Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Living room

Combining the kitchen and living room on an area of ​​20 square meters. m - a functional version of the design, examples of which can be seen on the set of photos on the Internet. Such a combination of two zones is becoming increasingly popular in modern apartments and houses. This technique allows you to free up more space for furniture or another room. In the design of the kitchen-living room there are two ways - the division of these zones in the studio apartment or the union of two rooms, as is most often done in Khrushchev and small apartments. So, how to zone the space and what kind of decoration to choose?

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Proper zoning of the combined kitchen and living room will make the room not only comfortable, but also functional

Room layout

If the living room area is small, you can increase it in different ways:

  • To dismantle the wall between the kitchen, thus, the total area will be from 19 to 21 square meters. m;
  • Combine the room with a pre-warmed loggia, where you can place a part of household appliances.
Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Dismantling the wall between the kitchen and living room will give more opportunities to create a cozy atmosphere.

Initially, a spacious room does not require additional meters, in that case there is a problem of division of space with the help of partitions or decoration. Consider each of the options in more detail.

Dismantling walls

In this situation, you need to carefully examine the plan of the apartment, connecting specialists to this, and obtain permission to demolish the wall in the relevant authorities. Unauthorized demolition of the wall when combining a living room with a loggia or kitchen is fraught with problems if the wall proves to be bearing. It is simply dangerous.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Removing the wall between the kitchen and living room, as well as dismantling the balcony block, gives more space

Important! Any redevelopment of the apartment, even if it concerns the transfer of pipes, must be agreed and approved officially, otherwise a fine will be imposed for the violation.

The accession of the balcony will add a few square meters, but the complete or partial demolition of the wall will also require obtaining permission from the regulatory authorities. Before you use the balcony for its intended purpose, its design must be strengthened and insulated, which will require large expenditures.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Partial dismantling of the balcony wall makes it possible to create a cozy seating area on the balcony.

Partitioning zoning

As soon as the issue with additional meters is resolved, it's time to start zoning. The division of space is also relevant if the living room and kitchen are initially combined into a single whole. According to the designers for the kitchen area you need about a quarter of the total area. Options for a similar design of the kitchen-living room with zoning of 20 square meters. m can be seen in the photo.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

The partition can be a great place to store things.

To separate the kitchen-living room is not always enough just to arrange the necessary furniture in different parts of the room. Often, a more specific division of space is needed, for this purpose are used:

  • Plasterboard partitions;
  • Screens;
  • Columns, arches;
  • Bar counter;
  • Through rack or cabinet;
  • Glass sliding partitions;
  • Aquarium;
  • Sofa, turned back to the kitchen;
  • Curtains thread.

Important! Using bar counters or plasterboard partitions, round the corners. Rounded outlines make the room more spacious.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

The fabric partition is a cute and effective way to zoning the kitchen and living room.

Separating the space into two parts, take care of independent sources of illumination. For visual expansion of the living room, you can use a mirror on the opposite wall from the kitchen.

Zoning trim

In the interior of the kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. In addition to real partitions, meters use different materials and finishing colors to separate the space. To the living room and kitchen do not merge with each other, you can lay different floor coverings. For example, in the working area it is more appropriate to put ceramic tile or stone on the floor, and in the living room parquet, laminate or carpet.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

The use of materials of different textures and colors helps to make a stylish and comfortable interior of the kitchen-living room.

You can visually divide the space by painting the wall from the kitchen or sofa in a contrasting color. Also, to finish the kitchen apron, you can take ceramics or a mosaic of different color from the rest of the walls.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Decorative tile "under the brick" from the side of the sofa, highlights the seating area in the interior of the kitchen-living room

On the ceiling, multi-level structures, built-in lamps, beams and different colors act as space dividers. If you are going to use in the kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. m only finishing as a division of space, make sure that the two halves of the room do not merge with each other.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

With the help of a multi-level ceiling, it is easy to visually select all zones.

The color scheme in the interior of the kitchen-living room

Proper selection of colors and shades for the design of the kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. m no less important than buying the right style of furniture. The color possibilities are vast. Different shades for decoration can be divided into zones or combined into one, so that the interior does not look like a patchwork quilt.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Thanks to the color solutions, in the living room you can clearly define the kitchen area and recreation area.

As a background, calm neutral colors are most often used, for example, beige, light gray, vanilla, and ivory. On such a light background decorative elements and furniture look brighter. The classic combination is dark wood on a light background. You can add brightness to the interior with the help of bright curtains, upholstery, pillows and accessories.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Even if different zones of the room are made in different styles, the decoration in the same colors in various combinations makes the interior more harmonious. How different color combinations look in the design of the kitchen-living room on 20 squares can be seen in the photo.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen set

As a rule, the furniture in the kitchen is placed in one of the corners with the shape of "G". This configuration saves space, so if you have allocated a small area for the kitchen, the L-shaped set is the most suitable option. If the width of the end wall allows, the work surface, cabinets and appliances can be positioned along it.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

The corner suite is complemented by a corner sofa and a dining table, while with the work area in one line, the table and chairs can be positioned between the living room and the work area. You can save space by installing a bar counter. It replaces the work surface and dining table. Variants of design furniture in the kitchen-living room 21 square meters. m can be viewed on the photo.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Living room furnishing

The guest area should not be cluttered with lots of furniture, since the area is rather limited. Kitchen-living room design of 20 square meters. meters will look more harmonious if you manage the minimum amount of furniture.

