Types of juicers
Types of juicers

Juicer - a necessary thing in the kitchen of any hostess. With the help of this wonderful technique, you can get vitamins from food all year round. It is necessary for healthy skin, hair, nails, immunity. Taking vitamins in the form of juices is much more convenient. The juicer acquires special relevance in families where there are small children.

Juice extractors are divided according to the principle of work: power, functionality, price, materials of manufacture, additional accessories. Also, models are classified by purpose: universal and citrus. The latter are suitable only for these fruits, and universal - for all types of vegetables and fruits. Another variety - screw, suitable for vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, nuts.

- Citrus. Juicers designed for the extraction of juice from oranges, lemons, grapefruits and other citrus fruits. Their popularity does not fall with the advent of universal devices due to the fact that they are compact, take up little space, consume a small amount of energy, are cheaper than other models.

- Universal. Models 2 to 1 are more expensive than the first, but have several advantages, as they are able to extract juice from any vegetables and fruits. Today, many manufacturers produce models with different nozzles and additional features. Universal devices are divided into several subspecies. They are centrifugal, separate, centrifugal, centrifugal with a conical separator. By the principle of operation, they are all similar to each other and work according to the same scheme. The product is loaded into a special hole, then enters the mechanism, is crushed, and the juice and cake are separated.

- Screw. Are in great demand, thanks to several advantages. Work on the principle of the grinder, can be performed in electric and manual modes, with a horizontal or vertical auger. The screw design combines the functions of squeezing and grinding products. Such a juicer is equipped with 2 screws with multidirectional rotation.

Shnekovye are slower, the juice is not oxidized, its useful properties are preserved. Ready juice is usable for 48 hours. The advantage of this model is that it works silently and is endowed with universal possibilities. The disadvantage - can not cope with large volumes.

- Electric. The principle of operation of electrical devices practically does not differ from mechanical ones. The difference is that vegetables, fruits and berries are crushed automatically under the influence of an electric motor. It is enough to turn on the electrical model in the outlet, put the products and press the button. Electric juicers machine has a great performance: they are able to squeeze out up to 95% juice.

- Mechanical. Pig-iron and metal devices, with the help of which it is possible to extract juice without connecting the device to electricity. They work on the grinder principle, have a lever that acts on the mechanism, creating the necessary pressure and squeezing the juice out of the fruit.

- Hand held. Devices that allow you to get fresh juice at home without the use of electricity. Manual models are divided into types. For citrus fruits, a juicer is used, which is a metal or plastic cone. The fruit is cut in half and manually pressing and scrolling squeezed. Disadvantages: physical effort is required, the amount of juice obtained is small.

- For solid products. Juice extractors for solid products (pumpkin, carrots, apples and others) have a high capacity. The greater the performance of the device, the cleaner the juice will be in the end. In the model for solid products, the filtration system is of great importance. The sieve for retaining pulp and oilcake can be cylindrical or conical.

- For stone fruit. Juice extractors designed for stone fruits (currants, gooseberries, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, grapes and others). The device can be used for tomatoes. A special screw model for stone fruit works with a large sleeve, it squeezes the berries dry, and separates the bones, preventing them from falling into the juice.

- Centrifugal. Distributions by the principle of action. Rotary, centrifugal, centrifugal models are used to make juice from most fruits and vegetables. The devices are equipped with a rotating knife that grinds the product at high speed (3600 revolutions per minute). All ingredients are crushed and under the action of centrifugal forces, the juice is extracted from them, and the cake is deposited on the filter.

- Household. Devices that cope with the basic tasks of juicers, thanks to built-in functions. The process of obtaining juice is slow, the efficiency is not the maximum, but the price is affordable.

- Professional. Professional devices are superior in function, power, performance household. They are used not at home, but in restaurants, cafes, bars, and resemble externally a food processor. The feature of professional devices is a stylish and original design.

- Industrial. Devices that are expensive, but differ in large size, high performance, maximum speed of making juice. Universal industrial models are used in factories and workshops. With the help of industrial juicers get huge quantities of juice in a short period of time.

Popular models
Love healthy foods and want to get the most out of them? In this case, the kitchen arsenal will be incomplete without a juicer. This popular device has long won the tender hearts of housewives, has become indispensable in the professional kitchen. Check out the most popular juice spinner models on the market.

