Washable wallpaper on the kitchen (photo) - varieties and
How to choose a washable wallpaper in the kitchen?
In a city apartment, the kitchen is often not only a place for cooking, but also replaces the dining room. Here the whole family gathers for dinner, receive guests, arrange romantic dinners, heart-to-heart conversations with friends over a cup of coffee and serious men's talk "under the beer."
That is why the design of the kitchen should be paid close attention: it should be not only practical, but also stylish. It is very important to choose the right materials for decoration, because on all kitchen surfaces every day, particles of soot and fat settle, which quickly turn into unpleasant stubborn dirt.
Today, pasting the kitchen with wallpaper in combination with an apron for the work surface of ceramic tiles, plastic, mosaics, glass is popular. In order to immediately imagine what the kitchen will look like after finishing, it is worth taking the time to explore the photos of finished interiors, where such solutions are applied. Wallpapers are best preferred to washable, so that they can withstand frequent wet cleaning, repel dirt and do not absorb odors.

Photo: cork wallpaper

Types of washable wallpaper
- Vinyl washable wallpaper has high moisture resistance and is sufficiently resistant to abrasion, as the decorative layer is protected by a transparent film. The choice of colors on the modern wallpaper market is huge, so finding options for the interior in any style is not difficult. In addition to monochromatic colors, various patterns and patterns, there are wallpapers that imitate natural materials. The surface can be both smooth and foamed, that is, textured.
- Acrylic washable wallpaper is a cheaper analogue of vinyl. In this case foam acrylic is applied on the base. This coating has less wear resistance and shorter service life.
Tip: When choosing a wallpaper, it is important to take into account that the foamed surface is less practical, since a three-dimensional pattern tends to accumulate dirt in the grooves, which is then difficult to clean.
- The use of glass fiber is less popular. This material is a woven base of fiberglass yarn, which involves painting. These wallpapers are durable, do not let moisture, can withstand regular cleaning with detergents. They can also be repainted up to 12 times without losing the surface pattern. In addition, glass wall paper does not support the vital activity of mold, fungi and various parasites.
- Metallic wallpaper, in which the decorative layer is made of aluminum foil, is rarely used because of the significantly high cost. However, they have many advantages, among which is the possibility of wet cleaning. Especially good metal shine fit into the interior of the kitchen in the style of high-tech. Photos of projects in a similar style can be easily found on the Internet.

Photo: Vinyl Wallpaper

Photo: design of a working kitchen apron with washable wallpaper
Proper care is the key to long service.
Different types of washable wallpaper suggest different care, which, with the right approach, will maximize the life of their use. Most often on the roll there is a label that contains important information about how to properly clean the wallpaper.
- The image of a single wave indicates waterproof wallpaper, which can only be gently wiped with a soft damp cloth.
- Two or three waves are already washable and super washable wallpapers. They can be washed with detergents, avoiding acidic and abrasive substances.
- If the brush icon is present, then the wallpaper can be intensively cleaned with a stiff sponge or a washing vacuum cleaner.
- Glass fiber and metallic wallpaper is easily cleaned with a damp sponge using ordinary dishwashing detergent or glass cleaner.

The range of washable wallpaper for pasting the walls of the kitchen - a room in which special conditions prevail - today is quite diverse. Each material has its drawbacks and merits. The choice of a suitable option is largely limited only by the overall design of the interior and the size of the budget.
Before making a final decision regarding the purchase of wallpaper, you should look through the Internet for numerous photos of various kitchen interiors, paying particular attention to the walls.