The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen (photo)


How to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen?

The kitchen, as a rule, is the most popular place in the house. And from this their difficulties arise, because the more actively a room is used, the more often it needs to be removed. Therefore, the correct selection of wallpaper plays an important role in the interior of the kitchen.

I must say that the wallpaper for the kitchen - not the most popular option for wall decoration. And this is not surprising, because the constant process of cooking involves soot and fat. And if there are several cooking lovers in the house at once, even the most powerful extractor hood will not save from a fat coating on the walls. But who said that modern technology is in place?

229-Choice of wallpaper for the kitchen (photo

229-Choice of wallpaper for the kitchen (photo

  • Choosing the right color
  • Game accents
  • Types of special wallpapers

    Guarding the kitchen order today are special washable wallpaper. Many manufacturers claim that their products can be washed. To some extent, each of them can be cleaned with a brush or a damp sponge. But only a few times, until the drawing on them is completely erased, and they themselves do not take on a completely unpresentable form. To prevent this from happening and they have been chosen correctly, it is better to check them initially before buying.

    Tip: Wallpaper that is suitable for the kitchen and will be easy to wash, you can determine if you safely bind them before buying. They should quickly return to their original appearance.

    Washable materials have a special water-repellent impregnation, they are quite resistant to mechanical stress. For the place of cooking, it is better to choose a material of high strength, for which daily meetings with stains, and then with a stiff brush or soapy water will not be scary. There are several types of washable wallpaper (they are shown in the photo).

    Photo: Vinyl Wallpaper

    Photo: Vinyl Wallpaper

    Photo: glass wallpaper

    Photo: glass wallpaper

    • Special "kitchen" vinyl is very dense, has a smooth surface for easier removal of dirt. To touch such wallpaper resemble rubberized material. They are usually used in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
    • Another interesting option that you can choose for the kitchen and not only is liquid wallpaper. Relationships to them are rather ambiguous. The disadvantages are attributed to their ability to quickly absorb fat and smell. But on the other hand, stains for them is not a problem at all. Any family member, even a child, will be able to literally tear off a contaminated area and stick another one instead. However, the spots, especially fat, on them are almost invisible, the reason for this is their special structure and uneven color.

    Tip: to avoid soaking liquid wallpaper smells and grease, simply enough to open them with varnish. So they will become not only impermeable to smell, but will become much easier to clean.

    • Fiberglass wallpaper is made from glass filaments. They are considered to be the most fire-resistant, which is important for the kitchen. A nice bonus: their color can be changed independently, repainting on average up to 10 times without losing the relief.
    • The undisputed achievement of modern technology is metallic wallpaper. They are made on a paper basis, but with an aluminum lining. Do I need to talk about their chic moisture resistance and hygiene?
    Photo: Metallized Wallpaper

    Photo: Metallized Wallpaper

    Photo: liquid wallpaper

    Photo: liquid wallpaper

    Choosing the right color

    Not all colors are suitable for the kitchen. The priority is warm, juicy, pleasant. For example, olive, orange, yellow, red, beige. It is important to remember that some colors, such as gray and purple, can reduce appetite. Which color will be the most successful depends on the following factors:

    • illumination;
    • furniture color;
    • room dimensions.

    For a small kitchen is better to choose light pastel colors. It will be correct not to use separate strips of wallpaper as an accent, as this can visually reduce the room. A spacious room makes it possible to pick up different variations, and several types at once. One wall can be decorated with basic wallpaper of neutral colors, and on the sides or in the center let the contrast stripes. Examples can be seen in the following photo.

    229-Choice of wallpaper for the kitchen (photo

    229-Choice of wallpaper for the kitchen (photo

    229-Choice of wallpaper for the kitchen (photo

    Tip: to create a bright kitchen, you can choose wallpaper that would be contrasting with the finished furniture (table, chairs and a set).

    Game accents

    Of course, it is best if the wallpaper in the kitchen is made by a company of tiles, glass and other more resistant surfaces. From this you can benefit. It is easy to create an interesting composition by making a wall or a part of it with original wallpaper to match the color of the tile, or, even better, contrasting.

    The most popular and best option is the following combination: two walls - wallpaper, two more walls above the working surface - tile. However, no one has canceled fantasy.

    Depending on the chosen color scheme for the kitchen, you can use different types of tiles and wallpaper. For example, the first can be orange, and the second - beige or green. Correct and aesthetically pleasing will look at the wallpaper on the whole wall with the image, of course, food. Successful examples are visible in the photo.

    Photo: original wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

    Photo: original wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

    Photo: decorative tiles in combination with photo wallpaper

    Photo: decorative tile in combination with photo wallpaper

    229-Choice of wallpaper for the kitchen (photo

    To make the kitchen wallpaper is quite easy. To select them, it is enough to know some of the features and take into account that not all of them are suitable for the kitchen. The selection of the desired option will take some time, but for the sake of a beautiful interior, you can try.