Design room with fireplace (photo)

Living room

How to include a fireplace in the design of the hall?

The hall, no doubt, can be called the face of any home. That is why each owner is trying to bring a drop of comfort and warmth into his interior. Among the many methods of decorating the living room is widely known decoration fireplace. This element is able to add a bit of comfort and warmth to the home. Without a doubt, the fireplace can become the main object in the interior of the room.

Photo: ways to decorate the fireplace in spring and summer

Photo: ways to decorate the fireplace in spring and summer

291-Design room with fireplace (photo

291-Design room with fireplace (photo

  • Installing a home light: how to do it right?
  • How to choose a fireplace for the hall?
  • Modern fireplace in the interior: what are the types?

    Recently, the fireplace has become so fond of designers that it has found many variations of use in the interior. There are several types of home lights:

    • Classic wood;
    • Electric;
    • Gas;
    • Falshkaminy.

    Wood burning fireplace has been preserved in modern interior and is actively used today. To make such a beauty in the living room, you have to decently try, since such installations require redevelopment of the room.

    The interior of the hall can be decorated with an electric fireplace. It is easy to install. This light works on the network, and in the interior of the living room looks very natural.

    Gas devices have a lot of advantages, such as simple installation, ease of operation and excellent heating effect. However, this chamber has its drawbacks: it can be installed only after obtaining permission from the gas supply service.

    The easiest option for those who have no desire to mess with the installation is to create a design room with a fake fireplace. Even the most ordinary drawing with imitation of a fire chamber can make the interior of the hall more attractive.

    Photo: wood burning fireplace

    Photo: wood burning fireplace

    Photo: electric fireplace

    Photo: electric fireplace

    Photo: gas fireplace

    Photo: gas fireplace

    Photo: falshkamina

    Photo: falshkamina

    Tip: An electric, gas or wood burning fireplace is ideal for the design of spacious living rooms. In narrow rooms they will create a feeling of congestion, therefore in this case it is better to give preference to the imitated variant.

    Installing a home light: how to do it right?

    Decorating a fireplace can bring a lot of inconvenience if the device is incorrectly placed in the interior. In addition, most likely this design will not look aesthetically pleasing.

    The first rule recommended by experts is that the small cells should not be placed on the outer wall of the house, otherwise a significant part of the heat will go outside during operation. Do not forget that upholstered furniture is better not to put too close to the fire. A separate question is the placement of the installation relative to the TV. It is best if these two objects are perpendicular to each other.

    Photo: placement of a fireplace and TV

    Photo: placement of a fireplace and TV

    291-Design room with fireplace (photo

    How to choose a fireplace for the hall?

    To recreate the design of the living room with a warm fire emanating from a special installation, it is increasingly desired by both the owners of private buildings and the owners of apartments. Choosing decoration with a suitable fireplace, you should rely not only on the interior, but also on the peculiarities of the dwelling.

    The owners of the cottages are most fortunate - they can install absolutely any type of home fire in the hall. If the house is located outside the city, the gas fireplace, although perfectly fit into the interior, but its installation can cause problems. For such buildings, it is best to pick up an electric chamber, well, or at least woody.

    291-Design room with fireplace (photo

    291-Design room with fireplace (photo

    Arrangement of the hall of a city apartment takes much more time than the hall of private dwellings. Experts unanimously say: in high-rise buildings in no case should not choose the decor of a traditional wood-burning fireplace. The interior of city apartments is wiser and easier to decorate with an electric stove.

    Fireplace decoration is suitable for both additional heating at home, and to add a decorative effect to the room. Depending on the style in which the interior of the room is made, the home light is also selected.

    To correctly determine its type is not always easy. The rest of the idea with the installation of the fireplace - a win-win for the hall.