Coffee table for the living room - 100 photos of stylish
Coffee tables in the interior of living rooms have long become an indispensable piece of furniture. After all, it is not only practical, but also gives a special touch to the aesthetic side of the issue.

Despite the fact that it is a small element in comparison with a sofa or a wardrobe, it is still impossible to approach its choice thoughtlessly.

When choosing it, it is worth considering the material from which it is made, and the style that it embodies, and its functional features (whether it will be with additional storage places or not).

Many tables have additional shelves under the table tops or hidden sliding shelves so as not to load the table itself with magazines, newspapers, TV or DVD consoles.

This aspect must also be taken into account when choosing a coffee table. But first you need to understand what function it will carry in the home.

Sometimes it's enough just to choose a photo of a coffee table for the living room.
Choosing a material
Now in furniture stores and shopping centers you can find various types of coffee (bedside) tables, both in shape and height, as well as on the material of the table top and frame.

Wooden tables - this is the most common option that fits easily into almost all types of interior.

When choosing such a table, you only need to choose the right color for such a table, which will be in harmony with the colors of the rest of the furniture.

The disadvantages of these tables are: the high cost of the material (it all depends on the type of wood), the tendency to mechanical deformations. There are much more advantages at such tables.

These include a huge selection of wood, colors, textures, the ability to simply order such a table, the environmental friendliness of the material and the combination with all interior styles. Note! Yellow room - a photo of the best ideas on how to design a yellow room

With all the variety of wooden tables, they will fit perfectly into the interior of a large bedroom.

Glass coffee tables for the living room are the best option for a modern style or high-tech style.

Due to transparency, they look “airy” and do not visually conceal the space of the room. The basis for such tables can serve as glass, which will give minimalism to such an interior item. Others can also be applied as usual (metal), as well as more elaborate materials (reindeer fur, wood snags, coral fragments or whole corals).

In the second case, you need to approach the choice more carefully, so as not to disrupt the overall concept of the room design. The disadvantages of glass tables can be considered the formation of chips and scratches, the complexity in the manufacture and relatively high cost.
Pros: visually expands the space, a large range of materials for manufacturing, unpretentiousness in care, safety (hot glass is used), the possibility of matting or tinting glass in different colors.

Metal tables
Metal has always been considered to be a difficult material to process, and therefore structures made of it are much more expensive.

This also applies to coffee tables. They are heavy and difficult to move, but at the same time are considered the most durable, because they are not amenable to any form of deformation.

Cons: high cost, great weight. Pros: originality, strength, durability.

The selection of the interior
For a classical interior the small and wooden coffee table will be optimal.

You can choose a table with bright colors of the base or table legs, the main thing is to choose the color under the color scheme of the rest of the furniture. You also need to not forget about the type of wood, so that there is also no disharmony of colors.

For the style of "Provence" and a large room fit large, carved coffee tables, and in a small small two-level. Here you need to consider that the main colors for this style are pastel shades, naturalness and antiquity.

Such ethnicities as country music allow to widely apply fantasy. In this case, the bamboo tables, the tables of a complex mosaic pattern of shells or roughly hewn tables will look equally good.

Modern is another style that offers flight of thoughts. For this style, suitable tables absolutely from any material. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is the smoothness and conciseness of lines and shapes. The main thing is to have a fantasy.

The basis of pop art is considered ordinary, but transformed into fantastic. Here you can spare no paints and forms, including for the coffee table.

The coarseness of the metal components and the wood is a loft. Here you need to take into account that the loft implies "streetness" in the design. For this style, designers had to climb through factories. Therefore, a coffee table in the form of a mining trolley or some kind of machine - this is a stylish coffee table performed by a loft.

Transformers in service
Recently, for small apartments, designers have come up with multifunctional coffee tables transformers for the living room.

This solution allows you to make a full-fledged dining area or workplace from an ordinary beautiful coffee table.

This reduces the clutter of usable space. Another advantage would be the presence of wheels on the base. This will solve a bunch of problems associated with its movement.

Photos of coffee tables for the living room