Stretch ceilings in the living room - photos of the best new
The choice of decoration is given special attention when starting repairs in an apartment or house.

Usually, the main question is whether to install modern suspended ceilings or leave the old familiar ceiling.

Of course, it is necessary to give preference to suspended ceilings, which will originally enter into any interior and immediately show their practicality and convenience.

Stretch ceilings - the perfect solution for the 21st century
Stretch ceilings in the living room, photos of which shine on sites on the Internet, can be created from various materials.
Most often, one of the popular methods of finishing the ceiling is a stretch fabric. They are of two types:
Fabric stretched canvas. The most important characteristics of such ceilings are: resistance to temperature changes, reliability, durability and safety.

Fabric stretch ceilings are made in a wide form, which allows their use for ceilings of any size.

But to get the perfect result, usually you should resort to the help of specialists in installing such ceilings.

In addition, the fabric type of ceilings is the most environmentally friendly, and therefore they are used most often in the living room and bedrooms.

Ceilings with PVC film. Currently, such ceilings are very popular, both in private homes and in city apartments.

Design of stretch ceilings in the living room is distinguished by its structure, they are satin, glossy and matte. PVC ceilings are resistant to both temperature and high humidity.

Two-level stretch ceilings
Installing a two-level stretch ceiling in the living room, photos of which can also be found on the Internet, will boldly transform your room, creating an individual and unique style.

Installing such a ceiling, of course, more difficult, but the result will be surprising.

For the living room is best suited two-level ceiling with lighting.

The unusual design of such a ceiling looks expensive and luxurious, and additional lighting will make the ceiling comfortable to use.

Fixtures ceilings in the living room here play a key role. The classic options for installing lighting were and remain chandeliers.

Lamps, as a rule, are installed in the central part of the ceiling according to symmetry.

Also used spotlights, which have both the internal arrangement of the bulbs and the external.

Places for lamps can go around the perimeter of the room or you can select each part of the room with a separate lamp.

In modern times, you can create special effects using lighting on the ceiling: for example, the starry sky. Lamps pick up with bulbs, both cold light rays, and warm.

Stretch ceiling design and selection of colors
The key step in creating the interior in any room is a competent selection of colors.

The color must be combined with the other elements of the decor and positively influence the atmosphere in the room.

The color of the stretch ceiling in the living room depends on several important characteristics:
The height of the room. As a rule, cold shades visually make the room taller, while warm ones give the opposite effect.

Shine. Warm tones are ideal for such rooms in which there is little illumination, while cold colors are suitable for bright and spacious rooms.

Type of room. Of course, for the bedroom you need gentle and light shades, and for the kitchen you can use bright, rich colors.

Dimensions of the room. Colors have the ability to visually increase or decrease the room.

In order to make the room more visually - use white, light colors, and dark, cold shades are suitable for large rooms.

So, the interior of the stretch ceiling in the living room is a delicate matter, but the main thing is to treat it wisely and with imagination.

Photo stretch ceilings in the living room