Two-chamber refrigerator 2019 (86 photos)
Ranking of the best two-chamber refrigerators

The refrigerator in modern life is the main technique in the kitchen. We can not imagine our life without him. And every year more and more new requirements are imposed on this device. Two-chamber refrigerators are very popular. Consider what they are and what are.

Features and benefits
Two-chamber refrigerator firmly entered our lives. Choosing this device home, very few people will choose a model with one small camera. Modern humanity, which is heavily employed at work, and can not devote a lot of time to daily shopping trips, is used to buying products at least a week in advance.

Before the engineers there was a question in the invention of more modern technology, which will not only help to store the product, but also preserve their freshness for many days. And they did it.
Modern two-compartment refrigerators meet all parameters, include innovative technologies to facilitate your life in terms of food safety.

The huge choice of models will make it possible to place this device even in a kitchen of very small dimensions, just need to select the appropriate model.
In addition, refrigerators with separate chambers are more convenient than conventional single-chamber ones, because when the door of the refrigeration compartment is opened frequently, warm air does not get into the freezer, thus not only the constant temperature in it remains, which has a beneficial effect on the preservation of all the useful substances in frozen foods, but also saves power consumption.

Principle of operation and device
First you need to look at the principle of operation of this technique.
All refrigerators have a main unit, in some models it is more refined, but the base remains unchanged.
Here are the main components of this device.
- Coolant or refrigerant gas. Freon is most often used for this purpose. It passes through thin pipes, taking heat from the device and returning cold.
- Compressor. With its help, the operation of the device. It regulates the flow of cooling gas to all departments of this technology.
- Evaporator. The vessel in which the refrigerant enters in a liquefied state and turns into a gas, while giving off cold.
- Capacitor. The place where the cooling of the cooling gas heated in the refrigerator takes place.
- Thermostat. A device that allows you to maintain the required pressure of freon in the tubes, thereby creating the necessary temperature inside the refrigerator.
So that the details of the refrigerator are not “tired”, a technology of rest has been developed, which consists in the cyclical nature of the operation of this technology. The compressor pushes cold air into the refrigerator for 15 minutes, after which there is a twenty-five minute break. But all models have different work cycles. There is a coefficient of optimal working time, which, if the refrigerator works correctly, should vary between 0.2-0.6. It is calculated as the time of the compressor, divided by the time of the full cycle of the unit. Moreover, if the coefficient turns out to be less than 0.2, then the temperature set in the refrigerator does not correspond to the required one. If the coefficient is higher than 0.6, then the tightness of the device is broken.

There are appliances with a single compressor, which immediately ensures the operation of the refrigerator and freezer. This is not very convenient when defrosting the freezer, as it is necessary to cool the entire appliance. But the power consumption of such equipment is much lower.
But there are modifications of refrigerators that are equipped with two compressors. Their work is completely independent. That is, you can stop the refrigerator, while the freezer will continue to work. This is very convenient if you need to defrost only the freezer, or in cases where the work of one of the offices is temporarily not needed, for example, when you go on vacation.

There are also several types of evaporators.
- "Crying" or drip. It is a metal plate, it is cooled with freon vapor, the compressor is turned off and it is thawed. At this point, the cold from the plate is given inside the cabinet. As a result, droplets are formed on the back wall of the refrigerator compartment, which flow down into the tray. In such refrigerators, the freezer is first cooled, and only then the cold enters the refrigeration compartment.
- No frost. The evaporator of such refrigerators is only in the freezer, and thanks to the built-in fan, the cold enters all compartments of the appliance. Such a device helps to avoid frost frost, which facilitates the care of appliances. The disadvantage of this method of cooling is that inside the refrigerator, provided that the product is not packed, it quickly loses moisture and is weathered. But this is easily avoided by storing food in containers or wrapping it in film.

In almost all modern two-chamber refrigerators, both compartments have an antibacterial coating that prevents the reproduction of pathogenic organisms and helps to preserve the freshness of products.

Varieties in two-chamber refrigerators great variety. All this is done to ensure that you use the device most comfortably.
These devices have a different arrangement of freezers.
All the less likely to meet refrigerators with top freezer. This is due to the small volumes of the freezer. And in the modern world, where semi-finished products are common, this is not very convenient. But such devices have small dimensions that will be easy to fit into a small kitchen. Also, such a device would be an excellent option to give.

Refrigerators with a large freezer usually have it at the bottom. Such devices are distinguished by increased dimensions, but also can accommodate a larger number of products.

Refrigerators with the "No Frost" cooling system usually have additional zones in their device.
- The zone of freshness allows you to save fruits and vegetables for a long time, without any processing. They will retain their original appearance and all the vitamins that are present in them by maintaining the necessary moisture. Before storing in this area, the products just need to be washed and dried with a towel.
- Zero zone is designed to store chilled fish and meat at a temperature equal to 0 degrees. In such a chamber, you can safely store food for up to three days, without fear that meat or fish will deteriorate.

Also different is the control of the operation mode of the refrigerators.
Simple low-end models are equipped with electro-mechanical temperature controllers, which are manually set to the desired temperature inside the chambers.
Fully electronic system is much more accurate, it allows you to set the desired temperature, which is necessary for you inside the device. The LCD screen will help you to find out the parameters in which the equipment works at one time or another.

In addition, some refrigerators are equipped with a remote control system. Such a device not only can identify problems in the work without a master on the site, but even show what is stored in this technical device, as well as add the missing products through online stores. Such devices can offer you dishes that can be prepared from the set of products that are in the refrigerator. Or offer a list of products that need to buy. This type of refrigerators is not widespread in our country.