- Bork Z800. Expensive model, which easily squeezes the juice from vegetables and fruits. The stylish design will perfectly fit into a modern kitchen interior. It will be appropriate to look in the kitchen in the style of country and high-tech. It works without noise, high quality spin, durable case, easy to care for the device, there is a cover. Disadvantages: large fruits and vegetables before cutting should be cut, high price.

- Philips HR 1870. Budget model that copes with great products. It has a wide neck, which allows you to load fruits and vegetables without cutting them. Powerful, quickly and efficiently wrung out, the filter screen is rarely clogged, there is a nozzle for citrus, easy to clean, there is a brush in the kit.

- Kitfort KT-1101. Screw low-cost model, one of the best in its segment. This universal device can extract juice with or without pulp. The cake is pressed dry, the fruits of any hardness are processed. The model is lightweight, compact, easy to clean.

- Oursson JM8002. Model of the average price range in which you can prepare the juice and mashed potatoes, as well as ice cream and a base for jam. The device perfectly squeezes out the products, works silently, has a tray for berries, 2 bowls, 2 nozzles, multi-level protection. The set also comes with a brush, a book of recipes. Among the shortcomings: small diameter of the neck, single-speed mode of operation.

- Zummo. Professional devices that are expensive. To indulge a model for squeezing the juice of this manufacturer is a luxury. The body of the models of this brand is made of high-quality plastic or metal, working on electricity. The original and unique design sets ZUMMO apart from other branded devices. Advantages: high performance, automatic fruit feeding system, electronic control. Disadvantages: high price.

How to choose
When choosing a juicer, be guided by the general requirements that apply to these devices.
- Spin quality. It is very important that the device squeezes out as much juice as possible from raw materials. The cake should be dry or slightly damp as a result. Cheap models often "sin" poor-quality wringing.
- Low noise. As with any device, the juicer can not work completely silently. The high noise level indicates a budget option, inexpensive body materials.
- Power. The higher the power of this technology, the faster the product is processed. The powerful motor allows the device to serve longer and copes with large volumes of vegetables and fruits. Power ranges from 200W to 2000W.
- Bowl volume. The greater the volume of the bowl, the more juice will be in the end. The dimensions of the bowl depend on the overall configuration of the device. Volumes range from 0.4 to 1.2 liters.
- Filter. His main task is to separate the pulp from the juice. The filter must be metallic.
- Rotational speed. From the speed of rotation depends on the quality of processing of solid products. The optimal value: from eight to ten thousand revolutions per minute.
- The number of speeds. Universal models have two or three speeds of work. The ability to switch speeds allows you to achieve the desired result of pressing, depending on the type of fruit and vegetables.
- Automatic pulp ejection. Automatic and centrifugal devices are endowed with a container into which the cake is thrown. It is desirable that the container was transparent.
- Separator for foam. Vegetables and fruits are processed in the device quickly, so foam is formed on the surface of the juice. Quality juicers have special partitions that separate the foam from the drink.
- The volume of the tank for juice and pulp. The larger the tank size for juice and pulp (they are separate), the better. The juice tank can reach up to two liters, and for the pulp up to one liter.
- The length of the power cord. The power cord of a quality model must be at least 80 cm in length.
- Body material. The body of modern juicers is made from high-quality plastic, aluminum, stainless steel. Plastic models are lightweight, inexpensive, wash well, have different colors of the case, but they are fragile. The body of stainless steel and aluminum - durable, heavy and expensive.
- The brand. Prefer models of well-known manufacturers. This ensures quality and durability.

If you want to buy a juicer, decide for what purpose it is needed. Pay attention to customer reviews, they may help to make the right choice. Judging by the customer reviews, the best centrifugal devices can be considered Panasonic, Philips, Bosch. Among the best screw devices are manufacturers Hurom, Kitfort, Oursson. For citrus fruits, select brands such as Bork and Braun.

If you need a combination device, pay attention to the Philips brand. The advantages of modern juice makers of these manufacturers are the ability to load products entirely, a large volume of the tank in the kit, no vibration during operation, good quality spin, reliable centrifuge, rotor, juice level indicators, high spin speed, the ability to wash the device in the dishwasher, innovative filters, direct juice supply, high build quality.

Among the shortcomings: noise during operation, some models are difficult to wash due to the shape of the body, sticking of the cake to the lid and to the walls, clogging of the filter, high price. In general, buyers note that the juicer is a necessary thing in the kitchen, but it is better if the model is automatic with a cylindrical separator.