Unusually delicate taste and aroma when using lofant acquires homemade liquor. We recommend reading the article on cumin ordinary.

61-Anise Hyssop (Lofant)

It is also worth noting that the lofant is an excellent honey plant. Its flowers contain a lot of nectar, which give a good honey collection for 4 months of flowering. Lofantov honey has a golden color, is very fragrant and has healing properties.

Among other things, the lofant is an ornamental plant, which is often used not only because of its useful properties, but also for decorating the site by many gardeners and summer residents. We recommend reading the article on the cultivation of peanuts in the garden.