Straight kitchen sofa (54 photos)
Straight kitchen sofa

Sofa for the kitchen or dining room - a great way to increase the number of beds in the house. Today, there are a variety of models of upholstered furniture, differing in style, colors, materials, details.

Criterias of choice
For any family, the kitchen is a special place in the house. It hosts breakfast, lunch and dinner, discusses plans or problems, successes and achievements. Each housewife, planning a kitchen room, wants to bring into it not only functionality, but also comfort. That is why good, high-quality and comfortable furniture is one of the main criteria.

With the help of upholstered furniture in the kitchen, you can equip an extra bed. This is especially true for small premises. But when choosing this item it is worth considering some criteria:

- Frame This piece of furniture is basic. It can be made of different materials (various wood, metal, mixed type). As a rule, in the manufacture of sofas are used chipboard, bars from solid pine and other coniferous trees, as well as birch and beech, plywood, edged and unedged boards.

Billets of different types of trees are used in sofas for guides (they reduce the risk of furniture wear as a result of frequent friction, if the sofa is folding). When buying such furniture it is worth checking how well the tree is dried to avoid not only damage, but also the risk of insects. Also, it is worth several times to fold and unfold the sofa, if such a function is stated in it.

The metal frame is longer than wooden, but such furniture often has a specific design (high-tech, techno, etc.). Metal sofas are usually longer and more easily repaired. There are sofas with metal frames of different price categories - from 5 to 100 thousand rubles.

Combined ottomans, which use both wood and chipboard, and metal parts, as a rule, are more durable, but, if we are talking only about folding furniture. It is not worth choosing furniture with plastic trifles and with untreated wooden details.

- Upholstery. Appearance and material of the sofa - no less important selection criteria. Today there are a huge number of fabrics for upholstery, for example, natural and artificial leather, jacquard, wool, cotton, flock, special wear-resistant furniture fabrics.

If it speaks of a kitchen, then in this room it is worth choosing lightweight and durable fabrics. It can be a matting, tapestry, leather and its analogues, scotchgard (durable and inexpensive cotton-based fabric). You should not give preference to such delicate and capricious materials as silk, shinil, microfiber - these fabrics are difficult to clean and repair.

Many fabrics for upholstery sofas are impregnated with special compounds for durability and strength, or are sprayed. All this increases the life of the furniture, and also makes it easier to care for. In addition, there is now furniture with upholstery, which does not fade, repels dust, dirt and liquid, does not absorb tobacco smoke and odors, do not ignite.

- The size of the sofas for the kitchen can be different, as well as the design. For compact rooms of the correct form, you can choose the option of a small square or rectangular shape (with two, three, four "sections" for sitting). A straight rectangular sofa will suit any kitchen with a certain stylistic direction.

Corner ottoman will save space, but may not fit into the interior of the kitchen. But the seats will be more. In addition, corner sofas for dining rooms are often equipped with drawers, where you can hide unnecessary things, or some non-specific food such as cereals, sugar or flour. In this case, monitor the cleanliness of the furniture is much more often.

Sofas 150 cm in size - standard furniture for medium-sized kitchen or dining room. This option can be straight and angular, with or without armrests, with drawers or extra pillows, etc. If you wish, you can sleep on this sofa, if it unfolds. It turns out quite roomy place for one or two people.

- The presence of options is another significant criterion when choosing a sofa. It may have a different folding mechanism and some details. Let us dwell on the mechanisms.

The “dolphin” folding method is a transformation in the form of an “emerging” system - a folding piece of furniture is pulled out from under the main structure with the help of a small loop. Even a child can cope with such a mechanism.

Sofa-book - another common type of furniture. It has a simple, lightweight design and simply unfolds: the seat is lifted to the click and lowered along with the back.

The sofa "Accordion" has a spacious sleeping place and an internal storage box. Such a folding mechanism is not very durable, but easy to use. The lower part of the sofa should be raised and pulled over by pushing the backrest forward.

Sofas without armrests, as a rule, have a folding mechanism such as "books" or "eurobooks". Such furniture looks light and airy, does not take up much space, but requires a certain amount of space when unfolding.

The sofa "French folding bed" or "myxotil" is usually rarely used for sleeping, as the folding system is not very comfortable for relaxing. Its principle is that the metal frame triple addition is pushed forward and installed on thin metal legs like a folding bed. Another disadvantage of such a sofa is not a long service life, as a rule, about five years. But this option is suitable for those who need an inexpensive sofa with a bed for the occasion of rare guests.

- The filler of couches is not less important quality at the choice of furniture. For the kitchen should purchase option with holofiber. This material is made of synthetic fiber, is a soft balls of small size, which do not absorb moisture and do not have a medium for the propagation of mold or fungus. In addition, sofas with holofiber stay in shape longer and do not polish.

When choosing a folding sofa, you should pay attention to the insides of the furniture. To sleep on such furniture was healthy and pleasant, should prefer furniture with an orthopedic mattress. In such special springs are hidden, which do not adversely affect the posture and neck of the person. The surface of the sofa should be flat, without rough seams and protruding parts. Only in this case, even a short sleep on the couch will be useful. Hardness can be chosen independently: the surface can be hard, soft or medium.

The mattress in the sofa can be latex, of special elastic foam or spring. Today, there are additional mattress covers of different thickness on the market, which are placed on top of the unfolded sofa.

Designer Tips for Buying
The kitchen sofa - classic or in the form of a soft corner with drawers - is one of the main elements of furniture in the modern dining room. Designers advise to pre-plan the placement of all items in this room, so as not to suffer from lack of space. For example, in a small kitchen a small corner or straight sofa can be put in the corner of one of the walls. This technique will save space. In addition, such a sofa can have hidden drawers where a large number of necessary utensils fit.

An oval or round table is perfect for such a sofa. Due to the lack of corners, the room will be more spacious and safer.
For a spacious kitchen-dining room, you can choose a large classic sofa with a simple, concise or cutting-edge design. For example, designers recommend a straight, well-shaped sofa with armrests and without, couches with asymmetry, sofas with a base of valuable wood species. For such furniture is to choose a suitable table and additional chairs, for example, in a classic style with upholstery of the same color as the sofa.

Stylists advise to maintain the style of the kitchen or dining room in the same way: furniture with wooden details and simple, rough upholstery, carvings, and floral ornaments will suit the room in the “country” style. It is also worth adding light curtains with a simple vegetable print, knitted napkins, made with your own hands, a linen tablecloth. Suitable dishes complete the interior "image".

Modern high-tech implies the presence of furniture of clear forms, the absence of decor and unnecessary details, this is how the sofa "Tokyo" or "Fresh" looks like - a rectangular shape made of leather, cotton, leatherette. They can buy a glass table of the correct form, concise plexiglass chairs, glassware, designer interior items made of concrete or ceramics.

The classic style is a furniture of rounded shapes from expensive materials (or leather), with figured legs and a stitch. This is an ottoman of the “Senator” or “Forward” type, as well as a variety of vases with flowers, elegant monochromatic heavy curtains, dishes made of porcelain with golden dusting.

Whatever interior was chosen in the end, whatever furniture appeared in the kitchen, the main thing is that the room always reigned comfort, cleanliness and healthy atmosphere. Then the time for cooking and warm gatherings will pass unnoticed.