Types of rozhkovy coffee makers
Types of rozhkovy coffee makers

Today it is difficult to imagine a person who would not like to brew a cup of aromatic fresh coffee in the morning. The choice of cooking methods of this popular drink impresses even the most sophisticated gourmet - from simple brewing in a Turk to a fully automated process in a coffee machine.

Among the many models of coffee makers on the market, carob are in special demand. What kind of car is it and what are its main advantages, let's try to understand our article.
What it is?
This type of coffee makers received its name due to the unusual design and the reservoir where the ground coffee powder is poured. This capacity is similar to a horn, which is placed in a special compartment and hermetically twisted.

Made of metal or plastic, it does not allow even the slightest particles of coffee into the cup, allowing you to enjoy a thick foam and a rich taste.
In addition to regular ground coffee, coffee beans can be used pods or coffee pills - packaged and pressed coffee in filter bags made of perforated paper.

This speeds up the process of cooking at times, since nothing needs to be measured, tamped, but it does not let the imagination roam in choosing the quantity of coffee, its variety, etc. In addition to limitations in the experiments, a significant disadvantage of such pods is their high price.
Principle of operation
The method of making coffee in the carob apparatus differs markedly from the usual and standard. After all, they usually pour a few tablespoons of ground coffee into the filtered water, heat them to the required temperature and remove them from the fire.

A completely different principle of work is in espresso coffee makers: thanks to the special arrangement of the machine, the water heated by the boiler does not mix with the ground coffee, but is passed through it as steam under high pressure. Condensing in a separate chamber, this water vapor is saturated with the smell and taste of freshly ground beans, allowing you to enjoy the strong and refined taste of the drink.

Here an important role will be played by the degree of tamping of coffee in the horn. In an unevenly compressed powder, empty cavities may remain, which in the end will necessarily affect the finished taste of the drink - it will seem to be burned.
For proper tamping, you can use a special barista tool - tempera. It greatly simplifies the process of pressing and is suitable not only for bars and restaurants, but also for use at home.

Difference from drip type
Thanks to the steam and the pressure, the rozhkovy coffee maker compares favorably with its counterparts, including from drip-type coffee makers.
At first glance, there is a certain similarity between them. After all, in both coffee makers, heated water, reaching the state of steam, passes through a rammed layer of coffee. But thanks to the pressure that is created in the espresso coffee makers, the coffee is more saturated in taste and the preparation time is noticeably reduced. After all, now there is no need to wait for the coffee to drip, flowing down a special tube (hence the name of the drip coffee makers).

The sieve filters in which coffee is pressed play an important role in rozhkovy coffee makers.

Made from stainless, durable steel, these strainers not only trap small particles of grains, but also, thanks to small holes, help to create the much-desired foam on the surface of the coffee. And the sealing ring on the edge of the filter reliably protects against ingress of unfiltered fluid into the cup. The only carob coffee machines due to their advantages are much more expensive compared to the drip.
Features and benefits
As mentioned earlier, rozhkovy coffee makers make it possible to make coffee a lot faster, not for nothing that they are also called espresso coffee makers, because “espresso” is translated as “fast.” But their advantages do not end there.

Not less important advantage of such coffee makers is the possibility to choose coffee brewing programs.. Now, to make a cup of your favorite latte, you do not need to spend money on expensive professional coffee machines, the rozhkovy model will cope with this task just as well. Boil a strong espresso, pour it into a high cup, add frothy milk and sugar to taste. If you add a little more milk, you get an equally popular drink - cappuccino.

To obtain frothy milk, many coffee machines are sold with a built-in cappuccinator.
If this function is not provided by the manufacturer, you will have to purchase it separately.
Also some models of rozhkovy coffee makers are equipped with function of a grinding of a different degree. It will be appreciated by gourmets who prefer exclusively fresh coffee. Freshly ground grain will give the drink its entire original flavor and richness, before it disappears, as after long storage.

Since the rozhkovy coffee makers are designed mainly for two cups, so if you have more coffee in your family, you will have to buy two or three cones.
Unlike cooking coffee in the Turk, when part of the cup is occupied by the sediment of coffee grounds, the rozhkovy coffee makers, thanks to their special design, allow you to enjoy exclusively the drink itself, without being distracted by unpleasant suspensions.

And of course, it is impossible not to mention a pleasant bonus when using a carob coffee machine - this tender, thick skin in your cup. It is this creamy cap on top of coffee, which cannot be obtained either when cooking in a Turk or in a drip coffee maker, does not leave a single fan of this drink indifferent and explains the frantic popularity of rozhkovy coffee makers.
There are two main types of rozhkovy units: pump and steam. Between them there is a fundamental difference, so you should pay special attention to this when buying.

- Pump model It works like this: with the help of a boiler, the water heats up to 95 degrees and is passed under a pressure of 15 bar through coffee packed into a horn.

Thanks to this method of moving water through a strainer under pressure, coffee gives the maximum of its substances, allowing you to get a rich and bright taste. High power in pumping models guarantees an amazing coffee brewing speed - in less than half a minute.
- Steam type differs in many ways from pump action. First, low pressure (only 4 bar) and low power noticeably affect the preparation time of the drink - more than two minutes. Secondly, the water heated to 100 degrees turns into steam, which is passed through the valve under pressure through coffee. Accordingly, although steam takes more caffeine, it almost destroys the aroma of coffee. The drink is more invigorating, but the aroma is less pronounced.

