Summer kitchen in the country with their own hands - photo
With the advent of heat, the townspeople are trying to go out into the countryside: breathing fresh air, chatting with friends, frying kebabs. Happy owners of country plots can enjoy the nature in their own territory with comfort. Inalienable attributes of country life: outdoor barbecue, seasonal conservation. In the warm season, the process of cooking and eating food brings much more pleasure in nature. That is why many owners are thinking about installing a summer kitchen in the country. Photos of projects of finished buildings will help in creating your own premises, designed for the preparation of various dishes.

The choice of the type of construction
When choosing the type of building, which will later be used as a summer kitchen, many factors have to be taken into account:
- Climatic conditions region;
- The number of family members and friends who are regularly invited to the cottage;
- Summer kitchen use period: exclusively in summer or all year round;
- What will be prepared on it and how often.

Open summer kitchens are often made in the form of a gazebo. They can be built with one wall, two, three or not have them at all, consist of beams and a canopy. The advantages of such kitchens include:
- Maximum closeness to nature;
- Minimum construction costs.
Disadvantages of open kitchens:
- Inability to withstand bad weather conditions: rain, snow, strong wind;
- The lack of protection from ingress of insects, snakes, small rodents;
- The need for the winter to clean the house all the furniture, appliances, so that it does not deteriorate.

Closed kitchens are the strongest and most reliable, you can cook in them not only in warm weather, but also in frost. Such buildings often glaze, insulate and equip the heating system. The advantages of a closed building include:
- The possibility of arranging a full-function kitchen with a dishwasher, stove, oven, refrigerator and other attributes;
- Protection from strong wind, snow and rain, insects and small animals.
The disadvantages of a closed space include:
- Large financial and time costs for construction;
- The absence of free air circulation, in contrast to the gazebo. Therefore, in the process of cooking in such a kitchen in the summer will reign the same heat and heat, as in the main house. Partially solve this problem by installing the hood. Photo projects closed summer kitchen at the cottage shown below.

Depending on the location relative to the country house summer kitchens are divided into:
- Adjoining. The kitchen is placed directly on the veranda or terrace. This arrangement saves money on construction, as one wall has already been erected. The main disadvantage of this type of premises is that ashes, smell, smoke, steam will get into the main part of the house. In addition, the kitchen will be a passing room. Photos of the summer kitchen attached to the house are shown below.
- Standing apart. A kitchen of this type can be built anywhere in the villa territory. With this arrangement, the smoke, odors and noise from cooking will not wilt into the living rooms.

Find a place to build
The choice of the location of the summer kitchen plays a huge role in the process of its use. When choosing a place is recommended to listen to the following tips:
- The most practical option is the location of the summer kitchen close to the main summer house so that it is easy to move between them. Such an arrangement is important when the summer kitchen is the only suitable room for cooking, and the dining room is located in the house. The project of the kitchen in the country house can be viewed on the photo.
- If the summer kitchen is an additional, not the main, place for cooking dishes, it can be located away from the house next to the picturesque object: lawn, pool, lake, flower beds. Below the photo you can see the design of the summer kitchen, located in a picturesque place in the country.
- It is important to consider the availability of all important communications: gas, water, electricity and sewage.
- The kitchen should be located as far as possible from sources of unpleasant odor, dirt and noise: cesspools, highways, and places of livestock.

Foundation laying
In the selected area, the dimensions of the future kitchen are measured, markup is made using a rope and stakes. The marked plot is prepared for further work: cleared of debris and grass, leveled. The depth of the foundation is selected depending on the type of construction:
- 10-15 cm - for light construction, intended for use in the open air, the projects of simple summer kitchens, built with your own hands, are presented in photos in the country house;
- 50-80 cm - for heavier and more durable structures.
To create a foundation for a simple arbor, one should dig a ditch of suitable sizes, cover its bottom with sand, ram it and cover it with floor material: tiles, boards, stone, brick.

