Photo wallpaper in the living room interior (photo)

Living room

How to choose a photo wallpaper for the interior of the living room?

Photowall-paper in an interior of a drawing room is one of the best options of the finishing, allowing to create a harmonious zone of rest and a relaxation. When finishing the walls with wallpaper mural, you should consider the placement of furniture in the room. The best option is to design a beautiful wall mural wall adjacent to the installation of the sofa or the opposite, so that in the recreation area you can admire the image.

  • We emphasize the thematic focus of design
  • Secrets of finishing
  • We place accents

    With the help of photo wallpaper you can place key accents in the interior of the living room. If you use for the decoration of the accent wall of the photo wallpaper, with an applied abstract print, then you can place a TV on this wall. Wall mural in the interior of the living room can perform the following functions:

    • compress or move apart room space;
    • make the color scheme warmer or colder;
    • display thematic focus of the interior;
    • serve as a transition at the borders of different styles.

    101-Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

    Photo: the option of a competent arrangement of the TV on the background of the photo wallpaper

    Photo: the option of a competent arrangement of the TV on the background of the photo wallpaper

    We emphasize the thematic focus of design

    If the living room is made in a modern urban style, for example, modern or high-tech, then to finish it you can use images of the city (squares, skyscrapers, streets, etc.), which can be further distinguished using moldings, plastic panels imitating natural or artificial stone. To complement the design will help lighting with chrome elements. Examples of such finishes can be viewed on the photo.

    101-Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

    101-Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

    101-Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

    For the style of pop art, you can use wallpaper depicting pop stars and film actors, which will emphasize the modern orientation of the interior.

    Italian and French style can be emphasized with the help of wall painting, reproductions of paintings fit perfectly into the interior of the room, decorated in a classic style, will give the room luxury and reproduce the atmosphere of a medieval castle.

    The design of the living room with photo wallpapers depicting landscapes will correspond to country or ethnic style, and photo wallpapers depicting the nature's bosom are organically combined with the interior of absolutely any direction. Ecodesign means finishing the walls not only with eco-friendly materials, but also with images of nature.

    Photo: similar wallpapers easily create a forest atmosphere in your living room.

    Photo: similar wallpapers easily create a forest atmosphere in your living room.

    101-Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

    Flowers and the sea are suitable for living rooms, made in the style of minimalism, Provence, the Mediterranean, as well as an integral attribute of marine design.

    For thematic living rooms, in which it is necessary to emphasize the national color, suitable wallpaper with geographical or ethnic overtones. Photo wallpapers with symbols of various countries, for example, the Eiffel Tower, Egyptian pyramids, sakura, skyscrapers, etc., are especially popular.

    Photo: the original combination of the wall with wall mural and other walls

    Photo: the original combination of the wall with wall mural and other walls

    101-Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

    101-Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

    Secrets of finishing

    Photowall-paper in an interior of a drawing room is the excellent design tool allowing to expand space of the small room visually (wall-paper with perspective).

    Tip: pasting the wall with wallpaper with perspective, you will get endless space and visually enlarge the room at least 1.5 times.

    For a harmonious interaction of the image with the main surfaces of the room, it is necessary to coordinate its color gamut with the color scheme of the walls and the ceiling of the living room.

    Photo: an example of photo wallpaper with perspective

    Photo: an example of photo wallpaper with perspective

    101-Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

    As a zoning tool, wallpapers allow you to emphasize the purpose of a specific area of ​​the room.

    Particularly popular are fake wallpapers imitating a fireplace, bookcases or a wine cellar. Particularly realistic can be achieved if you use wallpaper with 3D effect.

    With the help of spectacular images, you can change any room, the main thing is to combine the decoration of the walls and ceiling with the elements of the interior.