Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design


In the photo of modern kitchen interiors, you can often see a suspended ceiling, this design always looks stylish, in harmony with the rest of the decoration. These canvases are easy to maintain, are not afraid of water, heat. In addition, the width of one panel is enough to trim the entire kitchen, in this case there will not be a single seam that would spoil the look. But even if the room is very large, for example, the kitchen-living room, the craftsmen are able to mount the covering so that the seams will be visible only to the experienced eye.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options


Before choosing a stretch ceiling for repairs in the kitchen, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages. This will allow you to make an informed decision, wisely approaching the creation of a harmonious interior, not without proper practicality - the kitchen space requires special qualities from the materials used.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options


The main advantages of kitchen design with suspended ceilings are as follows:

  • There is no need to pre-level the base;
  • The canvas, unlike drywall, will reliably save from being flooded by its neighbors from above, since it can hold back a large amount of water - up to 100 l / m2;
  • In the event of flooding, the cloth does not lose its shape, it is enough to make a small puncture and drain the water;
  • If a fire happens, the material does not burn;
  • Repair options for ceiling structures are quite extensive due to the rich palette of shades and textures;
  • The canvas is able to hide pipes, wires, etc from prying eyes;
  • The life of such a coating in the kitchen reaches up to 20 years and does not require repair.

Also it is worth considering that the tension structures can be mounted in several levels, which creates a beautiful unique design. Various ideas can be easily gleaned in the photo. It is best to use this technique, if the room is combined with the living room, this will allow you to visually separate the kitchen space.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Important! Tension or plasterboard multi-level compositions require high walls.


If we talk about the minuses, they are much smaller:

  • Stretch ceiling, despite sufficient strength, does not tolerate the effects of cutting or piercing objects;
  • For installation will require at least 5 cm from the height of the walls;
  • PVC film at the first time after the repair may emit a peculiar odor;
  • If the canvas is used for the decoration of the kitchen-living room, it should be borne in mind that you can not do without seams, they can be slightly visible;
  • Difficult expensive installation.

Despite its drawbacks, stretch panels are increasingly used in kitchen design, some of the options for such finishing can be viewed in the photo below.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Materials and types of cloths

When deciding whether to choose a film covering or drywall in the kitchen, it’s worth deciding on the material. Different panels differ in the texture of the surface, so that the selected design affects the overall impression of the interior, when comparing photos, it is perfectly visible.

Important! For smaller rooms, it is better to choose glossy coatings, and for spacious kitchens, matte or artistic with ornaments.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Glossy canvas

Gloss well reflects the light, due to which visually makes the space brighter and more. It is also a great choice for low ceiling kitchens, as it visually lifts the walls. However, before proceeding with the repair, it should be borne in mind that the maximum width of such a web is no more than 3 meters, so several rolls will be required in a wide area.

Glossy panels in combination with the same fronts of furniture are perfect for small kitchens in Khrushchev. It is better to select a shade for a covering light - white, dairy, vanilla, beige. Also, glossy canvas can have a different texture: marbled, natural leather or suede coating. In the photo below you can see examples of kitchen design with glossy ceilings.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Matte coating

Such coatings are suitable for classic interior styles, and resemble the usual putty. The surface will not reflect light, so the visually selected shade will not change. The differences of surfaces with different texture can be seen on the example of a photo

Important! Opaque surfaces are good for spacious rooms, on them seams after installation are not visible.

Matte material looks calm and comfortable, especially in combination with soft lighting. Options for using matte stretch ceilings in kitchen design are presented in the photo below.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Satin ceiling

In appearance, this material is almost the same as matte, but it has a subtle glow, due to which the color looks much brighter. The white coating will look especially impressive, taking into account the shiny surface it will become snow-white.

The seams are not visible on the satin coating, so they can be safely used to repair the premises of any size. However, sateen has several drawbacks:

  • A small selection of colors;
  • Photo printing cannot be applied;
  • High price.

On the photo below are the options for kitchen interiors with satin stretch ceiling.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Art canvas

The possibilities of such a finishing material are simply endless, because they allow you to choose any image that instantly transforms the interior. Large and too bright patterns are not suitable for small spaces.

Most Popular Images:

  • Starry sky or the universe;
  • Light clouds;
  • Flying or sitting on the branches of a bird;
  • Animals;
  • Cityscape, architectural elements;
  • Murals;
  • Flower ornament;
  • Geographical maps of our world and fantasy realities;
  • Portraits.

