Two-door refrigerator with freezer (52 photos)


Two door fridge freezer

Two door fridge freezer

A two-door refrigerator with a freezer is a universal device, which creates the most comfortable conditions for both long-term storage and freezing of products. Due to its many functions, the device has gained deserved popularity among consumers and is highly appreciated by home technicians.

Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer


Such a household appliance as a refrigerator plays a significant role in the design of a kitchen room. It can be equipped with several cameras, be small or three-dimensional, built-in or stand-alone. There are ordinary fridges with a small freezer, regular freezers and refrigerators with several doors.

Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer

Among the demanded kitchen equipment, experts highlight the two-door freezer appliances made in Europe, wide and high. Two chambers are located symmetrically on both sides of the center, there are models with side, top and bottom placement of the freezer. The most common among consumers have received exactly two-door units, models with four doors are considered less convenient.

Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer

Dimensions allow the refrigerator "side-by-side"look status. The design has become a winning feature of the model, although the appliance will need a lot of space to be placed in the kitchen. A two-door unit can decorate a country house or large apartments, but it is not suitable for a modest Khrushchev, where a standard household refrigerator is appropriate.

Two door fridge freezer


The characteristic positive qualities that distinguish a two-door refrigerator from other similar devices include:

  1. Economy and ergonomics. Models are distinguished by power consumption. As for this model, most of the "side-by-side"Class A + is being produced, therefore, electricity costs will not be significant. In large-size refrigerators, electricity is always used rationally, since inverter compressors protect them from sudden changes in temperature and sudden outages.
  2. Long service life. An additional level of protection keeps the motor from surges. Thanks to the inverter technology, the refrigeration device is practically silent, and the vibration load is minimized.
  3. Rational zoning of useful space. Zones are divided into several types, including those with zero temperature inside. Here the products can be kept fresh for a long time and retain their useful qualities, be usable.
  4. Temperature distribution. Each of the chambers has its own temperature regime, which is regulated separately. This means that you can choose the best temperature for all types of purchased products, freeze and store them without losing properties. Distributing the temperature, the developers have again achieved energy savings.
  5. The use of modern technology. Consumers are additionally offered a number of possibilities, namely: the effect of infrared radiation from lamps, protecting products from damage, a built-in bar, which has an ice dispensing mechanism for making soft drinks. This function works autonomously, does not require opening the door, the device is connected to the water supply for the manufacture of ice cubes. Inside the chambers, sinks of powder are installed to trap and remove foreign odors. The unit can be controlled electronically and signal itself about the found faults and open doors.
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer

A two-door refrigerator costs more than usual, transporting it to your home and installing will require some effort. In addition, the device can not be installed on the heated floor due to the enhanced work of the heat exchange system, it is better to build a special podium.

Despite these minor inconveniences, the advantages of the operation of this universal device are obvious, since it stands out among the rest as a model premium class.

Two door fridge freezer

Tips for choosing

Refrigerators with a double independent cooling circuit system are presented on the market in a sufficient and diverse range. For a large kitchen, it will not be difficult to place such a device, but it is best to choose the device according to the size of your room. If the family is small, it will be sufficient to choose a model of minimum height, for a family of five or even six people a bigger refrigerator is needed, right down to the overall size of those on the market.

Two door fridge freezer

As a rule, the basic dimensions of a two-door model with a freezer are within such limits: in height - from 170 to 215 cm, in width - 80-125 cm. The standard is 72 cm in depth. It can vary slightly in exclusive models. European manufacturers clearly adhere to accepted standards, which is important when acquiring not only stand-alone, but also built-in models that are suitable in size to the rest of the headset. The color of most devices is monophonic, you need only a simple design that matches the style of the kitchen as a whole.

Two door fridge freezer

In the case of a built-in model, the choice of all three sizes is dictated by the volume of the niche set aside for the refrigerator in the furniture kitchen set.

The two-door unit will easily fit into it, you just need to take into account the features of the ventilation system. In order that the refrigerator worked longer, limiters of opening of doors are put. The most important thing is to create fresh air circulation to maintain the cold.

Two door fridge freezer

Popular brands

Modern refrigerators have become not only a highlight in the kitchen interior. The best manufacturers from Europe and Asia offer models with control using an electronic scoreboard, operating according to the principle "silence and efficiency".

Two door fridge freezer
  • Refrigerator from German manufacturers Liebherr SB Sessf 7222-20. Refers to the series "Luxury comfort". Overall dimensions of the device: height - 185, width - 121, depth - 63 cm. Equipped with two standard compressors. Energy efficiency of both A + cameras. The unit is able to freeze up to 20 kg per day, consuming only 460 kWh. It has electronic control and sound , as well as safety light signals.When the power is turned off, it can retain heat for another 24 hours. Minimum noise is up to 40 dB.
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
  • Two-door model Bosch Serie | 4 KAN90VI20R. This is a one-compressor elite model with a fur coat level of 44 dB. Dimensions - 177-91-72 cm. With a total volume of 622 liters, it has a freezing chamber of 200 liters, located on the side. Defrost system "No frost"Automatic. Class A +. The lighting is also LED, and the ability to freeze food reaches 12 kg per day.
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
  • Gorenje NRS85728 - model with excellent design. The metal coating of the refrigerator is able to absorb any dirt and grease, easy to clean. Equipped with an electronic panel on the outside, shelves also illuminated with diode lights. The width reaches 89 cm with a height of 175.5 and a depth of more than 73 cm. The freezing device of increased power is up to 24 kg per day. At the same time defrosting is automatic in both chambers. Equipped with ice maker and manual supercooling.
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
  • LG GA-M539Z belongs to the class A ++. Thanks to the Multi Air Flow system, a uniform air circulation is achieved, which allows to maintain the same temperature. In a special compartment designed for vegetables and fruits, the necessary moisture is preserved, protecting it from drying out. The freezer in this two-door model is located at the bottom of the refrigerator. The model is among the budget costing up to 35 thousand rubles. It has an elevated height of 190 cm with a relatively small width of 59.5 cm. The depth of the device is 68.8 cm.
Two door fridge freezer


According to customer reviews, two-door refrigerators allow a large family not to save space by purchasing a sufficient amount of food for a week or more. It is especially convenient to use the quick freeze system. Even the most sensitive to cold tender berries and fruits can now be stored all winter, cottage cheese and other dairy products are perfectly preserved in the zero chamber. Satisfied customers and long service life. For some models, the service life did not change their visual attractiveness, after a few years of service, the "side-by-side"remains silently running, all systems are functioning properly.

Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer
Two door fridge freezer