The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful


For Russian people, the kitchen is traditionally a central place in the whole apartment.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

It is here that families gather in the evenings and discuss the past day.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Here, most often there are feasts with guests and long hearty conversations heart to heart with friends.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Therefore, the repair is very seriously worth thinking about how to make a ceiling in the kitchen.

This room has its own characteristics. Despite the fact that there are a lot of design solutions on the market today, you need to remember about the features of care, and about the right design.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The designer, developing the apartment project, should form the uniform concept of the style decision.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

To choose the ceiling in the kitchen among a huge number of options, you need to evaluate each decision in terms of the main criteria for kitchens:

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful
  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to temperature extremes.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

In the profile editions of a variety of designer photo ceiling in the kitchen quite a lot.

When choosing a suitable picture, you should focus on the overall stylistic decision of the apartment and your own taste.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Otherwise, the masters will be able to realize a visually suitable ceiling within the framework of those materials and structures that will fit the most.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

What are the ceilings in the kitchen


It is believed that the plastered ceiling, brought to an ideal condition, is a traditional finishing option. It is laborious, but practical and environmentally friendly.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The surface is first cleaned, then equals, and only then plastered. All joints must be carefully hidden. Align the ceilings with a putty.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Having achieved, thus, smoothness, final finishing is made painting or just whitewashing.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

If it is decided to paint the ceiling, then experts recommend using water dispersion paint in the kitchen.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

You can also consider options for water-based paints.

Before painting the ceiling should be primed. This paint is easy to apply. Such a ceiling can be washed, and it is completely harmless.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful
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Painted ceiling is very common due to its efficiency and wide variation in terms of color. Read here! Cabinets for the kitchen - 95 photos of the best furniture options!

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Paint can be chosen for any, the most daring interior solution. It is also important that the color can be changed later.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Wallpaper ceilings

The design of the ceiling in the kitchen can suggest such a solution, if you want to choose an inexpensive finish option.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The choice of washable wallpaper is now very large. Almost all of them have good moisture resistance characteristics.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Wallpapers accelerate the finish and hide all defects of the coating. You can also purchase wallpapers that can be painted.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful
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After pasting, they can be painted in a suitable color and even create a unique pattern. Ideas for creativity with this option very much.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Ceilings foam (tile)

Another budget option finishes.

Expanded polystyrene tile is used quite widely for ceiling design. It is elastic and perfectly masks the irregularities, which in modern housing is not enough.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

For masters tile is good because it does not require a construction with a frame.

The surface is simply degreased and tiles are glued to it.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

This material is considered by many to be outdated, therefore it is not used in modern designs.

From the advantages of such a ceiling can be distinguished ease of care.

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The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Plastic ceilings

This type of ceiling is expressive in terms of design and has excellent characteristics for operation.

Plastic ceiling in the kitchen is implemented in two stages. First, a metal frame system is attached to the ceiling and PVC panels are already laid in it.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Such a ceiling weighs little, is well washed and resistant to moisture. It does not require serious preparatory work with the surface. Read here! Kitchen with a window - 100 photos of the best interior of all time!

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

And the presence of the frame (or suspension system) helps to hide the communication. Designers love to hide built-in lights here.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The effect is very bright and extraordinary, supports most modern interior styles.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Great attention should be paid to the skill of builders. The plastic ceiling should be professionally mounted.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Independently to make such installation without experience is quite difficult. If an error was made during installation, the plastic may be dented.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Of the minuses of the ceiling of this type of noted problems with water retention when flooding from above. And also the framework visually takes away a little height of the room.

But this question is solved by the choice of a seamless glossy material.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Rack ceilings

This type of ceiling also fits quite well into the interior of the kitchen.

It consists of a frame (suspension system) and strips, which are mounted on the base of the frame. Laths can be made of varnished aluminum.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Design slats are made of wood, but they are not so popular. Thin and long slats create the effect of height.

If spotlights are used to illuminate such a ceiling, the effect will be magnified many times.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The slats are plastic, so one can make a construction from them not only with a smooth surface, but also with a curvilinear one. Their variability is very wide, for which they are very loved by designers.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Of the advantages emit durability, ease of use, the ability to hide the irregularities of the ceiling. Rack ceiling eco-friendly.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

It holds water when flooded.

For the kitchen ceiling has good moisture resistance characteristics.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

If the project has a two-level ceiling in the kitchen, then exactly the option with the rack construction will be the ideal solution.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The disadvantage of a slatted ceiling is considered, as with all suspended regiments, a visual decrease in height due to the frame.

Also, slats are considered more finishing option, which is more suitable for public spaces.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Plasterboard ceilings

One of the most popular ceiling trim options. The ceiling of plasterboard in the kitchen is used as often as for other rooms.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Just need to choose drywall with moisture resistance. With this material, you can also create multi-level ceilings. Zoning, which can be done with such a ceiling can be the main design accent of the room.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

A ceiling of two or three levels brilliantly solves any ideas for lighting scenarios. But still, if the room has low ceilings, then it is better to make the system in one level.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Such ceilings have all the advantages of suspended ceilings. But the final finish of drywall still requires accuracy and additional work.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

When drywall has been laid on the frame, it is necessary to reinforce each joint, then to fill the surface, make a primer and apply a finishing finish.

Usually choose painting or wallpaper.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Stretch ceiling

Perform as an alternative to the traditional finish. The stretch ceiling in the kitchen is chosen because they are quick and easy to install and do not require preliminary surface preparation.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Also just here are hidden spotlights, any lights and communications.

Due to the long service life and ease of maintenance, this type of ceiling covering has become the most popular in the country in just a few years.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Cloth made of seamless fabric or polyvinyl chloride has good ductility, high reliability in use and high moisture resistance.

In the event of a flood, this material will endure any stream of water. To improve sound insulation, you can apply mineral wool.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Design of stretch ceilings in the kitchen is very diverse due to the wide choice of textures.

The texture can be wood or lacquered, as well as metallic, marble or suede. Very effective texture under the skin.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The texture of satin coated against bacteria is perfect for the kitchen, and perforated lacquer will help increase the space of a small room.

Each texture has its own color palette.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The drawbacks of the stretch ceiling consider the impossibility of self-assembly and vulnerability to objects with sharp corners.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

Like all suspended structures, this type of ceiling can visually reduce the height of the room. Also a significant drawback of the ceiling with a tension surface in the inability to change places for lamps.

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful

The ceiling in the kitchen - how to make beautiful