Designer covers can be with any pattern up to your own photo or picture. When choosing a large image, be sure to consider the overall direction of the interior. This design stretch ceiling is better to use for the kitchen-living room in the following photo.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

What should be considered when choosing

Glossy coatings are good for small kitchens, but the choice is to take into account that they reflect everything. Therefore, the top kitchen cabinets should be in perfect order.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

In the kitchen, you can use PVC and fabric. However, the fabric is more capricious in the care, while PVC is a more practical material. Plastic will not let the water in the case of flooding from the top of the neighbors, but the fabric canvases will suffer greatly after such an incident. PVC film does not allow the use of lamps more powerful than 35 watts.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Plasterboard coating

Design kitchen interior designs also often imply the use of drywall. Unlike PVC films or fabrics, they are simpler to install, which you can handle on your own. Drywall allows you to construct multi-level structures of different shapes, it is flexible and easy to process material. Variants of design gypsum ceiling for the kitchen can be seen in the photo.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Single level

This design is better to choose for small kitchens, it will not overload the interior and will not make the room even smaller. For such a coating will require only 10 cm from the height of the walls. After installation of drywall and roughing it can be trimmed with any materials - paint, wallpaper, plaster, etc.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Hinged ceiling compositions can hide communications, as well as install lamps around the perimeter. For the repair of the kitchen room is better to choose a moisture-resistant material, it is well resistant to the effects of steam and water. Design options for single-level plasterboard ceilings in the interior of the kitchen are presented in the photo below.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options


This type of finish is intended only for large high kitchens. It is best to resort to installing multiple levels if necessary to separate the kitchen space from the living room with the help of a plasterboard. Such compositions can be very complex, structures of this type are mounted by specialists for up to a week. Also, high walls allow the use of beams that fit well into the interiors in the style of Provence, Country, Loft, etc.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Drywall is an environmentally friendly material, it allows air to pass through, which allows the structure to "breathe", and the ceiling base as a result will not be covered with mold from moisture. GKL is durable and reasonable price. By choosing a drywall construction design, you can change the proportions of the room. Ovals and circles allow you to select the center of the room, rectangles visually stretch the space, and it is good to use the squares to select a specific area.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

When installing a two-level ceiling should pay attention to the location of the lamps. In the center it is best to place the chandelier, and spotlights or LED strips on the lower tier. Design options for multi-level gypsum ceilings in the interior of the kitchen can be seen in the photo below.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Choice of color and design

What color to choose for finishing the suspended or plasterboard ceiling for the kitchen depends on the overall interior design. For small rooms in Khrushchev and typical panel houses it is worth using light shades together with a glossy surface, this will make the space more. For spacious rooms, you can choose darker and more saturated colors, and multi-level designs allow you to combine several colors at once.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

It is important not to overload the ceiling surface, it should not over-attract all the attention. It is better to choose neutral colors that easily blend with most shades. These are beige, white, milky, ivory, light gray, etc. The different color options for stretch coatings or drywall constructions in the kitchen can be seen in the photo below.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Style selection

The design of modern kitchens, whether they are in Khrushchev or new buildings, involves careful thought over the interior. All elements of decoration, furniture and decor must conform to a particular style, emphasizing it. Due to the diversity of the palette, textures and materials, stretched canvas or plasterboard construction will fit into any style.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

For classics it is worth picking the right symmetrical shapes and discreet shades. The best choice would be white or soft pastel gamma. If we talk about texture, it is better to choose matte or satin ceilings, and when using drywall do not choose bright finishes.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Gloss looks good in styles such as minimalism and high-tech, it will only emphasize the modern interior. Kitsch or avant-garde allows you to choose bright rich colors, but the village styles, for example, Provence or Country, require matte surfaces with the addition of beams. How will stretch ceilings and designs of plasterboards in different styles of kitchen interior can be seen in the photo below.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options


This is an important detail of the design of any ceiling surface, stretch or plasterboard. The light allows you to change the proportions of the room, emphasize the color or demarcate the space into different zones, for example, the kitchen and living room. The choice of models of lamps and chandeliers largely depends on the height of the room. In low rooms it is better to mount spotlights, while in high rooms hanging lamps and massive chandeliers look good. Variations of the design of stretch ceilings with different types of lighting in the interior of the kitchen can be seen in the photo below.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

It is necessary to take into account the color and installation of the backlight. The darker the canvas or suspended plasterboard, the more light is required. If the surface is glossy, it is important not to overdo it with the number and brightness of the lamps - there should not be a strong specularity.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Make cold or light colors in the interior brighter possible using cold light fluorescent lamps. The same shades with warm lighting look paler and appear white. The power of fluorescent lamps should be no more than 35 watts. If there is a need for more powerful lighting, you should take care of thermal insulation.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

What determines the price

Regardless of which variant of the ceiling structure (stretch or plasterboard) you have chosen to design the kitchen interior, there are several factors to consider - they affect the price of the repair. It:

  • Area of ​​the room;
  • The presence of pipes;
  • Niches and ledges;
  • The shape of the room;
  • Number of lamps;
  • Number of levels;
  • The complexity of the forms.

It should be borne in mind that the installation of tension fabrics will cost much more than drywall.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

Tension canvas or drywall fit into any interior design. Such designs look stylish and neat, they are practical in care and allow you to hide the wires and pipes. The choice of textures and colors depends on the design concept, but even the simplest options are able to emphasize the style.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options
Stretch ceiling in the kitchen - 120 photos of design options

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