Refrigerators also differ in internal filling. There is a different number of shelves, they are placed at different distances. Often in the kit comes a tray for storing eggs and a shelf for horizontal storage of bottles.

Color solutions
Modern two-chamber refrigerators are completely different shades.
White appliances, of course, remain to exist. This is a classic that is appropriate in any interior.

Beige, dairy and silver shades of this technology also won a place in the market long ago.

But in the world of modern design, the refrigerator is often the main focus in the interior of the kitchen. In this case, refrigerators of ambiguous colors are chosen, for example, red, black, turquoise tones.

Also in the modern interior will be appropriate refrigerator with mirrored doors. At the same time, in the form of a mirror, both doors can be completely completed, or just a strip is framed.

Another type of design of the exterior of this device is the implementation of its stainless steel. This fridge will look great in the kitchen in the style of "high-tech" or "loft". At the same time its walls will not be exposed to corrosion. In addition, the appliance doors on top are covered with a special solution that will protect them from handprints, which is especially valuable if there are small children in the house.

How to choose
The choice of refrigerators in the market of home appliances is huge. Therefore it is necessary to approach it responsibly.
The first stage is to determine the size of the technique. Dimensions of two-chamber refrigerators start from 145x54x60 cm. In this case, the freezer will be located on top. Starting at a height of 160 cm, you get a fridge with an undersized freezer.

Next you need to determine how many compressors you need. If you often leave for a long time, then you should choose a refrigerator with two units, one of which can be turned off at any time.
If you decide to purchase a device with the system "No Frost", then in this case you will receive equipment with one compressor.

An important indicator is the instrument noise level. Well, if it is in the region of 40 dB. It is almost imperceptible to the ear of man. Such a work will not strain the equipment, even if you sleep near the device. But the noise of 50 dB will already be noticeable, and it is unlikely you will be able to relax well next to such a device.

Freezing capacity is also quite an important indicator when purchasing this equipment, especially if you have the need for frequent freezing of a large amount of food. This indicator varies depending on the model and varies in the range from 3 to 12 kg. This indicator indicates how many products this model can qualitatively freeze in one day.

It is also necessary to determine the complete set of the device. It is important that the number of shelves and additional trays completely suits you.
It remains to choose only the manufacturer. But not always the quality of the product depends on the promotion of the brand. Before choosing a manufacturer, you should familiarize yourself with the opinion that has developed among customers about this product.

Rating of the best models of the year
Here is the ranking of the best models of this year from different manufacturers.
Ardo COO 2210 SH BL. This refrigerator has a unique design. The bright shade of sapphire will be the focus on your kitchen. In addition, the refrigerator has a drip cooling system that does not overdry foods. Convenience of operation is associated with the lower location of the freezer. The electronic control system helps to set the exact parameters that you need when working the refrigerator. Freezing capacity is 5 kg per day. Overall dimensions are 59.3x65x188 cm. The cost is about 25,000 rubles.
You can also select a similar model in other non-standard colors, such as turquoise or bright yellow.

Pozis World 244-1. This model has an upper freezer. A great option for a small family of two people or for installation in the country. It has many shades of exterior. Here and the standard white tone, and bright red, and black, and beige and graphite. The disadvantage of this device is B-class power consumption. Overall dimensions 60.2x 61.5x168.4 cm. The cost is about 17,000 rubles.

Candy CKBN 6202 DII. This device has a modern design. The freezer is located at the bottom. It has a low level of energy consumption of class "A +" with freezing performance up to 9 kilograms per day. Due to the universal, ergonomic design and the possibility of hanging the door, this refrigerator will organically fit into any interior. The model is equipped with all the most necessary for reliable storage of products. Its dimensions are 60x60x200 cm. The cost of the device is 28,000 rubles.

Zanussi ZRB 336 SO. This model has an enlarged freezer compartment in which 4 drawers are placed. Type of work - drip cooling. The device can change the side of the installation of the door, which will place it according to your needs. The shelves of the device are made of high-strength tempered glass that can withstand weight up to 40 kg. The noise level is pretty good - only 42 dB. Overall dimensions are 59.5x60x199.7 cm. The cost of the device is about 18,000 rubles.

Daewoo RN-V3610GCHB. Mirror refrigerator, which not only decorate your kitchen, but visually increase the space. The device has a cooling system that does not require defrosting, No Frost. The control system is fully electronic, has a convenient touch panel. Overall dimensions 200x60x67 cm. The cost of the device is about 40,000 rubles.

Vestel VNF 386 LWE. A stylish two meter high stainless steel device is a good unit for a large family. The model is equipped with an automatic defrost system and the presence of a touch-sensitive control unit with an LCD screen. In addition to the usual modes of fast freezing and rapid cooling, the device is equipped with the “Vacation” and “Eco” functions. The dimensions of the device are 60x63x200 cm. The cost of goods is 28,000 rubles.

Don R 216 B. Small size refrigerator. Excellent option for a country house. It is equipped with everything you need: glass shelves made of high-strength material, trays for storing vegetables, a form for eggs, shelves on the door. In addition, the refrigerator has a minimum noise level of just 38 dB. The overall dimensions of this device are 57.4x61x141.5 cm. The cost is about 14,500 rubles.

Coreco AER 125. Professional refrigerator designed for installation in cafes and restaurants. Has a stainless steel body. Works at a temperature not higher than 32 degrees. The cost of about 280,000 rubles.

According to reviews, of course, refrigerators are especially popular. Samsung and Intesit. But this is only due to the promotion of brands and no more. Such brands do not concede to them Vestel and Candy. But the cost of these manufacturers on the model range of refrigerators is much less than the popular ones. Their quality and appearance is on top. Refrigerators Ardo not bad either, but their modular unit often fails, and replacing it is quite expensive.