Arch in the living room - 65 photos of the best design
Arches between rooms instead of doors are a modern solution for the visual expansion of space.

This design option is perfect for small apartments.

The arches in the living room are a great solution for zoning living space. Especially they are suitable for studios where you need to separate the kitchen from the living room.

Why do we need arches?
Door arch in the living room are popular in apartments where you need:

- do not reduce the space, as it happens when interior doors are used;
- not only to divide rooms, but also to combine the style of interior design;
- to give elegance and originality.
In all these situations, you will build a designer arch. Moreover, its form can be anything.

In order for you to imagine how diverse these structures can be, we suggest you look at the photos of the arches in the living room.

As you can see, everything depends on your imagination, and it is not difficult to translate it into reality.

Types of arches
The arches have come to us since ancient times. It has always been beautiful and in demand. They have not lost their relevance in the current time.

And this is not surprising - because they are well suited for a variety of styles; with their help, you can combine and share rooms that are completely different in functionality. For example, there is not much in common between the living room and the kitchen, but with the arch these rooms look very organic.

So, what kinds of arches are there? There are only two of them:
- The classical arch has an even arch, there are no accents in the form of a drawing or carving with an ornament.
- Figured stand out unusual forms and attract attention due to the finish.

Classic arches are a budget option. They are mainly installed using inexpensive, affordable drywall, plywood or MDF.

Figured are usually constructed in large rooms, from natural wood. Trim glass, backlit.

Modern design of arches in the living room
Approximately one third of customers opt for the classic look of the arch.

- Firstly, it is relatively inexpensive.
- Secondly, this option is perfectly combined with any repair. And most importantly, not everyone knows about other types or is afraid to experiment.

The rectangular arch does not need large alterations. It is wide, comfortable, perfectly combined with most styles.

Wavy - on the contrary, is only suitable for modern, retro or pop art. With these styles, the arch in the interior of the living room will be in harmony with the rest of the design best.

The arch in the form of a trapezoid will be perfectly combined with the Gothic style.

The ellipsoidal arched passage will become an ornament, an accent in sophistication and luxury. And if you make such an arch of natural wood, it will become a real gem of your living room.
Can I make an arch by myself?
Feel free to answer: "Yes, you can!" It is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. But, if you follow some rules, then this is quite a feasible task for any person who knows how to work with tools and has a well-developed imagination.

So, how to make an arch in the living room? First you need to decide on the type of design.

If we are talking about the division of the living room and kitchen, the arch can not be narrow, but at the same time it should clearly divide the space into zones.

This space is like one, but with an emphasis on the fact that there is a plot for recreation and another - for cooking. The materials from which you intend to mount the arch should be primarily safe.

It is important to know that the arch can be not only from the finished structure, but also, for example, from drywall, which is very easily curved, turning the opening into an exquisite creation and this can be used in different variations.

By the way, from this material the arch will look great not only between the living room and the kitchen, but also the corridor, the bedroom.

Drywall is attached to the finished frame. After this, the surface needs to be puttied and painted. And then - again, your imagination. It all depends on how your rooms are decorated, which should be separated by an arch.
Finished wooden arches will be able to please you with their smell, look. This will give you a feeling of coziness and comfort.

In addition, the market now presents a lot of options that will satisfy any, even the most sophisticated taste of the buyer.

Work on the installation of such arches is much less than from drywall. Having established a ready arch, you will need only to cover the seams between the wall and the arch. The joint can be closed with a wooden platband.

The combination with the interior of the apartment is the main condition when choosing the shape of the arch and the material from which you intend to construct it. There is something to choose from.

And you can do it yourself - the main thing is to be able to work with tools and understand exactly what you want.

If you do not have such skills, then you just need to do it with the help of specialists. In any case, we are sure that this option of apartment zoning will be comfortable for you.

Photo of the arch design in the living room