607-Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

For a recreation area, it is enough to put a sofa, coffee or coffee table, TV on the wall or stand. To store things you can use hinged open shelves, cabinets or a corner cabinet. Niches can be adapted to a wardrobe or a small pantry. How to arrange the furniture, thinking over the design of the kitchen-living room on an area of ​​20 square meters. m, you can see in the photo below.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

If we talk about the design of the furniture itself, it is better to use simple lines and facades without thread and other elaborate finishes. The glossy facades look good, the mirror surface visually increases the space. You should not choose bulky models of cabinets and sofas, high legs, glass doors and shelves visually look easier.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Important! Selecting textiles and upholstery, get easily washable fabrics, because due to the proximity to the kitchen, they will have to be washed more often. Simplicity in cleaning is an important condition for flooring.

Kitchen-style living

Thinking through the interior, it would not be superfluous to see the already finished kitchen kitchen design projects of 20 sq. m in the photo. Leafing through the catalogs and browsing sites on the Internet, you can learn interesting ideas for your own home. You should not copy what you see one-on-one, since the design of the interior takes into account the individual characteristics of the room up to the side of the location of the windows.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

In a small room you should not mix several styles at once, it will look tasteless and tedious. When choosing an interior style, it is necessary to take into account the functions assigned to each zone of the room.


In the loft style, there are practically no strict canons, the main thing is to maintain the interior in an industrial spirit. Wires and pipes in a visible place, grilles, metal boxes, signs - all that will help to create the necessary atmosphere.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Plaster or red brick are popular as finishing, often these two materials are combined, which gives the effect of abandonment. In the interior is used glass, metal, plastic, stone, wood. In the loft style there is a place for old books or photographs, retro accessories. In the photo you can see illustrative examples of interior design of kitchen-living rooms of 19 and 20 square meters. m in this style.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m


This rustic style is a godsend for romantic natures. This style is distinguished by a bright decoration of the walls and ceiling, combined with the furniture of saturated colors. In the design of the premises are used all the colors reminiscent of the summer on the coast or village fields. Blue, turquoise, gray, shades of white, green, peach, lavender, etc.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

It looks appropriate minor irregularities, cracks and scuffs on wooden surfaces. As a decor, you can use beautiful painted dishes, bundles of herbs, garlic and chili in the kitchen, landscapes in the living room. Natural materials and shades are typical for Provence, so plastic and chrome-plated parts should be abandoned.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Fabrics for curtains, bedspreads - plain linen and cotton, small patterns in the form of flowers and peas or a discreet cage are allowed. In the photo below you can see the design projects of the kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. m in the style of Provence.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m


Minimalist styles are notable for their severity and simplicity of lines, minimal decor and simple low-key colors. Minimalism is a great option for single people or a small young family.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Both natural and synthetic are popular as a material: wood, tile, glass, metal, plastic, MDF, etc. Modular and built-in furniture, as well as corner models are very popular. The priority of minimalism in the functionality of the used space. In the photo below you can see several options for the design of the kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. meters in minimalism style.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m


The classic style is universal and never goes out of fashion, however, requires significant investments. Finishing and furniture used in the interior should be made of expensive and high-quality natural materials.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Light colors are chosen for finishing surfaces, while furniture can be made of dark wood, which creates a harmonious combination. For finishing and curtains, it is better to purchase plain fabrics or fabrics with a light vegetative pattern, a dull stripe or a cage.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

High tech

This style can be attributed to a variety of minimalism. High-tech is different using modern technology, technical innovations and electronics here are not hiding behind the facades, and paraded. High-tech furniture is simple and strict, colors are discreet, but contrasting combinations are possible. In the interior design there is a lot of glass and chromed metal. Options for finishing the kitchen, combined with a living room of 20 square meters. m, in high-tech style can be seen in the photo.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Useful tips

The kitchen-living room can look original if you approach the creation of an interior with imagination and a sense of style. Here are some recommendations:

  • In the decoration it is better not to use more than 2-3 colors as the main ones, otherwise the interior will look too colorful;
  • In the rectangular kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. m. massive furniture is better placed on the end walls, so the room will look more balanced;
  • In long rooms you should not hang mirrors on short walls and pick up the finish with horizontal stripes on long ones;
  • It is better to refuse silk and velvet in interior design, since these fabrics are too naughty to care for and absorb odors from the kitchen well;
  • The island location of the headset in the kitchen looks too cumbersome, it is better to place the furniture and appliances in a L-shaped manner.

How else can you arrange the kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. meters can be viewed on the photo with real examples of design.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

So, 20 square meters. meters large enough space to combine the kitchen with the living room. The interior design of this room requires some skills, however, following a number of rules, you can create a unique and stylish design.

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m

Kitchen-living room 20 sq m