And since the steam coffee maker is noticeably inferior to the pump, the second option is always more expensive, so it is chosen only by special connoisseurs of coffee.
Which one to choose?
Choosing a rozhkovuyu coffee machine, you should pay attention to even the most seemingly insignificant details. For example, the horn of a coffee machine: it is better if it is made of stainless steel, and not of plastic. The metal horn warms up much better, which undoubtedly affects the taste and aroma of coffee. In addition to such a horn, there is usually a metal filter, which makes it possible to achieve the very mouth-watering tender foam.
Also important is the size of the water tank - the smaller it is in volume, the more often it will be necessary to add water to it. Removable container will be a nice bonus - because it will be much easier to wash.

When choosing a coffee machine, you should decide in what conditions you will use it.. For example, for a family of two or three people, the one-track model is quite suitable. But in the office or for a large family, this will not be enough.
If we talk about units for a cafe or bar, then there will already need a higher productivity of the coffee machine and the ability to withstand heavy loads during rush hours. Therefore, to ensure the preparation of, for example, one hundred cups per hour, a two-yeast or even a three-yeast model would be clearly preferable.

An important factor will be the presence of a built-in coffee grinder.. This will significantly speed up the cooking process, especially in conditions of a large influx of people.

In order for visitors to have a sufficient selection of coffee drinks, it is advisable to choose professional car-making machines with additional features that allow you to make cappuccino, hot chocolate and a variety of coffee-based cocktails.

In a limited time, you can use disposable capsules, which is also very convenient for baristas.
Both for home and for cafes, modern models of rozhkovy coffee makers are equipped with displays — a rather convenient addition, because the screen displays signals about the need to add water or coffee grains or that the time has come to clean the machine.

How to use?
The principle of the use of the rozhkovogo coffee maker is quite simple, so even a beginner will have no difficulty in learning how to make coffee in it.
- Pour water (preferably filtered) in the tank.
- Turning the horn handle clockwise, take it out of the coffee maker and pour ground coffee there, carefully tamping it down.
- Returning the horn to the original place, substitute a cup under it and press the "start" button. That's all!
- Do not forget to rinse thoroughly. all used parts to keep them in working condition as long as possible.

As you can see, your participation in the preparation of coffee is minimized. Faster is possible only when working with professional automatic coffee machines.
How to pick up coffee?
True coffee connoisseurs know that the best drink comes from freshly ground beans. As for the choice of varieties for rozhkovogo coffee machines, there is no unambiguous advice. It all depends on personal preferences - someone loves coffee softer, with subtle notes, and someone cannot imagine his life without a strong, rich espresso taste.

For rozhkovy coffee makers the choice of grinding of grains plays a much more significant role.. This is one of the most important factors that has a decisive influence on the taste of the finished drink.

Too coarse grinding will make the taste less distinguishable and, most likely, with unpleasant sourness, while the grains crushed to dust at low power of the coffee maker will become a real test for its proper operation: the steam simply will not pass through the raw materials and the drink may not work.

Therefore, choosing the degree of grinding, it is better to stay at the average. This will provide the perfect espresso.
A huge selection of accessories for rozhkovy coffee makers greatly simplifies the life of coffee lovers.
In addition to the already mentioned capsules and various supports for them, there are also equally useful water filters, which not only radically affect the final taste of the prepared coffee, but also slow down the formation of scale in the machine itself. It is enough to replace them once every 2 months in order to be confident in the efficiency of the filters.

If the scale over time is still formed, various means will come to the rescue, allowing you to get rid of the unpleasant plaque and thereby prolong the life of your favorite coffee maker.
Those who cannot imagine their lives without cappuccino or latte often face the problem of cleaning a cappuccinator. from milk residues or milk fat. To cope with this task will help all kinds of cleaning products. They will not only simplify the process of washing the frother for milk, but also allow it to remain clean longer.

Special gourmets will appreciate the fashionable novelty on the modern market - vacuum coffee containers. Reliably and automatically pumping out the air, such containers protect the grains from the destructive oxidation process, allowing them to remain fresh for a longer time.

Rating: review of the best budget models and reviews
Modern progress does not stand still, and every year more and more new models of rozhkovy coffee makers are produced on the market. In order not to get confused in the variety of choices and to find the very coffee machine that is necessary for you, we suggest using our rating, compiled on the basis of tests and numerous customer reviews.
In the top of the best coffee machines are still leading representatives of Italian brands Saeco, Gaggia. This is not surprising, because it is thanks to them that the coffee technique gained popularity back in the 70s, passing on the secrets of technology from generation to generation.

The special charm, laconic design, versatility and ease of use easily explain their wild popularity.
Second place according to consumer reviews are coffee makers Redmond from the USA and Briel from Portugal. These firms are well-known in many countries. High-quality production of environmentally friendly parts and an enviable coffee making speed noticeably distinguish among other brands.

Their only drawback, as well as among Italian manufacturers, is their rather high price.
If the budget is limited, you should pay attention to cheaper models: Vitek VT, Polaris, Clarins. This is a worthy alternative to professional coffee machines, which is not very costly and is not much inferior in quality to brewed coffee.

Nowadays it’s not at all necessary to go to a cafe in search of real, properly prepared coffee. The rapidly growing market allows home to buy a rozhkovy coffee maker, which will not be inferior to professional devices. It is only important to decide on the wishes and preferences, and then you can enjoy the exquisite taste of coffee every day, without leaving home.
How to choose a rozhkovuyu coffee maker, see the following video.