Ammonia in gardening
Ammonia, or ammonia, is a concentrated nitrogen compound. The use of ammonia in horticulture and horticulture is explained by the fact that nitrogen, which is so necessary for all crops to build up green mass, is found in ammonia in a form that is perfectly digestible by plants.
In addition, watering with ammonia (more precisely, its aqueous solution), helps to get rid of most garden pests. Thus, using this tool, you kill two birds with one stone - and feed them, and expel the bugs. However, ammonia for plants should be used carefully, otherwise you can harm the plants.
The use of liquid ammonia for plant nutrition
Like any other nitrogenous fertilizer, ammonia 10%, it is also ammonia, is used both prophylactically and in the case of yellowing the leaves of plants - a clear signal of a lack of nitrogen. In any case, it is possible to fertilize plants with liquid ammonia no more than twice a month.
In the network you can find different recommendations regarding the concentration of ammonia - from 1 to 10 spoons per bucket of water (hereinafter, a bucket of water - 10 l). However, a concentration of more than 1 tablespoon is a fairly strong solution of nitrogen that can adversely affect the root system. Therefore, in order not to “bother”, you can remember the key figure: 1 tablespoon for 1 bucket of water for all crops. After all, you know perfectly well: in the case of feeding, it is better to “underdo” than to “re.
Ammonia for strawberries
During the season, processing strawberries with ammonia may be carried out 2 or 3 times. For the first time - in the spring, as soon as the young leaves appeared, the second time - after fruiting, when the strawberry lays the harvest for the next year. You can use ammonia as a fertilizer for strawberries one more time - before fruiting. Top dressing is carried out at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. l on a bucket of water, preferably - after watering, on wet ground.
Ammonia for cucumbers
For cucumbers, feeding with liquid ammonia is extremely relevant. For the first time, cucumbers can be fertilized with the beginning of the growth of shoots, the second time - when the ovaries appear. For cucumbers, you can take a slightly more concentrated solution - up to three spoons per bucket of water.
Ammonia for onion and garlic
Feeding onion with liquid ammonia is a great way to prevent the appearance of hateful yellow tips. Watering onions with ammonia is carried out at the rate of 1 tbsp. l on a bucket of water - about 1 cup per plant. Feeding garlic with liquid ammonia is carried out similarly.
You can fertilize flowers, tomato, cabbage and any other plants with ammonia - the best in wet earth, and not very often, otherwise your plants will begin to “eat” instead of blooming and bearing fruit.
Ammonia from garden pests
Onion fly, covert, carrot fly, wireworm, bear, weevil beetles, crucian flea, cabbage fly, beetle larvae, slugs, caterpillars and snails - all these pests do not tolerate ammonia. Therefore, ammonia in horticulture and horticulture is successfully used to get rid of insects. To do this, use a solution of the same concentration - 1 tbsp. l on a bucket of water. Pour or under the root, or spend spraying ammonia - depending on where the pest.
Ammonia from aphid
It is very difficult to get rid of aphids on plants; therefore, to fix the effect on a bucket of water, up to 50 milliliters of ammonia is taken and about a tablespoon of grated baby or household soap is used to stick. The effect is gorgeous, and very fast.
Ammonia from ants and moles
The smell of ammonia is very unpleasant, and not only for people. Goosebumps and moles will leave your garden, if you introduce cotton wool smelling like ammonia in their home or passage. So, in order to get the ants out of the garden, we put on a respirator, take clean ammonia, soak cotton wool with them and put them on the anthill. Cover the cotton wool with polyethylene to create a “greenhouse”, put the boards or slate upstairs. In a couple of days, the chills will willy-nilly leave their home.
We do the same about moles - we put cotton wool moistened with liquid ammonia on their minks.
Do not forget: if you use liquid ammonia as a means of pests, this does not negate its role as fertilizer. Therefore, it is not necessary to introduce any other nitrogen fertilizer!
We hope our article answered the popular question - “can plants be watered with ammonia?” Of course, it is possible, but only in diluted form and not too often. Ammonia can be used not only for the garden and the garden, but also for watering the "tired" and faded, besieged by pests, indoor plants.