Living room with fireplace - timeless classics

Living room

Features of the living room with fireplace

The living room is the one that is always in sight. It can be called the heart of the whole house: the family has a rest and spends its free time, guests are invited here. The interior of the living room should be thought out to the smallest detail.

The symbol of the hearth is the fireplace: it gives comfort to any room. It can become an important part of the interior, add zest to any design, decorate any style. Guests entering the room, first of all pay attention to this detail of the interior: a living room with a fireplace is the decoration of any home.

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252-living room with fireplace

252-living room with fireplace

252-living room with fireplace

Photo: fireplace in the living room interior of a country house

Photo: fireplace in the living room interior of a country house

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  • Types of fireplaces
  • How to make it
  • How to arrange furniture
  • Which style is better
  • Where can I install it

    Unfortunately, residents of the city, there are special construction standards, according to which the fireplace can not be installed in the apartment. Its installation is possible only in a private house, in a room whose area exceeds 20 square meters. In addition, the floor must be strong enough, because the design has a fairly large weight.

    Tip: the design must be installed by a specialist: errors in the installation may result in a fire.

    But residents of the city should not despair: there are electric fireplaces that can be installed quite easily in an apartment. They not only decorate the interior, but also perform the function of a heater. Installation and management of such a fireplace is quite simple, it is aesthetic and completely safe. The main advantages of an electrical device:

    - easy installation and operation; - decoration of the living room; - adjustment of temperature in a wide range; - security; - an opportunity to embody any design.

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    252-living room with fireplace

    252-living room with fireplace

    Types of fireplaces

    Fireplaces can be divided into three main types:

    - built-in - located in a niche or column, due to which it takes up minimal space. This type is especially relevant for small areas;

    - island - it is mounted in the central part of the room, it gives off heat most effectively;

    - wall - installed near one of the internal walls.

    Photo: island

    Photo: island

    Photo: Built

    Photo: Built

    Photo: wall

    Photo: wall

    Tip: The best place for mounting the structure is the wall opposite the windows. So it will be better kept warm, and the room will be cozier.

    How to make it

    Fireplace installed in the living room, you can arrange for any interior. The main role here is assigned to the material of its facing. Make sure that the colors and appearance of the structure support the overall design of the room.

    It is important to properly decorate the area above the fireplace. Here you can hang a picture or a mirror, and put a vase, a box or other decorative element on the shelf. Symmetrical outlines look more rigorous and are better suited for a classic living room. A modern interior assumes more relaxed forms, asymmetrical design is better suited for a dynamic style that structures space.

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    252-living room with fireplace

    252-living room with fireplace

    252-living room with fireplace

    252-living room with fireplace

    How to arrange furniture

    Furniture in the living room, equipped with a fireplace, must be arranged so that a cozy zone is formed. Not far from the source of fire, you can put a sofa or chairs opposite each other. Between them - a coffee table. Such an arrangement is suitable for a warm emotional communication.

    On both sides, place a locker, cupboard or bookcase that holds useful items or decorative items. A TV is recommended to hang on the side opposite to the fireplace.

    Tip: zones of open fire and TV cannot be placed nearby: you will be distracted from watching television, admiring the flame.

    The design of the living room with a fireplace should take into account the preferences of all family members: someone likes to warm themselves by the fire, and someone prefers to watch the developing flames from afar. All their wishes should be provided so that everyone is comfortable.

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    252-living room with fireplace

    252-living room with fireplace

    Which style is better

    The interior of the living room, equipped with a fireplace, can be made in a variety of styles. The classic, hi-tech and modern, English, French, country style suit - it will look good in any apartment.

    In order that the design of the fireplace fits well into the interior of the room, they pay attention to its finishing: it is important to correctly decorate the portal, chimney, and the pre-furnace platform.

    In the classic living room relevant materials such as marble, wood. In this case, a special shelf is well suited, on which you can arrange decorative figurines, candlesticks, photos in a frame. Modern provides for the use of marble and stone in combination with metal. The decor should be kept to a minimum, but a variety of colors can be allowed. Hi-tech design - various combinations of plastic, steel and refractory glass.

    Photo: English style

    Photo: English style

    Photo: French Style

    Photo: French Style

    Photo: Classic Style

    Photo: Classic Style

    Photo: rustic style

    Photo: rustic style

    Photo: hi-tech style

    Photo: hi-tech style

    Photo: modern style

    Photo: modern style

    When it comes to a living room with a fireplace, an image of an old house with a wooden floor and light walls immediately appears before your eyes. However, this stereotype was dispelled by modern designers: they proved that this element can fit into any interior. The fireplace is an actual detail of furniture in a modern apartment.