Steamer for gas stove


Steamer for gas stove

Steamer for gas stove
  • Varieties
  • Purpose, pros and cons
  • Basics of selection and analogues
  • Top models rating
  • Operation Tips
  • Reviews

The concept of healthy eating today is very relevant. According to her, one of the most useful cooking options is steaming. For this there is a special device - a double boiler. Today we will burn about what a double boiler for a gas stove is, learn the principle and features of its work, and also find out what to look for when purchasing it.

Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove


Currently, steamers are of several types:

  • Electric. This is a fairly voluminous device that can work only when directly connected to an electrical outlet.
  • Gas, which is made of metal and has a multi-tiered pot design.
  • Induction Steamer in essence is a kind of gas. It is also made of metal, but it can only be used for an electric stove or induction panel.
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove

Gas boiler is the progenitor of all modern. It is single-tier and multi-tiered. The principle of construction is the same for all species. Water is poured into the lowermost pallet, and prepared products are laid on the upper tier.

Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove

Purpose, pros and cons

In appearance, the gas double boiler is a multi-storey metal pan, in which the lower compartment is designed to be filled with water, and the upper one directly for products. Designed for cooking a variety of dishes for a couple: meat, poultry, vegetables and fruits, and even eggs.

Steamer for gas stove

The main advantages of this type of device are:

  1. Simplicity of design.
  2. Durability and reliability. Metal cannot quickly bend, burn, or burst. Therefore, such a double boiler with proper treatment will serve for many years.
  3. The ability to use the device in the absence of electricity. It is the turning off of light that often leads to an improperly cooked or completely spoiled dish. Using a gas stove unit will avoid this.
  4. Compact size. As a rule, this device is much smaller in size than its electrical counterpart.
  5. When preparing several different products at different levels, they do not absorb each other's smells.
  6. A light weight. It also weighs less electric.
  7. You can adjust the intensity of boiling water, and hence the amount of steam.
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove

A controversial point is the speed of cooking. Adherents of healthy nutrition believe that quick steaming does not contribute to improving the taste of dishes, so everyone should decide for himself whether it’s for him or not. From minuses it is possible to select only that a plate is required for its use.

Steamer for gas stove

Basics of choice and analogues

It is necessary to immediately determine how often and for how much cooking this unit will be used. For the rare use and preparation of small volumes of products it is better to purchase a single-tier device in the form of a frying pan. After all, the price depends directly on the size and capacity of the device, so you should not pay for those components that will not be used.

Steamer for gas stove

You should choose steamers made of durable metal, for example, stainless steel. Such a kitchen device will be really durable to use.

Preference should be given to those models that have special covers to increase the height. They will allow to steam even those products that are higher than the pan itself.

Steamer for gas stove

If you doubt the need for such a large acquisition, then for starters, you can purchase one or two of its counterparts. As such, experts today single out the following:

  • Camomile petal - It is a device that can be used in pots of any kind. It is inserted into the container, and products are laid out on its petals. The device is very simple and easy to use. Ideal for cooking small amounts of food.
  • Steam basket, made of flexible plastic. Products are put into it and placed in a container so that the bottom of the insert does not touch water. The handles of the device are folded up, and in shape it becomes a basket. It has a small size, so cook a large number of products in it at a time does not work.
  • Ordinary sieve can also be used as a device for cooking steamed products. The main condition is to use it in a saucepan that is suitable in size, because it is very important that the lid fits snugly to the sieve.
  • Plastic inserts from multi-cooker sets or pressure cookers. As a rule, they all have holes in the bottom and a good capacity. So, it remains only to pick up a pot of the right size and you can safely proceed to cooking for a couple.
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove

All these analogues, as well as the steamer itself, can only be used with a stove. If you do not have such devices at hand, or you want to purchase branded kitchen utensils, then we recommend that you study our review.

Top models rating

Steamers designed for use on gas stoves are available for sale by various manufacturers. Despite the external similarity and identity of the functions performed, they are in different demand. Therefore, we have prepared a brief overview of the most popular and popular models of this unit.

  • BergHOFF COSMO This is an expensive and high-quality model with a thickened bottom. It has a warranty period of 7 years. With care, service life may be unlimited.
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
  • Rainstahl 5100-01RS \ ST another excellent example of this kitchen utensil. Minimalistic design, durable workmanship and light weight. The big advantage is the possibility of washing the double boiler in the dishwasher.
Steamer for gas stove
  • Marta steamer pan ideal not only for gas stoves, but also induction, and glass-ceramic. The handles are well protected from heat. The device itself has two levels and is implemented complete with a glass cover.
Steamer for gas stove
  • Bekker BK-3804 one more model of this pan. Made of aluminum, it has a volume of just under three liters. Only suitable for use on gas stoves. The bottom is non-stick.
Steamer for gas stove
  • Guterwahl is one of the most versatile steam boilers. Ideal for use not only on gas and induction stoves, but also on halogen and electric stoves. Capacity about four liters. The lid is glass and the pan itself is made of stainless steel. Suitable for washing in the dishwasher.
Steamer for gas stove

But no matter how high-quality and durable this utensil is, it needs proper use and care.

Operation Tips

First of all, such gas pots can be used only on gas stoves, unless otherwise specified in the instructions. You should also carefully monitor the water level in the lower pan. It should not touch the products, otherwise it will not be steaming, but the addition of products. It should be ensured that the water completely covers the bottom of the double boiler, otherwise the pan can just burn out.

Steamer for gas stove

And do not forget about the mandatory washing of this device after each use. Some housewives say that it is not necessary to pour water from the pallet after each use. But it is better to still prepare the products, each time filling a new liquid.


Owners of gas double boilers are almost unanimous in their opinion. They note the ease of operation and durability of this unit. Food cooked with it turns out to be much more wholesome and tasty.

According to buyers, this device is indispensable for cooking for children, the elderly, as well as all those who are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
Steamer for gas stove
10 photos