To make a closed summer kitchen in the country with your own hands, you must first select the type of foundation:
- Columnar. Used in the construction of lightweight structures of wooden bars. Along the perimeter of the marked area at the same distance from each other, install the pillars using stones or bricks. They will take over the entire load.
- Ribbon - this is a concrete base, which stretches in the form of a continuous tape around the perimeter of the structure. Suitable for the construction of buildings from heavy materials: foam blocks, brick, stone.
- Slab. It is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, which occupies the entire foundation of the building. This foundation can be called the most reliable and at the same time the most expensive.
Note! Before starting other work, wait until the foundation is completely dry. Depending on weather conditions, this process can take anywhere from a week to a month.

To create the floor of the kitchen, sand is poured in the pit so that it covers about 15 cm of the pit, then rubble and pour all the cement mortar. If tiles will be laid on the floor of the room, the surface must be leveled using sanding or cement screed. The kitchen floor should be approximately 15 cm above the ground. Otherwise, during the precipitation, the water will flow into the building and stay there.

Of great importance in the construction process is the choice of material for the construction of walls. If the summer kitchen is built in the form of an arbor that is light and open on all sides and has no walls, then it must still be equipped with beams designed to hold the roof. You can look at the photo for a very simple construction of a summer kitchen built with your own hands.

Wood - lightweight material, ideal for the construction of summer structures. They look elegant and organic in the interior of any garden. Usually used wooden beams. Wooden supports are installed along the perimeter of the future house, beams are installed between them through aluminum corners. The finished frame is sheathed with a selected finish. Photos of the kitchen, made of timber with their own hands can be seen below.
Note! Elements of wood quickly grow old and wear out, so they need special care.

It is recommended to use siding as an exterior finish. It is easy to install, protects the building from adverse similar conditions and gives it an attractive appearance. Siding can be made of wood, PVC, metal, cement. Externally, it can imitate the decoration of natural wood or stone.

Stone is a strong, reliable and durable material that is resistant to external influences and does not require special care. It is ideal for the walls of a closed kitchen. In addition to stone, gardeners often use a brick or foam block. Thickness is recommended to make one brick or even half a brick.

If a stove is installed inside the building, it is necessary to lay it out with bricks during the installation of the walls. For the stove, a chess brick is used that is resistant to high temperatures, but at the same time it conducts heat well, which means that it quickly warms up the space. Projects closed summer kitchen in the country with a barbecue and barbecue are shown in the photo below.

Combined version
When building an open kitchen without walls, it is economically advantageous to use combined materials. The lower part of the pillars, designed to support the roof, can be built of stone, and the top - of wood. So the wooden part, located under the roof, will be protected from most natural phenomena.

Roof mounting
Before installing the roof, select its type:
- Shed - the simplest and most inexpensive option, used in the construction of outbuildings, such a roof rests on two load-bearing walls having different heights;
- Gable - it is practical and attractive looks from the side, the design of the summer kitchen, made with your own hands, with a gable roof can be seen below.

Installation of the roof should be done in stages:
- Structures of the frame of the beams, located along and across.
- Fastening to the frame of wooden boards. Before work they should be primed. Boards are fastened to the width of the building every 50 cm. The internal joints of the boards should be fixed with metal corners. This is done so that the boards do not diverge under the influence of strong wind.
- Laying waterproofing layer: mineral wool or polystyrene foam.
- Installation of the roof. It is possible to cover a roof by means of a professional flooring, a tile or polycarbonate. It should protrude a little beyond the structure and be biased so that rainwater does not accumulate on its surface.

During the construction of the roof we must not forget about the installation of the exhaust pipe, necessary for the removal of steam and smoke from the room.
If the owners are not going to install a full-fledged roof, and are going to confine themselves to a light canopy, then a frame is created first, and then polycarbonate or corrugated glass is laid on it. Photos of open summer kitchen projects at the cottage are presented below.

Interior finish
The choice of materials for interior decoration depends on the type of installed design. They must meet a number of requirements:
- To be environmentally friendly, safe for humans;
- Do not create a favorable environment for the development of microbes and the appearance of mold;
- Easy to clean from dirt and grease.

The most popular flooring materials in the summer kitchen:
- Wooden boards. In its pure form, this material is strictly contraindicated for installation in an open kitchen. The tree gets wet from the rain, cracks in the sun, as a result, the appearance of the floor quickly deteriorates. To solve this problem, wood should be coated with oil, paint, varnish or special wax. Projects do-it-yourself summer kitchen in the country with a wooden floor can be seen in the photo.
- Porcelain stoneware - ideal for open spaces. He is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes and sunlight, is easily cleaned from dirt. Tile is easy to install by hand. For its installation requires a special tile adhesive, notched trowel and building level.
Attention! If there is a stove or grill in the kitchen, you do not need to revet the floor under it.
In the kitchen of the closed type with heating on the floor, you can lay any finishing material: tile, linoleum, laminate flooring. Outdoor material will not be exposed to bad weather.

For the ceiling can be used:
- The boards covered with a layer of drying oil. Look naturally, naturally, cozy.
- Drywall With it, you can create a perfectly flat ceiling and paint it with paint of any color. If desired, using a drywall, you can create a multi-level design.
You can leave uncovered ceiling beams on the ceiling. They look original and look beautiful in the interior of the summer kitchen in the style of country, as in the photo.

To decorate the walls in the summer kitchen, designers recommend using:
- Paint. The surface can first be leveled using drywall, and then painted in any color you like. Having picked up water-repellent paint for walls, they can be washed.
- Vinyl wallpaper. They are glued to the surface plastered or sheathed with plasterboard. You can choose any color or pattern among a wide range.
- Plastic panels. This is a practical material, it is quickly installed, easy to clean, but is afraid of blows. Plastic panels are glued to the smooth surface with liquid nails, and on an uneven surface, you will first have to make a wooden or metal frame.

Furniture selection
Before purchasing ready-made or hand-made furniture for a summer kitchen, you need to decide on its type: capital or portable. Capital furniture is particularly relevant for open buildings. It can be mounted in a concrete base. This is usually done with the frames of the bench and table, which are then studded with wood. Leaving from the dacha, you can not worry that someone will steal the furniture or scatter it with the wind throughout the territory.

Light portable furniture can be rearranged at any time or moved to another part of the site, but for the winter, before the rain or during a strong wind it will have to be hidden.
Summer kitchen should be not only beautiful, but also the most functional. It should consist of two zones.

Work zone
It is the process of cooking, so it is appropriate to install a desktop, sink, refrigerator for storing perishable products and ready meals, cupboards, wood (gas or electric) stove. Projects of summer kitchens of different sizes in the country with a stove and barbecue are shown in the photographs.

Dining area
May consist of chairs or stools, a table, bench or sofa. When arranging the dining area must take into account the number of people who will be invited to the cottage.

Selection of materials
If the kitchen is fully enclosed and insulated, then any, even very practical, furniture is suitable for it. The photo shows projects of closed summer kitchens in the country.

For open and non-heated buildings, it is necessary to select furniture from practical materials that are not afraid of moisture:
- Plastic: this furniture looks cheap, but it is lightweight, practical and affordable for any owner;
- Wooden: it is not about furniture made of fine wood, but special folding wooden tables and chairs that can be easily assembled and hidden for the winter, and any outdoor wooden furniture, for example, a solid and reliable bench, is perfect for open arbors;
- Metal: furniture with wrought iron elements are not afraid of any weather conditions, while it looks easy and elegant;
- From rattan or bamboo: wicker furniture organically looks in any dacha premises;
- Stainless steel: you can install a kitchen set, made of it, then you do not have to hide it for the winter.

Decorating the summer kitchen
Decorate the summer kitchen, you can use these elements:
- Climbing plants. At the base of the building, you can plant ivy, a climbing variety of fragrant roses, grapes, wisteria or another plant. Over time, it will grow, cover the walls and ceiling of the summer kitchen, creating a fresh cool inside.
- Flashlights. A beautiful and economical option is the installation of solar-powered lights. They can be small and large, have any shape.
- Wooden decor. Carvings of people or animals look beautiful, but if they are located in the open air, they must be covered with a protective agent.
- Textiles. You can add comfort and comfort with the help of tablecloths, soft pillows for hard benches and light curtains. Curtains additionally provide protection from insects.

Thus, the construction of a summer kitchen is a successful solution that will make outdoor recreation as comfortable as possible. It allows you to combine homework with rest and spend as much time as possible on the nature. To build a summer kitchen in the country, as in the photo, you can do it yourself. To create the simplest design does not need special skills. Well, if the owners of the suburban area have the skills to build, then you can build a full-fledged building and place in it a well-equipped kitchen.